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User Reviews for: Star Trek Continues

10/10  11 years ago
This came out of the dark for me I had no Idea this was in production. And I'm a Star Trek Fan.

The positives: the quality of the sets, costumes and even the CGI is pretty good. Overall this looks very professional and it feels right. The script of the first episode was good, too.

The only negativ I have so far is the cast. I've seen other fan made Star Trek productions so it's not the fact that these aren't the original actors. I just feel they made the characters appear very two dimensional. But since is only the first episode maybe they will grow after all it's pretty tough to fill these shoes.

So, I hope there will be more 'cause as a Star Trek fan in the past it was like being an addict without a suply. Therefore it's always nice to see new Trek.

Supplement Sep 9, 2016:
This show has become absolutely fantastic, more than I´d ever hoped for. It feels totally Trek with the music, sound effects, the sets and costumes. And I have to change my early assessment of the actors - they really bring this characters back to life. The scripts have depth and are meaningful. For me this is as much part of the Star Trek universe as are the official shows. I´m always eager to see what the next episode will bring and I hope they will do a lot more.
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