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User Reviews for: Signs

8/10  9 years ago
So, where does the movie Signs fit in? Well, it's not quite as good as The Sixth Sense or Unbreakable, but it's not quite as bad as The Happening or The Village or Lady in the Water. It's kind of in the middle. So you watch Signs, and you're like, "Hey, that wasn't... that wasn't as good as the first two. I mean, like, every director has a movie that's not as good as the other ones. But I'm okay with that, maybe their next one will be better." This feels so unbalanced now; the first two movies had this glorification before I started insulting them, but there's really not that much good about this movie at all. Mel Gibson and Joaquin Phoenix did well to play their characters. However, the child actors did not hold up and they were a sore pot for me when watching this movie. There's just so much wrong with this movie, like the fact that aliens invaded a planet with the EXACT liquid compound that covers more than 90% of the earth that could kill them on contact AND did it naked. I don't even feel like talking about all of it. Overall, Not as good as the other ones.
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Reply by Kajju_kay
4 years ago
@mitzle-deleted-1476635645 and you still gave it an 8? :thinking:
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9/10  one year ago
I've seen this film many times, but what struck me most during this re-watch was the tension. From the almost inaudible scream of a distant child in the opening to the absence of a barking dog a few scenes later, this movie is just a masterclass in injecting tension in creative ways. The idea that one of the most tense scenes in the film is a sequence where a man watches news footage in a closet is incredible. Of course, you can't talk about this film's tension without heaping praise on the soundtrack, which is equal parts memorable and disquieting. Just brilliant work from James Newton Howard. I'd also point out that the movie knows how and when to give the audience moments of tension release, sprinkling in the perfect amount of humor throughout.

But tension only gets you so far. This movie ultimately succeeds because the tension is in service of a tightly written story with compelling characters brought to life by brilliant performances. There's not a line of dialogue wasted. Even the most minor characters are memorable additions (i.e. Tracey Abernathy with her confession of cursing or Mr. Nathan with his soda commercial conspiracy). And while I will acknowledge that the final act does move a bit quick to set up its big payoff, I'd argue that the payoff is worth it.
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/10  4 years ago
_**Is it really about aliens?**_

M. Night Shyamalan's "Signs" (2002) is about a disillusioned ex-minister (Mel Gibson) who lives in the country with his son & daughter and brother (Juaquin Phoenix). The reasons for his disillusionment become clear as the story unfolds. When a mysterious crop circle is discovered in their cornfield they wonder if it's a prank or an alien invasion!

Although the plot deals with a possible alien invasion, the theme is faith. There are two general views of life: (1) That life and the universe are one big meaningless accident and you're just an insignificant bug that will soon be squashed out of existence and memory. And (2) that there's an intelligent design to the universe and, although it's somehow fallen (i.e. severely messed up), there IS meaning, love, hope and purpose, even if we are presently unable to fully comprehend it.

The film addresses the clash of these two opposing views. We've all experienced the conflict of these two positions within our OWN hearts; it's the clash of flesh (id) and spirit (super-ego). On the one hand, we WANT to believe the latter position, but life dishes out so much crap that we are seriously tempted to give-in to the former.

This is the struggle Gibson's character faces in the story. He's given up on God and is stumbling in the dark; he's just going through the motions to exist. His smile is mostly a facade.

Many people diss the film for an obvious plot hole regarding the alien's weakness, but Shyamalan's too talented to not realize this. It's a sign to what the film is really about (sorry; I couldn't resist).

**SPOILER ALERT** (Don't read further unless you've seen the film)

It's possible that the aliens aren't really extraterrestrials but rather demons from the underworld (the dark dimension) invading the physical realm to take as many victims as they can. The idea that they are aliens is just a mass deception and, remember, the devil is the "father of lies".

There are many clues: The spaceships are never seen, just lights in the sky (the devil's also called "the prince of the power of the air" in the bible). The "aliens" look decidedly demonic and have cloven hoofs. The “primitive method” of repelling the aliens is discovered in “three cities the Middle East” and is holy water, which is ordinarily used by Catholic & Episcopal exorcists against demonic manifestations (Shyamalan, by the way, attended Catholic & Episcopal schools). The daughter, Bo, was said to be a "gift from God" who is sensitive to impure (unholy) water. Her name in Old Norse means "to live" and she was able to discern the weapon of life needed to defeat the demonic menace. The dog and bird were clearly possessed. The crop circles are occultic symbols and possible portals to the underworld. The crop circle in the Hess cornfield resembles a pitchfork. When the disillusioned minister cries out to God that he hates him he actually displays his faith; after all, he has to believe in God in order to converse. At that precise moment his son recovers from the asthma attack and the news announcer declares that the "aliens" are retreating. You see, FAITH sends the enemy fleeing with their tails between their legs.

Also, we see evidence that the demons are personal in nature. The "alien" locked in the vet's pantry was linked to the guilt and disillusionment that haunted the vet and the minister after the death of the latter's wife.

Also, we see evidence that the demons are personal in nature. The "alien" locked in the vet's pantry was linked to the guilt and disillusionment that haunted the vet after the death of the minister's wife.

Keep in mind that when the film debuted, Shyamalan was known as the king of the plot twist, yet the revelation that the aliens’ weakness is water wasn’t exactly a mind-blowing turn seeing as how the earth is 71% water and technologically advanced aliens who can travel the galaxy would know this. Moreover, the aliens curiously have no physical weapons and are easily trapped by a pantry door. It stands to reason that Shyamalan hid the twist in the movie. That twist is that the aliens are really demonic in nature.

I'm not saying you can't view the movie as a literal extra-terrestrial invasion flick, but rather that the underlying demonic reading is a legitimate way of viewing the material because it all ties together and links to the story arc of the disillusioned ex-minister finding redemption. Also, I'm not suggesting that you have to believe in God to appreciate this movie, which is obviously not the case.

BOTTOM LINE: This is a quality Shyamalan film and is about on par with "The Sixth Sense" and "The Village.”

The film runs 106 minutes and was shot in Eastern Pennsylvania.

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10/10  2 years ago
This M. Night Shyamalan effort centers on the Hess family, who's lives are shaken by an alien invasion. The best thing about "Signs" is the dialogue between Graham and Merrill Hess, played by Mel Gibson and Joaquin Phoenix. The lessons each of them have learned about life, and how an alien invasion brings out their emotions and their opinions, is well done. "Signs" manages to be funny and quite frightening, as well. There is some truly scary imagery, both on the Hess farm and on TV news reports.

The biggest knock on this movie is the problem many viewers have with how the aliens are fought. Many viewers leap to the conclusion that because the aliens have invaded Earth, they must be so technologically advanced that they couldn't have made a miscalculation. This sounds like spin but I actually enjoy the movie immensely for the idea that the aliens have gotten in over their heads. And what if the aliens gathered up humans for consumption and not to conquer the earth? Perhaps they were quickly harvesting people for food and sent down workers to gather them up. Maybe they knew they had a very limited time to loot the earth. They got what they needed knowing they would suffer casualties and then left. The key here is that nothing is known about the aliens so why do people jump to the conclusion that the goal was for the aliens to take over the earth?

Regardless, the movie is about destiny and faith, and the alien invasion is a tool used to present them.
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/10  2 years ago
It's barely over an hour and a half this film, but it seems much longer. Mel Gibson ("Graham") is a widowed former pastor who lives on a farm with his two kids "Morgan" (Rory Culkin) and "Bo" (Abigail Breslin) and his brother "Merrill" (Joaquin Phoenix). Their lives are all rolling along normally until one morning they discover some crop circles amongst the corn fields. Dismissing them as hoaxes, they are intrigued when television reports suggest a proliferation of these things all around the world. Now add to their now heightened suspicions some late night noises and mysterious happenings, and the family begin to suspect that they are being watched - and that their observer is not exactly benign. The last ten minutes or so redeem this story to a degree, but for the most part it is a terribly slow burn of a film. There isn't really much by way of action; Gibson and Phoenix don't really exude much of a compelling sibling relationship and the kids - usually a crucial conduit for M. Night Shyamalan stories have much less to work with here. This has more of the melodrama to it - the backstory of tragedy and grief all gets in the way of the gradually increasing sense of menace and I found the whole momentum of the story quite staccato. This is an adequate film, but it is definitely nobody's best work.
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