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The Great War


Streaming Episode Guide

1918 - The Year of Breakthroughs | 1917 - The Year of Revolutions | 1916 - The Year of Battles | 1915 - Stalemate | 1914 - Europe Goes To War
| Top 5 Episodes
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1918 - The Year of Breakthroughs  
Even after 3 1/2 years of war, the waring nations still gear for bigger and bigger offensives that will finally bring and end to "the war to end all wars".
Machinations In The British High Command - Week 180
Episode 1 - 1-04-2018
1918 starts with machinations in the British High Command since Prime Minister Lloyd George is holding back troops and generally would like to replace Sir Douglas Haig as commander.
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Machinations In The British High Command  Week 180
1917 - The Year of Revolutions  
The war gets bigger and bigger as the USA and several other countries join the war. At the same time Russia is drowning in revolutions and pulling out of the war.
The World At War 1917 - Week 128
Episode 1 - 1-05-2017
This war was supposed to be over by Christmas 1914. Now, as 1917 dawned, the world still knew 10 active theatres of war around the globe: Western Front, Italian Front, Eastern Front, Macedonian Front, Caucasus Front, Persian Front, Libyan Front, Palestine, Mesopotamia and German East Africa - and still there was no end in sight, no quick victory to be had for any side.
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The World At War 1917  Week 128
1916 - The Year of Battles  
2 years after the start of the war, three of the biggest battles of human history are fought simultaneously: The Russian Brusilov Offensive, the Battle of the Somme and the Battle of Verdun cause over 4,000,000 casualties. And still there is no end in sight.
The Invasion Of Montenegro - The End of Gallipoli - Week 77
Episode 2 - 1-14-2016
It already started around Christmas but this week the evacuation of Gallipoli is complete. While the evacuation was a success, the overall defeat is inarguable for the British. On top of that the Ottomans can now send 40.000 soldiers to the siege of Kut in Mesopotamia where the British are still awaiting relieve. At the same time the Austro-Hungarian Army starts its invasion of Montenegro and the Western Front is still quietly awaiting the offensive at Verdun.
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The Invasion Of Montenegro  The End of Gallipoli  Week 77
Prelude to Verdun And The Road To the Somme - Week 76
Episode 1 - 1-07-2016
1915 was a year in favour of the Central Powers. But in early 1916, the Russians, British and French were sending more fresh troops into battle than ever before – and better equipped too. French General Joseph Joffre was confident that a huge combined offensive at the Somme in summer would turn the tide. But German Chief of Staff Erich von Falkenhayn had his own plans to bleed the French dry at Verdun.
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Prelude to Verdun And The Road To the Somme  Week 76
1915 - Stalemate  
The war was supposed to be over by Christmas 1915 but instead of peace, 1915 brings ever more escalation. The Ottoman Empire and Italy join the war, gas warfare is introduced and the Eastern Front sees huge battles between Russia, German and Austria-Hungary.
Preparing for 1916 - The Year of Battles I THE GREAT WAR - Week 75
Episode 53 - 12-31-2015
1915 was a year for the Central Powers except on the Western Front where the stalemate continues. But plans are being made on both sides to gain an advantage. Preparations for huge offensives are on the way and one French fortress is the focus of the German Army: Verdun.
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Preparing for 1916  The Year of Battles I THE GREAT WAR  Week 75
The Beginning Of The End - Evacuation At Gallipoli - Week 74
Episode 52 - 12-24-2015
While the Western and Eastern Front freeze over and the armies there have to fight the harsh conditions as much as the fight the enemy, the evacuation of Gallipoli is set into motion. After months of stalemate, the disease ridden offensive is finally called off. Unlike the rest of the operations there, the evacuation is actually following a thorough plan.
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The Beginning Of The End  Evacuation At Gallipoli  Week 74
Despair And Mutiny On The Italian Front - Week 73
Episode 51 - 12-17-2015
The morale of the Italian Army at the Isonzo Front is on an all time low. Catastrophic defeats against the Austrians, bad and broken equipment, unsanitary conditions, no supplies, no front leave and recreation for the soldiers. This week the first troops under Luigi Cardona are mutinying. At the same time the Entente is in real trouble against Bulgaria on the Macedonian Front and the evacuation of Gallipoli is still in the planning phase.
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Despair And Mutiny On The Italian Front  Week 73
Britain On The Run - The Siege of Kut Al Amara - Week 72
Episode 50 - 12-10-2015
Serbia is breaking under the pressure of the Central Power invasion and the last troops and civilians flee through the Alps. The final decision to evacuate Gallipoli is made and the British Indian Army gets under siege in the town of Kut Al Amara in Mesopotamia. The end of 1915 certainly looked grim for the Entente. The morale in Italy was also at a low point after the Fourth Battle of the Isonzo river ended like the three before.
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Britain On The Run  The Siege of Kut Al Amara  Week 72
The Serbian Exodus Through Albania - Week 71
Episode 49 - 12-03-2015
Serbia's last stand is over and the remaining forces and civilians have to leave their home country across the inhabitable trails of the Albanian Alps. So, a whole nation is on the run while their enemies celebrate their successful military operation. The German Army is gladly relocating the much needed troops to other fronts while they leave the Austrians and Bulgarians to deal with the new situation on the Balkans.
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The Serbian Exodus Through Albania  Week 71
Pride Comes Before The Fall - British Trouble in Mesopotamia - Week 70
Episode 48 - 11-26-2015
Far away from the Western Front, the British Indian Army gets intro trouble in Mesopotamia against the Ottoman Empire. In the Alps, the Fourth Battle of the Isonzo is proving just as disastrous to the Italians the other three before. And in Serbia the situation is getting darker and darker as Nis is falling to the Central Powers. All while the flying aces of World War 1 are fighting it out in the skies over the Western Front.
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Pride Comes Before The Fall  British Trouble in Mesopotamia  Week 70
The Forgotten Front - World War 1 in Libya - Week 69
Episode 47 - 11-19-2015
12 war zones were not enough for this global war and this week an often forgotten theatre of war opens in Libya. Local Arab tribesmen fight against the British in guerrilla war. As if the Italians did not have enough problems at the Isonzo Front where Luigi Cardona is still sending his men into certain death against the Austrian defences. The situation for the Serbs is grim too and on the Western Front the carnage continues unchanged.
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The Forgotten Front  World War 1 in Libya  Week 69
Serbia's Last Stand Against The Central Powers - Week 68
Episode 46 - 11-12-2015
erbia's Army cannot hold out much longer against the invasion of the Central Powers. Germany, Austria-Hungary and Bulgaria are relentlessly pushing forward through the Balkan country. The French are trying to help from the south but a river proves to be an obstacle they cannot overcome. In the Alps, the 4th Battle of the Isonzo starts one week after the 3rd had failed and in West Africa, the Battle of Banjo takes place as one of the last battles of the German colony Kamerun (Cameroon).
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Serbias Last Stand Against The Central Powers  Week 68
The Third Battle of the Isonzo - French Despair On The Western Front - Week 67
Episode 45 - 11-05-2015
For the third time the Italians had tried to conquer the Austrian positions at the Isonzo front and for the third time they had failed. And like the other defeats before, the Third Battle of the Isonzo came with an extreme amount of casualties due to the difficult terrain in the Alps. At the same time, Lord Kitchener visits the front in Gallipoli and realises that evacuation is the only logical decision to make. On the Western Front, the French had suffered well over 200.000 casualties during the autumn offensives at Artois and in the Champagne.
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The Third Battle of the Isonzo  French Despair On The Western Front  Week 67
Russia Stems The Tide - Winter Is Coming - Week 66
Episode 44 - 10-29-2015
After the Great Retreat during the summer, the Russians are finally able to fight back the Germans at Dvinsk. With a new type of trench warfare, they are able to render August von Mackensen's artillery useless and only take on small numbers of Germans at the same time. The German army is successful in Serbia though and so the situation for the Serbs looks grim. Meanwhile Benito Mussolini writes in his diary that the worst enemy is not Austria-Hungary, but lice. All of the soldiers and generals know one thing: Winter is coming.
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Russia Stems The Tide  Winter Is Coming  Week 66
"The Crime That Shook the World" - The Execution of Edith Cavell - Week 65
Episode 43 - 10-22-2015
Edith Cavell was a British nurse serving in a nursing school in occupied Belgium. She was executed by the Germans for treason and espionage in Brussels. Her death and the surrounding atrocity propaganda caused a public outcry all over the world. At the same time the First World War continued like never before. The Third Battle of the Isonzo didn't bring a decision between Austria-Hungary and Italy, in Gallipoli the troops were slowly withdrawn and the the Champagne offensive of the French army was still in full swing.
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The Crime That Shook the World  The Execution of Edith Cavell  Week 65
Learning Lessons From Loos - Bulgaria Enters The War - Week 64
Episode 42 - 10-15-2015
By the numbers the Battle of Loos was a defeat for the British Army but they learned valuable lessons for the future on the Western Front. The creeping artillery barrage is used for the first time successfully and it is apparent that assault tactics have to be rethought completely. On the Balkans, Bulgaria officially declares war on Serbia and joins the Central Powers Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire. On the same day they invade Serbia which is now in real trouble.
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Learning Lessons From Loos  Bulgaria Enters The War  Week 64
Serbia Is Invaded Once Again - The Entente Lands in Greece - Week 63
Episode 41 - 10-08-2015
The Central Powers want to open a direct supply connection between Berlin and Constantinople. So, they start a new offensive on Serbia to defeat them once and for all. It's an open secret that Serbias neighbour Bulgaria will soon join the war so the Serbians are in dire need of help. With no other option, the Entente lands troops in Salonika, Greece. The whole situation on the Balkans is sprialing out of controle once more. Meanwhile the new offensives on the Western Front continue while the Eastern Front cools down.
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Serbia Is Invaded Once Again  The Entente Lands in Greece  Week 63
The Battle of Loos - New Offensives On The Western Front - Week 62
Episode 40 - 10-01-2015
After weeks of preparation the French and British Armies unleash a new offensive on the Western Front. Not only is it supposed to relieve pressure on the Russians on the Eastern Front but the Entente wants to achieve the decisive breakthrough. The French actually break through German trenches only to realise that they have a second line of trenches completely in tact right behind the first line. The British attack at Loos also turns into carnage even though the British use gas for the first time.
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The Battle of Loos  New Offensives On The Western Front  Week 62
The German Occupation of Lithuania - Unrest in Russia - Week 61
Episode 39 - 9-24-2015
When the Germans take Vilnius, they set their plans of "germanizing" the whole area into motion. Erich Ludendorff believes that Courland and other areas near East Prussia are culturally German and that he's returning them to the Fatherland. While the Russian Army is now in a much better defensive position after their Great Retreat, civil unrest across the country is becoming a problem. Huge losses and the difficult supply situation are making it difficult to maintain order. At the same time, Bulgaria is mobilizing her troops, foreshadowing yet another front in this World War.
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The German Occupation of Lithuania  Unrest in Russia  Week 61
The State Of World War 1 - As Reported by A Newspaper 100 Years Ago - Week 60
Episode 38 - 9-17-2015
This week Indy dissects a contemporary source from autumn 1915 - the Hobart Mercury Newspaper from Australia. While the French and British prepare a new offensive on the Western Front, their Entente ally Russia is still suffering in the East when Germany is moving on the last big Russian city of Vilnius. Even though the propaganda says otherwise, the situation for the ANZACs in Gallipoli still looks grim.
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The State Of World War 1  As Reported by A Newspaper 100 Years Ago  Week 60
The Socialists Call for Peace - But the Plans Do Not - Week 59
Episode 37 - 9-10-2015
While the Socialist movement gathers in Switzerland and calls for peace on the Western Front, on the Eastern Front and the Balkans the signs are set for the opposite: An escalation with new offensives. The French and British want to attack near Artois and in the Champagne, Germany wants to finish the war weary Russian Army. At the same time Bulgaria agrees to attack Serbia within the next 30 days. Even in London the war can still be felt when German Zeppelins continue to drop bombs on the British capital.
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The Socialists Call for Peace  But the Plans Do Not  Week 59
The Western Front Awakens - The Tsar Takes Over - Week 58
Episode 36 - 9-03-2015
The Western Front has been relatively quiet the whole summer while the Russians were on their Big Retreat. The French and British generals have been busy trying to find a new strategy to overcome the stalemate. The Germans weren't sitting idle while awaiting the next big French offensive, they fortified their positions even using concrete. At the same time in the East, Tsar Nicholas II personally takes over military command and fires Grand Duke Nicholas Nikolaevich for the catastrophic casualties the Russian Army faced this summer. But his timing could not be worse.
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The Western Front Awakens  The Tsar Takes Over  Week 58
The Battle of Hill 60 - Lunatic Persistence in Gallipoli - Week 57
Episode 35 - 8-27-2015
Peter Hart described the state of the Gallipoli campaign in 1915 as "lunatic persistence in the face of the obvious" - and the Battle of Hill 60 proved just that. Outgunned and with a lack of artillery support, the battle was one of the bloodiest days on the peninsular near Constantinople. The Ottoman capital was still out of reach for the Entente to capture. Meanwhile, the war spread to the Indian border region and on the Western and Eastern Front the carnage continued in the air and on ground.
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The Battle of Hill 60  Lunatic Persistence in Gallipoli  Week 57
Escalation At Sea - Russia Up Against the Wall - Week 56
Episode 34 - 8-20-2015
he Entente was in desperate need of American supplies and so the German submarine campaign in the Atlantic was a real problem. The British started to run false flag operations with so called Q-Ships to hunt down U-Boats which lead to the so called Baralong Incident this week. In the meantime, Russia was standing up against the wall as the fortresses of Kovno and Novogeorgievsk were falling to the Germans leading to a catastrophic loss in men, equipment and supplies.
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Escalation At Sea  Russia Up Against the Wall  Week 56
The Ruse at Gallipoli and the Siege of Kovno - Week 55
Episode 33 - 8-13-2015
Another 20.000 soldiers fresh from the barracks are supposed to turn the tide at Gallipoli. But Mustafa Kemal is an Ottoman commander to be reckoned with. With a tactical ruse and the right timing, he surprises the inexperienced ANZAC recruits with a bayonet charge. As the sand of Chunuk Bair turns red, one thing is clear, Gallipoli is still not taken. On the Eastern Front the Germans lay siege on Kovno and are about to encircle the Russian troops near Brest-Litovsk. The German offensive on the Western Front is not nearly as successful though.
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The Ruse at Gallipoli and the Siege of Kovno  Week 55
Warsaw Falls - The Fokker Scourge Begins - Week 54
Episode 32 - 8-06-2015
After the Russian defeats on the Eastern Front, Warsaw falls. The first time in over 100 years a new foreign power occupies the city. The German onslaught in the East seems to be unstoppable. Also on the Western Front the Germans are causing havoc with the new Fokker-Eindecker planes which start the so called Fokker Scourge. The British pilots even start to call their airplanes Fokker-Fodder. At the same time, the battle in Gallipoli continues with ever more troops landing while neither the Ottomans nor the ANZAC troops can gain any advantage.
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Warsaw Falls  The Fokker Scourge Begins  Week 54
Russian Roulette - Germany Helps The Bolsheviks - Week 53
Episode 31 - 7-30-2015
After Russia's Great Retreat and the defeat on the Eastern Front, the Russian Army is demoralized and even revolution is in the air. Germany is fanning the revolutionary flames by sending Bolshevik prisoners of war back to Russia - equipped with money to support the Bolshevik cause. Meanwhile, the the war is continuing on the Western Front. Even small skirmishes are turning into atrocious battles with little gain for either side. A great offensive is not in sight.
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Russian Roulette  Germany Helps The Bolsheviks  Week 53
Scorched Earth - Russia's retreat goes up in flames! - Week 52
Episode 30 - 7-23-2015
This week Russia premieres her tactics of „Scorched Earth“. A new strategy of burning their own land is to avoid enemies profiting from their conquests. Russia had been retreating from the German and Austro-Hungarian armies for nearly three months now. Continuously losing huge areas of land and hundreds of thousands of men on the Eastern Front. As a consequence, millions of civilians had to flee their homes. At the same time allied troops at Gallipoli are weakened by infections and disease due to lack of hygiene and heat while Italy repeatedly failed to take out Austrian strongpoints.
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Scorched Earth  Russias retreat goes up in flames  Week 52
The Tumbling Giant - Russia's Army On The Verge Of Collapse - Week 51
Episode 29 - 7-16-2015
The German-Austrian offensive on the Eastern Front had undone all of Russia's territorial gains in the last weeks. Lemberg had fallen and the German troops were at the gates of Warsaw. The Russian casualties were in the millions, especially equipment and officers were becoming scarce. And exactly now, the German high command (OHL) prepared an all-out offensive along the entire frontline. At the same time in Gallipoli, one failure followed the other. How long would the Entente be able to continue this exercise in butchery?
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The Tumbling Giant  Russias Army On The Verge Of Collapse  Week 51
Adapt or Die - The Artillery Barrage - Week 50
Episode 28 - 7-09-2015
The Great Retreat of the Russians during the last weeks has shown one thing: Artillery is the key to success. More specifically, a new kind of artillery tactic called the artillery barrage which focuses shelling on one part of the front. August von Mackensen had actually stolen this approach from John French. The Entente tried to use it on the Western Front a few months earlier without the expected breakthrough.
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Adapt or Die  The Artillery Barrage  Week 50
On the Move but going Nowhere - Optimism is Failing! - Week 49
Episode 27 - 7-02-2015
Two months after landing in Gallipoli the fight has become a trench warfare. In Mesopotamia British troops were losing the optimism, they had felt just a few weeks ago. The change of seasons brought more heat, turning the weather from bearable to excruciating. Heat became a deadly foe. While the German crown prince Wilhelm unsuccessfully tried to break through the Western front in the Ardennes, the Austro-German force managed to drive back the Russians in the East.
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On the Move but going Nowhere  Optimism is Failing  Week 49
The Austro-Hungarian Empire Strikes Back - Week 48
Episode 26 - 6-25-2015
Just a few weeks ago Austria-Hungary's military laid in shambles. But with German support from August von Mackensen and other German generals, the tide is turning on the Eastern Front. Even Lemberg can be conquered again and the Russians are still on their Big Retreat.
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The AustroHungarian Empire Strikes Back  Week 48
Cavalry, Spies and Cossacks - Week 47
Episode 25 - 6-18-2015
The war seems like a romantic novel this week: In the East the Russians are saved by Cossack Cavalry while August von Mackensen's artillery is plowing through Galicia. In the meantime, the British discover a German spy ring in London and the French gain a few miles in the west.
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Cavalry Spies and Cossacks  Week 47
Rex Warneford Destroys A Zeppelin - Austria Digs Into the Mountains - Week 46
Episode 24 - 6-11-2015
Reginald Warneford is important to Britain's war effort. Not just because he shot down a German zeppelin, but because he is made a hero in times when heroes are needed. He receives a Victoria Cross soon after his victory because the commanders know about the average life span of pilots in World War 1. Meanwhile, the Austro-Hungarian army digs into the alpine rocks to fend of the Italian Attackers and Gallipoli continues to be a butchery without any progress.
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Rex Warneford Destroys A Zeppelin  Austria Digs Into the Mountains  Week 46
Artillery in World War 1 - The Key To Success - Week 45
Episode 23 - 6-04-2015
When Przemysl falls for the 2nd time and when the British and ANZAC troops fail at Gallipoli again, one thing becomes clear: Artillery is the key for future battles. August von Mackensen had used it with great success at the Gorlice-Tarnow-Offensive and the French even diverted one million men to shell factories. Meanwhile German Zeppelins bombed London and the US sent submarines for aid.
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Artillery in World War 1  The Key To Success  Week 45
The New Alpine Front - Italy Joins World War 1 - Week 44
Episode 22 - 5-28-2015
After the defeats of Austria-Hungary against Russia, Italy is seeing her chance to grab disputed territories from them. Even though they are not prepared for a full scale war economically or militarily, the declare war against the Central Powers. So, just one month after the landing at Gallipoli, yet another front is opened in Europe. Meanwhile the Russians are still on the run from August von Mackensen and in Gallipoli the fighting stops to collect the dead.
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The New Alpine Front  Italy Joins World War 1  Week 44
The Battle of San River - Winston Churchill Gets Fired - Week 43
Episode 21 - 5-21-2015
The big success of the Gallipoli Campaign never came, thousands of soldiers died and so Winston Churchill is forced to resign. At the same time August von Mackensen is pushing back the Russians and forcing them to hide in Przemyśl fortress - the same fortress they just conquered from the Austro-Hungarians a few weeks earlier.
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The Battle of San River  Winston Churchill Gets Fired  Week 43
The German Phalanx Chases Russia - Week 42
Episode 20 - 5-14-2015
The 2nd Battle of Ypres is still going but no side can gain a decisive advantage. The main reason on the British side is a lack of artillery ammunition. Even the delivered shells are not working correctly. But even the German supply lines are stretched thin. At the same time German South-West Africa falls to South African troops under Louis Botha.
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The German Phalanx Chases Russia  Week 42
Sinking of the Lusitania - The Gorlice-Tarnów Offensive - Week 41
Episode 19 - 5-07-2015
Ignoring the warnings and cruising carelessly slow the RMS Lusitania is hit by a torpedo of the German U-Boat U20. Almost 2000 people die during the sinking of the Lusitania. At the same time the German and Austro-Hungarian army start a combined surprise offensive in the Carpathians. The Gorlice-Tarnów Offensive is a huge success for German commander August von Mackensen.
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Sinking of the Lusitania  The GorliceTarnw Offensive  Week 41
The Sea Turns Red - Landing At Gallipoli - Week 40
Episode 18 - 4-30-2015
Completely underestimating the Ottoman army at the Dardanelles, the British commanders decide to let the ANZACs take the Gallipoli peninsular as a gateway to the Bosporus and Constantinople. After the landing in ANZAC Cove and on Z Beach one thing comes clear though: Mustafa Kemal and his troops will fight for every inch of this piece of rock.
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The Sea Turns Red  Landing At Gallipoli  Week 40
Gas On The Western Front - Baptism of Fire for Canada - Week 39
Episode 17 - 4-23-2015
fter experiments on the Eastern Front, the German Army is using poison gas for the first time on the Western Front. At the beginning of the 2nd Battle of Ypres, the wind blows in a favourable direction; the wide spread use of chlorine gas has a devastating effect on the French troops. Even the Germans are surprised by it. The incredible sacrifice of the Canadian troops make it possible to defend Hill 60 in the end.
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Gas On The Western Front  Baptism of Fire for Canada  Week 39
Russia Fails In The Mountains - Basra Falls - Week 38
Episode 16 - 4-16-2015
This week, generals on three different fronts show that they are not able to realise their mistakes. Basra falls to the British, the quick victory at the Dardanelles is getting more and more unlikely and the Russians are loosing their advantage in the Carpathians. But not the commanders have to pay the price for their mistakes, the soldiers have to.
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Russia Fails In The Mountains  Basra Falls  Week 38
The Armenian Genocide - Week 37
Episode 15 - 4-09-2015
The leaders of the Ottoman Empire are looking for a scapegoat after their collosal defeat in the Caucasian Mountains a few month earlier. They start the systematic relocation and disarm Armenian troops among their ranks to end all calls for Armenian independence. Today's estimates place the death toll of the genocide up till 1.5 million men, women and children.
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The Armenian Genocide  Week 37
Showdown In The Dardanelles - Bulgaria Flirts With The Central Powers - Week 36
Episode 14 - 4-02-2015
The Ottoman Navy is finally able to fend off the Russian and Royal Navies in the Dardanelles, Bulgaria is considering joining the Central Powers, Austria-Hungary is fighting off the Russians in Galicia and the German start a new offensive in the Baltics. All in one busy week of spring 1915.
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Showdown In The Dardanelles  Bulgaria Flirts With The Central Powers  Week 36
The Fall of Przemyśl - Changing Strategy On The Western Front - Week 35
Episode 13 - 3-26-2015
The generals at the Western Front are slowly starting to adapt to the modern war. The battle of Neuve-Chappelle will be a blueprint for future operations and further improvements are supposed to finally bring the decisive advantage. In the meantime, after 133 days, the fortress of Przemyśl capitulates - the longest siege of World War 1.
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The Fall of Przemyl  Changing Strategy On The Western Front  Week 35
A Slice of The Pie - Splitting Up The Middle East - Week 34
Episode 12 - 3-19-2015
Even though the Entente offensive near Constantinople didn't really take off yet, the allied powers were already dreaming about splitting up the Ottoman Empire between themselves - and even promised territory to other nations. In the meantime, Austria-Hungary started its third offensive in the Carpathians to free the besieged army in Galicia.
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A Slice of The Pie  Splitting Up The Middle East  Week 34
The Battle of Neuve-Chapelle - Week 33
Episode 11 - 3-12-2015
The British Expeditionary Forces are starting their first major offensive since the beginning of trench warfare. Near Neuve-Chapelle they attack the Germans and try to "bite and hold" their position. This battle will be the blueprint for future British offensives. On the Balkan, Serbia is facing a different enemy: Typhus. The catastrophic sanitary conditions enable the disease to spread across the whole country.
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The Battle of NeuveChapelle  Week 33
Playing With Fire - The First Flame Thrower - Week 32
Episode 10 - 3-05-2015
Modern war already took place in the sky and under water but the waring nations also wanted to gain an advantage in the trenches. So this week, we see the first use of another merciless invention on the battlefield: the flame thrower. The battles on the Western Front, in the Carpathian's and near the Dardanelles continued nonetheless.
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Playing With Fire  The First Flame Thrower  Week 32
Prelude to Gallipoli - Naval Bombardement of the Dardanelles - Week 31
Episode 9 - 2-26-2015
To break up the stalemate and get a decisive advantage, France and Great Britain open up yet another theatre of war in the Dardanelles. The plan is to seize the strait and open eventually open up the Bosporus in order to ship supplies to the Eastern and Balkan front. And so begins the naval bombardment of ottoman forts as prelude to a big offensive which will we know to today as Gallipoli.
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Prelude to Gallipoli  Naval Bombardement of the Dardanelles  Week 31
Hindenburg's Cunning Plan - A 2nd Tannenberg - Week 30
Episode 8 - 2-19-2015
After more than six months of war, the first big mutiny breaks out in Singapore. The endless battles in which big powers sacrifice thousands of soldiers are leading to an organised resistance for the first time. Indian troops refuse to board a ship because they don't want to fight other muslims in the Middle East. Meanwhile, Paul von Hindenburg encircles the Russians on the Eastern Front and they almost suffer a defeat as they did in Tannenberg 1914.
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Hindenburgs Cunning Plan  A 2nd Tannenberg  Week 30
Stopping Russia - Hindenburg's Final Offensive? - Week 29
Episode 7 - 2-12-2015
This week, well over 1 million soldiers are on the advance everywhere in Europe. General Hindenburgs tries to beat the Russians once and for all at the Masurian Lakes. Austria-Hungary is fighting the Russians with German support in the Carpathian mountains and on the Western Front the Champagne offensive is still going.
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Stopping Russia  Hindenburgs Final Offensive  Week 29
Gas! - A New Horror On The Battlefield - Week 28
Episode 6 - 2-05-2015
After more than 6 months of stalemate, the German Empire is playing two new cards to gain a decisive advantage. On the Eastern Front, the Germans use gas on a huge scale for the first time. While the attack fails, the foundation for gas warfare is laid. At the same time Kaiser Wilhelm II agrees to unrestricted submarine warfare – any ship can be sank at any time.
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Gas  A New Horror On The Battlefield  Week 28
All Or Nothing - Winter Offensive In The Carpathians - Week 27
Episode 5 - 1-29-2015
Konrad von Hötzendorf has to prevent the Russian army from entering the Hungarian plains. He starts a huge offensive in the Carpathian Mountains - in mid winter. He also wants to demonstrate his power to Italy and Romania who are considering entering the war for the Entente. Meanwhile, in the North Sea the first Battle of Dogger Bank takes place which leads to the sinking of the German ship SMS Blücher.
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All Or Nothing  Winter Offensive In The Carpathians  Week 27
Zeppelins Over England - New Inventions For The Modern War - Week 26
Episode 4 - 1-22-2015
For a decisive advantage on the Western Front, the military commanders of both sides are trying to use technological advances. And so this week, German Zeppelins are flying their first air raids on English towns. Winston Churchill is outlining his ideas for what would later become the tank. Meanwhile at the Western Front, the soldier Adolf Hitler is thinking about how this war is going to continue.
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Zeppelins Over England  New Inventions For The Modern War  Week 26
Onwards! - The Western Front Of Early 1915 - Week 25
Episode 3 - 1-15-2015
French general Joseph Joffre is stuck in a dilemma: the Champagne offensive has been going on for weeks now - without any of the expected results. Should he dig in and tolerate the enemy on French soil? Or should his soldiers continue to run up against the impenetrable German defences? Meanwhile, South African troops attack German South West Africa and in London, Winston Churchill's plan for an invasion of the Dardanelles has been approved.
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Onwards  The Western Front Of Early 1915  Week 25
In Dire Straits - Russia on Austro-Hungary's Doorstep - Week 24
Episode 2 - 1-08-2015
The Austro-Hungarian army resembles a better militia after six months into the war. The defeats against Serbia and Russia and still under siege in Galicia - the forces are in dire straits. Many casualties, especially among the officers, mean that an effective warfare is impossible. And all this while the Russians are close to entering the Hungarian plains. On another front, the Rtussians are winning the battle of Sarikamish which ends in a disaster for the Ottoman Empire. On the Western Front, each side still tries to gain a decisive advantage.
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In Dire Straits  Russia on AustroHungarys Doorstep  Week 24
The Ottoman Disaster - The Battle of Sarikamish - Week 23
Episode 1 - 1-01-2015
The Champagne offensive is still going on the Western Front without any side gaining a decisive advantage. In the Caucasus, Enver Pasha is showing how far he's willing to go to achieve his goals. Against his military advisors’ recommendations, he decides to send more and more troops to Sarikamish. Without supplies and with temperatures constantly below -20 degrees, thousands of Ottoman soldiers freeze to death before even reaching the frontline. When the Russians finally encircle the Ottoman troops, defeat is inevitable.
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The Ottoman Disaster  The Battle of Sarikamish   Week 23
1914 - Europe Goes To War  
After the assassination of Austro-Hungarian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the following events today known as the July Crisis, the European powers go to war. The Entente and the Central Powers mobilise their armies for a war that is supposed to be over by Christmas.
The First Battle of Champagne - Dying in Caucasus Snow - Week 22
Episode 22 - 12-25-2014
Right before Christmas the allied powers begin the Champagne offensive, which will last several months. In snow, mud,and under horrible living conditions not only the soldiers suffer. The images of a war fought with honour and glory are finally over as even the white flag is used for ambushes now. Far away in the mountains of the Caucasus, Russia and the Ottoman Empire are fighting a grim battle, too, in which many soldiers die during interminable marches in the snow wearing summer uniforms.
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The First Battle of Champagne  Dying in Caucasus Snow  Week 22
The Raid On Scarborough - A Failed Attempt at Intimidation - Week 21
Episode 21 - 12-18-2014
German admiral Franz von Hipper reluctantly carries out his orders to bomb British costal towns. And indeed, this attempt to intimidate British civilians only unites them. British propaganda gets another opportunity to portray Germans as bloodthirsty and brutal. Meanwhile, the French start a new offensive near Vimy on the Western Front.
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The Raid On Scarborough  A Failed Attempt at Intimidation  Week 21
The Battle at the Falkland Islands - The Death of Maximilian von Spee - Week 20
Episode 20 - 12-11-2014
Near the far away Falkland Islands the story of the German East Asia Squadron is coming to an end: in a naval battle nearly the entire squadron is sunk and Maximilian von Spee dies together with over 2000 German seamen. Meanwhile, the war of attrition is still going on in Europe and Austria-Hungary has to learn that their conquest of Belgrade is not putting a lid on the Serbian resistance.
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The Battle at the Falkland Islands  The Death of Maximilian von Spee  Week 20
Mission Accomplished? - The Austro-Hungarian Empire Conquers Belgrade - Week 19
Episode 19 - 12-04-2014
During the first week of December, Austria manages to capture Belgrade. Thereby Austria is the first nation to achieve one of its war aims. The victorious Austrians are joyful, but the Serbs strike back and the Austrian euphoria takes a sudden end. Meanwhile, the Russians fight against the German and Austrian troops in front of Cracow. But the Austrians are able to stop the Russian offensive and achieve yet another victory.
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Mission Accomplished  The AustroHungarian Empire Conquers Belgrade  Week 19
Iron, Steel and Oil - The Fight for Resources - Week 18
Episode 18 - 11-27-2014
Four months after the outbreak of the war, a new objective develops: the fight for the most valuable resources. The modern warfare and its war machines need one thing more than anything: Oil, iron, steel or cole can be a matter of life and death. The British advance into the Ottoman Empire and conquer the city Basra. Their goal is to secure their drilling facilities at the Arab Gulf. Meanwhile, the situation at the front is gridlocked, especially in the trenches on the Western Front.
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Iron Steel and Oil  The Fight for Resources  Week 18
The Enemy Within - The German Army's Power Play - Week 17
Episode 17 - 11-20-2014
The commanders of the German army blame each other for the missing victories. Erich von Falkenhayn and Paul von Hindenburg both believe that they have the only solution to the problem. The German emperor Wilhelm II feels more and more excluded when it comes to military decisions. His soldiers become pieces on a chessboard and the war of the 20th century also takes its toll on some of the best commanders of World War 1. The situation at the Western Front stays unaltered: the French and Germans fight each other between the trenches. On the contrary, at the Eastern Front the Russians and the Germans are battling in a heavy fight.
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The Enemy Within  The German Armys Power Play  Week 17
The Defensive War on the Western Front - Week 16
Episode 16 - 11-13-2014
The German army dug in at the Western Front and waited for the next Russian attack at the Eastern Front. Even though the Germans outnumbered their opponents, they barely stood a chance against machine guns in No Man's Land. They realize: to defend a position is a lot easier than to attack and conquer. Especially while fighting near Ypres. At the Eastern Front, things are going better for Chief of Staff Ludendorff: he breaks through outstretched Siberian lines. At the same time, Russian soldiers are faced with a new enemy and start the Bergmann Offensive in today's East-Turkey.
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The Defensive War on the Western Front  Week 16
The World at War - The Ottoman Empire Enters the Stage - Week 15
Episode 15 - 11-06-2014
Three months after the outbreak of the war, another world power enters the conflict: The Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman war minister Enver Pascha, a supporter of a new Turkish self confidence, wants to gain advantages for a future Turkey by declaring war. Meanwhile, another ship of the German East Asian Squadron is surprising the Royal Navy by sinking two of their ships near Coronel, Chile. Regardless, the battles on the Eastern Front, Western Front and in Serbia are continuing.
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The World at War  The Ottoman Empire Enters the Stage  Week 15
Fresh Meat - The Search For New Recruits - Week 14
Episode 14 - 10-30-2014
After some heavy casualties during the first months of war, the armies had to look for new recruits. While Great Britain undertook soldiers in military service to fill up their ranks, Germany was relying on reservists and inexperienced recruits. This fatal German mix was sent against smaller, but much more experienced British and French troops. The resulting carnage had no military effect, but was later on idolized by the German propaganda and is today known as the "Kindermord" (child murder) or Massacre of the Innocent.
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Fresh Meat  The Search For New Recruits  Week 14
A War to End All Wars - Home Front Propaganda - Week 13
Episode 13 - 10-23-2014
The first weeks of war already took hundreds of thousands of lives and the daily struggle to survive in the trenches on the Western Front has nothing to do with the promised glory. Back home, propaganda is already working and grotesquely distorting the public's opinion about the war. While the British civilians feared a German invasion, some of the leading German scientists and intellectuals published the "Manifesto Of The 93" in which they rallied for solidarity with the Germans
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A War to End All Wars  Home Front Propaganda  Week 13
Learning From Napoleon – Russia, The Underestimated Enemy - Week 12
Episode 12 - 10-16-2014
After defeating the Russian Army in the early weeks of the war, the German and Austrian generals hope to push the Russians back with combined forces. But, like Napoleon 100 years earlier, they underestimate their enemy and his tactics and so the tides are turning on the Eastern Front. On the Western Front, the last frontline gaps are closed and the British army is entering a small town called Ypres, which will eventually be the symbol for the carnage in Flanders for the next four years.
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Learning From Napoleon  Russia The Underestimated Enemy  Week 12
Back for Christmas? - The Illusion of a Short War - Week 11
Episode 11 - 10-09-2014
In the trenches on the Western Front and in the mud on the Eastern Front, hundreds of thousands of soldiers die and with them dies the illusion of a short war. After heavy casualties, the armies are adapting to a longer conflict and are looking for new recruits. To convince them to fight they are taking advantage of national minorities and their hope of equal rights and self-determination.
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Back for Christmas  The Illusion of a Short War  Week 11
Dying in the Mud - Autumn Is Taking Its Toll - Week 10
Episode 10 - 10-02-2014
he autumn rain turns the battlefields into muddy landscapes. Mud in which the soldiers are hardly able to dig trenches and in which no artillery gun will stand. The first change of seasons is proving to be a big new challenge for the armies in Europe. While at the time, the longest siege of the war is starting, we can also see the first major African battles of World War 1.
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Dying in the Mud  Autumn Is Taking Its Toll  Week 10
The Russian War Machine and the Race to the Sea - Week 9
Episode 9 - 9-25-2014
parked by the desperate state of the Austrians, the Russian army goes on the offensive. General Ivanov even tries to use his numerical superiority to make up for the German victories a few weeks ago. Meanwhile, the armies of the Western Front try to outflank each other as they race north to the sea. And in the North Sea itself, submarine warfare really gets going while in the air, we see airplanes used in large military operations for the first time in history.
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The Russian War Machine and the Race to the Sea  Week 9
Welcome to the Dirt – The Beginning of Trench Warfare - Week 8
Episode 8 - 9-18-2014
After the advances and retreats during the early weeks of war, the front is coming to a grinding hold after the Battle of the Aisne. The German Army is digging itself in on one side of the river and a new, horrible chapter of World War One begins: trench warfare. To be prepared for this new kind of war, the British Army is recruiting over 400.000 soldiers still believing that the war will be over by Christmas.
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Welcome to the Dirt  The Beginning of Trench Warfare  Week 8
Taxi to the Front – The First Battle of the Marne - Week 7
Episode 7 - 9-11-2014
The German Army is so close to Paris that French soldiers are brought to the front by taxis. Together with the British Expeditionary Forces, the French are fighting the German advance near the Marne river. Meanwhile, the Austro-Hungarian army is retreating to the Carpathian Mountains after a catastrophic defeat against Russia with hundreds of thousands of casualties.
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Taxi to the Front  The First Battle of the Marne  Week 7
Plans Are Doomed to Fail - The Battle of Galicia - Week 6
Episode 6 - 9-04-2014
While the Germans on the Western Front are very close to reaching Paris, the Eastern Front proves to become a disastrous failure for the Austro-Hungarian forces. Conrad von Hötzendorf overestimated his skills and the strength of his troops. And after his too complicated plan in Galicia failed, the town of Lemberg falls into the hands of the Russians. Meanwhile, the war starts spreading into Asia, as Japan is besieging Tsingtao and New Zealand conquers German Samoa.
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Plans Are Doomed to Fail  The Battle of Galicia  Week 6
The Rape of Belgium and the Battle of Tannenberg - Week 5
Episode 5 - 8-28-2014
During their advance through Belgium, the German Army is committing atrocities against Belgian civilians - justified as response to resistance and sabotage against their advancement. The Austro-Hungarian Army is perpetrating massacres against the Serbian civilian population to retaliate against Serbian guerrilla warfare. At the Eastern Front, German generals Hindenburg and Ludendorff succeed in one of the most important battles of World War I: The Battle of Tannenberg.
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The Rape of Belgium and the Battle of Tannenberg  Week 5
A New War with Old Generals – Carnage on the Western Front - Week 4
Episode 4 - 8-21-2014
In the early days of World War 1, warfare is still based on ideas and ideals of 19th century generals. The technological progress during industrialisation clashes with obsolete war tactics (Plan XVII). Tens of thousands of soldiers lose their lives in carnage at the Western Front. The French Army marches into battle in bright uniforms, where the German Army awaits them with machine guns. Artillery already shows how brutal and effective it's going to be during the rest of World War 1.
Where to watch
Tubi TV
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A New War with Old Generals  Carnage on the Western Front  Week 4
To Arms! The Deployment of Troops - Week 3
Episode 3 - 8-14-2014
The first few days of war were a combination of failed organisation and chaos. The Austro-Hungarian supreme command lacks combat experience, and their irrational actions in Serbia are causing turmoil among the Germans. At the Eastern and Western Front, early signs of problems can be seen, too, which the armies will pay a terrible price for, in the upcoming weeks.
Where to watch
Tubi TV
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To Arms The Deployment of Troops  Week 3
Germany in Two-Front War and the Schlieffen-Plan - Week 2
Episode 2 - 8-07-2014
Austria-Hungary starts the bombardment of Belgrade. What follows is a deployment race of armies between all major powers in Europe. Nobody wants to be unprepared in case of an attack. Germany is implementing the Schlieffen-Plan. The idea is to avoid a two front war by conquering Paris via Belgium. After that the full attention would be diverted to Russia. One thing gets clear in the first days at the Western Front: This war is going to be different - this was modern warfare.
Where to watch
Tubi TV
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Germany in TwoFront War and the SchlieffenPlan  Week 2
The Outbreak of WWI - How Europe Spiraled Into the GREAT WAR - Week 1
Episode 1 - 7-28-2014
After the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, Austria-Hungary is determined to put a lid on Serbia once and for all. Germany wanted to go to war with Russia sooner than later, because it was a afraid of a strong Tsar Nicholas II. In the first episode, Indy explains how the various European conflicts spiralled into a world war.
Where to watch
Tubi TV
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The Outbreak of WWI  How Europe Spiraled Into the GREAT WAR  Week 1
Top 5 Episodes
Top 5 Highest Rated Episodes
A New War with Old Generals – Carnage on the Western Front - Week 4
Episode 4 - 8-21-2014
In the early days of World War 1, warfare is still based on ideas and ideals of 19th century generals. The technological progress during industrialisation clashes with obsolete war tactics (Plan XVII). Tens of thousands of soldiers lose their lives in carnage at the Western Front. The French Army marches into battle in bright uniforms, where the German Army awaits them with machine guns. Artillery already shows how brutal and effective it's going to be during the rest of World War 1.
Where to watch
Tubi TV
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A New War with Old Generals  Carnage on the Western Front  Week 4
Back for Christmas? - The Illusion of a Short War - Week 11
Episode 11 - 10-09-2014
In the trenches on the Western Front and in the mud on the Eastern Front, hundreds of thousands of soldiers die and with them dies the illusion of a short war. After heavy casualties, the armies are adapting to a longer conflict and are looking for new recruits. To convince them to fight they are taking advantage of national minorities and their hope of equal rights and self-determination.
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Back for Christmas  The Illusion of a Short War  Week 11
Germany in Two-Front War and the Schlieffen-Plan - Week 2
Episode 2 - 8-07-2014
Austria-Hungary starts the bombardment of Belgrade. What follows is a deployment race of armies between all major powers in Europe. Nobody wants to be unprepared in case of an attack. Germany is implementing the Schlieffen-Plan. The idea is to avoid a two front war by conquering Paris via Belgium. After that the full attention would be diverted to Russia. One thing gets clear in the first days at the Western Front: This war is going to be different - this was modern warfare.
Where to watch
Tubi TV
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Germany in TwoFront War and the SchlieffenPlan  Week 2
The Rape of Belgium and the Battle of Tannenberg - Week 5
Episode 5 - 8-28-2014
During their advance through Belgium, the German Army is committing atrocities against Belgian civilians - justified as response to resistance and sabotage against their advancement. The Austro-Hungarian Army is perpetrating massacres against the Serbian civilian population to retaliate against Serbian guerrilla warfare. At the Eastern Front, German generals Hindenburg and Ludendorff succeed in one of the most important battles of World War I: The Battle of Tannenberg.
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The Rape of Belgium and the Battle of Tannenberg  Week 5
To Arms! The Deployment of Troops - Week 3
Episode 3 - 8-14-2014
The first few days of war were a combination of failed organisation and chaos. The Austro-Hungarian supreme command lacks combat experience, and their irrational actions in Serbia are causing turmoil among the Germans. At the Eastern and Western Front, early signs of problems can be seen, too, which the armies will pay a terrible price for, in the upcoming weeks.
Where to watch
Tubi TV
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To Arms The Deployment of Troops  Week 3
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