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Per un pugno di libri


Streaming Episode Guide

Season 23 | Season 22 | Season 21 | Season 20 | Season 19 | Season 18 | Season 17 | Season 16 | Season 15 | Season 14 | Season 13 | Season 12 | Season 11 | Season 10 | Season 9 | Season 8 | Season 7 | Season 6 | Season 5 | Season 4 | Season 3 | Season 2 | Season 1 | Specials | Top 5 Episodes
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Season 23  
L'amico ritrovato (di Fred Uhlman)
Episode 8 - 3-14-2020
For a Fistful of Books, sees the "Saluzzo- Plana" Linguistic High School of Alessandria and the "Giuseppe Torno" Scientific High School of Castano Primo (MI) compete. The two classes will compete on the short novel The Rediscovered Friend by the German writer Fred Uhlman, published in 1971. Set in Nazi Germany in the 1930s and inspired by the writer's life, the book tells the story of the friendship between a Jewish boy from a bourgeois family, Hans Schwarz, and his classmate, the aristocrat Kostantin von Hohenfels. Soon, however, the strong bond that unites them is seriously compromised when Hans learns about the anti-Semitic ideas of Konradin's family and the admiration that the latter feels for Adolf Hitler. Only after the end of the war and the horrors of Nazism, far from Germany, Hans discovers the truth about his best friend, thus rediscovering the authenticity and value of that friendship.
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Lamico ritrovato di Fred Uhlman
La vita davanti a sé (di Romain Gary)
Episode 7 - 3-07-2020
The seventh episode features a comparison between the Liceo Scientifico "Antonio Rosmini" of Rovereto and the Liceo Scientifico "Benedetti-Tommaseo" of Venice on a highly successful novel: "The Life Ahead" by the French writer of Lithuanian origin Romain Gary. Published in 1975, the book won the most important French literary prize in the same year: the Goncourt. Set in the immediate post-war period, in the multi-ethnic Parisian suburb of Belleville, Romain Gary's novel tells the story of Momo, a 10-year-old Arab boy, and Madame Rose, an elderly Jewish ex-prostitute who miraculously escaped the Holocaust, to whom the child was entrusted. Alongside them is a whole crowd of "miserables", outcasts of society. Despite the harshness, crude and even violent tones of the story, the book has moments of humor and authentic poetry. Gary's entire novel seems to revolve around a key question that young Momo asks old Mr. Hamil: "can you live without someone to love?"
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
La vita davanti a s di Romain Gary
Poirot a Styles Court (di Agatha Christie)
Episode 6 - 2-29-2020
The episode is tinged with mystery with the novel "Poirot at Styles Court" by the British writer Agatha Christie, published in 1920. We are in England during the First World War and Captain Arthur Hastings, wounded on the front, is invited to spend his convalescence at the country estate of a friend of his, in Essex, at Styles Court. Here, however, the quiet existence of the Cavendish family and their friends is shattered by a terrible murder. It is at this point in the story that the character of Hercule Poirot appears for the first time in Christie's pages, "an extraordinary little dandy, with exceptional gray cells". It will be him, the most famous and eccentric investigator in European literature, to deliver the real murderer to justice and to unmask the blackmail and pettiness that hide in that corner of old England.
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Poirot a Styles Court di Agatha Christie
Frankenstein (di Mary Shelley)
Episode 5 - 2-15-2020
In this episode, the "Marie Curie" Scientific High School of Meda (MB) and the "Antonio Pacinotti" Scientific High School of Cagliari compete on the famous "Gothic" novel Frankenstein by the British writer Mary Shelley, published in 1818. Hosted, as always, by Geppi Cucciari and Piero Dorfles. Written in epistolary form, the book tells the story of Victor Frankenstein, a young and brilliant scientist who, driven by an immoderate, unstoppable ambition, creates a living being assembled with body parts from cadavers. The scientist thus gives life to a being that is anything but perfect: a deformed, monstrous, terrifying creature. With Frankenstein, Mary Shelley not only questions the limits of modern science, but above all investigates the folds, the deepest and most disturbing fears of the human soul, its unconscious. At stake, as always, are not money, but works of genius (i.e., lots of books) and the chance to access the final between the two best-ranked classes during the program.
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Frankenstein di Mary Shelley
Il giocatore (di Fedor Dostoevskij)
Episode 4 - 2-08-2020
The fourth episode sees the Liceo Classico "Giulio Cesare" of Rome and the Liceo Classico "Renato Cartesio" of Villaricca (NA) compete on the novel "The Gambler", written in 1866 by one of the most important novelists of all time: the Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky. Set in a German spa town, Roulettenburg, whose casino attracts numerous tourists, the main theme of "The Gambler" is gambling that infects and besieges the book's protagonist, Aleksej Ivànovic, who narrates his story and that of the other characters in the book in the first person. Dostoevsky, with his unparalleled capacity for analysis and introspection, tells us in this novel the downward spiral of a man who is a victim of his own vice. "A self-conscious and unredeemed free fall, waiting for the last, definitive, rien ne va plus!". At stake, as always, is not money, but works of genius (i.e. many books) and the possibility of accessing the final between the two best-ranked classes during the program.
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Il giocatore di Fedor Dostoevskij
Aspettando Godot (di Samuel Beckett)
Episode 3 - 2-01-2020
The third episode of "Per un Pugno di libri", the most famous book-game on Italian television, sees the Liceo Scientifico "Nicolò Copernico" of Brescia (BS) and the Liceo Classico "Filippo A. Gualterio" of Orvieto (TR) compete this Saturday on one of the most revolutionary texts of twentieth-century theatre: Waiting for Godot by the Irish writer Samuel Beckett, published in 1952. A work without a real plot in which the characters, Vladimir and Estragon, live a life of fulfillment in the vain wait for Godot, for his arrival. Everyone waits for him even though they know he will never arrive. A work, this one by Samuel Beckett, very current, that speaks to us of the absurdity of life, of its nonsense, of the absence of values ​​and points of reference and of the loneliness of modern man.
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Aspettando Godot di Samuel Beckett
Storie naturali (di Primo Levi)
Episode 2 - 1-25-2020
The episode pits the "Guglielmo Marconi" Scientific High School of Carrara against the "Giuseppe Garibaldi" Classical High School of Castrovillari (CS). To commemorate Holocaust Remembrance Day, the classes were asked to read "Natural Histories" by the Turin writer and chemist Primo Levi. They are 15 scientific and science fiction stories published by Einaudi in 1966. Pages in which, not infrequently, the writer uses the register of irony and satire to tell us about a future increasingly conditioned by technological progress, by disturbing and utopian experiments in which extraordinary and unpredictable machines operate. Levi himself explains the reason for these stories: "I wrote them... trying to tell an intuition that is not rare today: the perception of a flaw in the world we live in, of a small or large flaw, of 'a defect of form' that nullifies one or another aspect of our civilization or our moral universe".
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Storie naturali di Primo Levi
Martin Eden (di Jack London)
Episode 1 - 1-18-2020
In this first episode, the two competing are the Liceo Classico "Giacomo Leopardi" of Macerata and the Liceo Classico "Galileo Galilei" of Nardò (LE). The book they are competing on has been defined as one of "the angry books of American literature": Martin Eden" by Jack London published in 1909. The novel, most often read as a fictionalized autobiography of its author, instead reflects the anxieties and contradictions of American society at the end of the nineteenth century.
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Martin Eden di Jack London
Season 22  
La tregua (di Primo Levi)
Episode 12 - 4-06-2019
Last appointment of the season for the twentieth edition of the most famous book game on Italian television. At the helm, for the grand finale of "Per Un Pugno di libri", Geppi Cucciari who, with his usual mastery and irresistible irony, together with Professor Piero Dorfles leads the challenge between the European Classical High School of the "Emanuela Setti Carraro dalla Chiesa" boarding school and the "Foiso Fois" Art and Music High School of Cagliari. The two finalist classes compete on a fundamental novel of the Italian twentieth century, "La tregua" by Primo Levi. Published in 1963 and winner of the first edition of the Campiello prize that same year, the novel is the sequel to "Se questo è un uomo". After the deadly Iliad of the Lager, Levi tells us the Odyssey of the return after the liberation of Auschwitz.
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
La tregua di Primo Levi
Cuore di tenebra (di Joseph Conrad)
Episode 11 - 3-30-2019
In this episode, the challenge to the last book is between the Liceo Classico "Giacomo Leopardi" of Recanati (MC) and the Liceo Classico "Ivo Oliveti" of Locri (RC) on the novel Heart of Darkness by the British writer Joseph Conrad. Published in 1899, it is considered one of the masterpieces of European literature between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Conrad tells us about the expedition of the European Charles Marlow into the heart of black Africa to track down, on behalf of a company involved in ivory trafficking, the mysterious Kurtz, of whom there is no further news. Marlow's journey, in reality, is a true descent into hell and, above all, into the abyss of the human psyche. In 1979, the great American director Francis Ford Coppola made a famous film adaptation, "Apocalypse Now", setting the story during the Vietnam War.
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Cuore di tenebra di Joseph Conrad
Foto di gruppo con signora (di Heinrich Böll)
Episode 10 - 3-23-2019
The tenth episode of "Per Un Pugno di libri" sees the "Manfredo Fanti" Scientific High School of Carpi (Mo) and the "Niccolò Copernico" Scientific High School of Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto (ME) compete on the novel by the German writer Heinrich Böll "Group Photo with Lady". Published in 1971, most critics consider it Böll's best book, the "summa of his narrative work". A wide-ranging novel in which the writer recounts half a century of German history: from the Weimar Republic to 1968. But, as in the past, also in this novel Heinrich Böll focuses on his "obsession": the war, the Second World War and its devastating effects on people's lives. The prize, as always, is not money, but works of genius (i.e. many books) and the possibility of accessing the final between the two classes that ranked best during the program.
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Foto di gruppo con signora di Heinrich Bll
L'Ispettore generale (di Nikolaj Gogol')
Episode 9 - 3-16-2019
In this episode of "Per Un Pugno di Libri", the "Giuseppe Berto" Scientific High School of Mogliano Veneto confronts the "Leonardo" Scientific High School of Brescia on the theatrical work of one of the most important Russian writers of the 19th century: Nikolaj Gogol', "The Government Inspector". Written in 1836, the work is a satire on hypocrisy, bad habits, and corruption in a small Russian town where the Mayor is frightened by the arrival of an inspector general, coming from Petersburg. In reality, the inspector, the young Chlestakov, is not a real inspector, but a layabout who through a series of misunderstandings has become the most feared man in the town. As often happens in his works, Gogol' proves extraordinary in representing the pettiness and moral baseness of certain human types who continue to be present in the ranks of today's bureaucracy.
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
LIspettore generale di Nikolaj Gogol
La peste (di Albert Camus)
Episode 8 - 3-09-2019
The most famous book game on Italian television this Saturday sees the Liceo Scientifico dell'Istituto "Vittorino-Bernini" in Genoa and the Liceo Artistico Musicale "Foiso Fois" in Cagliari compete on one of the most important and well-known novels of twentieth-century French literature: "The Plague" by Albert Camus. Published in 1947, just two years after the end of the Second World War, "The Plague" is a novel that must be read as an allegory of evil and the recent trauma of war, which still weigh on European consciences: like evil, the plague is never completely defeated, but remains latent waiting for the environment favorable to the manifestation of a new epidemic. At stake, as always, not money, but works of genius (i.e. many books) and the possibility of accessing the final between the two classes ranked best during the program.
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
La peste di Albert Camus
La svastica sul sole (di Philip K. Dick)
Episode 7 - 3-02-2019
In this episode of "Per Un Pugno di Libri" the Liceo Classico "Ugo Foscolo" of Pavia and the Liceo Classico "Emanuele Duni" of Matera discuss the science fiction novel "The Man in the High Castle" by Philip K. Dick. Published for the first time in 1962, the novel won the Hugo Award, considered the highest recognition for a science fiction book. The plot of "The Man in the High Castle" is a reversal of what the outcome of the Second World War actually was. Philip K. Dick seems to ask himself - and the reader - what the world might have been like if the Axis powers (Germany, Italy and Japan) had won the war. The answer that the writer seems to suggest is that, although the war was won by the Allies, in reality the wicked and obscurantist forces of Nazism were not truly defeated, manifesting themselves in all their violence in capitalism and communist dictatorships.
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
La svastica sul sole di Philip K Dick
Memorie di Adriano (di Marguerite Yourcenar)
Episode 6 - 2-23-2019
The twentieth edition of "Per Un Pugno di Libri" is proceeding unstoppably, with this Saturday's debate between the Liceo Scientifico "Galileo Galilei" of Erba and the Liceo Classico "Marco Minghetti" of Bologna on the masterpiece of the French writer Marguerite Yourcenar: "Memoirs of Hadrian". Published for the first time in 1951, Yourcenar herself wrote that the book is anything but a history essay, much less a novel, but rather a long letter (divided into six parts) that the emperor Hadrian, now old and ill, writes to his adoptive nephew, also a future emperor, Marcus Aurelius. The great intellectual sensitivity and intensity of Marguerite Yourcenar's analysis have made Memoirs of Hadrian an absolutely modern book, despite the fact that it addresses and speaks of the mentality of a man who lived two thousand years ago.
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Memorie di Adriano di Marguerite Yourcenar
Riti di morte (di Alicia Giménez Bartlett)
Episode 5 - 2-16-2019
This Saturday, the European Classical High School "Setti Carraro" of Milan and the Technical Institute "Stendhal-Baccelli" of Civitavecchia will compete to the last book. The two classes will compete on the book Rites of Death by the contemporary Spanish writer Alicia Giménez Bartlett. Published in 1996 and set in Barcelona, ​​the writer tells the story of the first investigative adventure of Petra Delicado, a police inspector. A young girl has been raped and has a flower-shaped tattoo on her wrist. In this task, the protagonist is supported by Fermín Garzón. He is a man no longer young who at times seems excessively moralistic and misogynistic. As time passes, the rapes increase and the two police officers see the case taken away, then see it returned to them, but they continue to investigate with tenacity, even when the victims, their relatives and the press seem to row against them and put spokes in their wheels.
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Riti di morte di Alicia Gimnez Bartlett
La giornata di uno scrutatore (di Italo Calvino)
Episode 4 - 2-09-2019
In this episode of "Per Un Pugno di Libri", the "Vittorio Alfieri" classical high school in Turin and the "Giuseppe Mercalli" scientific high school in Naples discuss the novel "La giornata di uno scrutatore" by Italo Calvino. Published in 1963, the book is inspired by a personal experience of the writer, who, as a candidate for the PCI, found himself visiting the polling station set up at the Cottolengo in Turin. There, the sick were induced to vote for the then majority party: the Christian Democracy. In the novel, in fact, the young protagonist, Amerigo Ormea, is a communist pollster sent by the party to the Cottolengo precisely to monitor the consolidated habit of manipulating the votes of the sick. But faced with that "world" and that pain, and above all faced with the self-denial with which the patients are cared for by a nun, the Marxist faith of the protagonist enters into crisis.
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
La giornata di uno scrutatore di Italo Calvino
Nudi e crudi (di Alan Bennett)
Episode 3 - 2-02-2019
In this episode, the most famous book game on Italian television sees the Liceo Scientifico "F. Enriques" of Lissone (MB) and the Liceo Classico "G. Palmieri" of Lecce compete on the short novel "Naked and Raw" by contemporary English writer Alan Bennett. Published in Italy in 2001, "Naked and Raw" tells the paradoxical story of the Ransomes who, returning home from a Mozartian evening, discover their apartment completely ransacked. As often happens in Bennett's stories, the surreal incident becomes the pretext for this boring and habitual bourgeois couple to try to change their lifestyle, so as to be able to express that side of their personality that had remained hidden until that moment. The prize, as always, is not money, but works of genius (i.e. many books) and the possibility of accessing the final between the two classes that ranked best during the program.
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Nudi e crudi di Alan Bennett
Lessico famigliare (di Natalia Ginsburg)
Episode 2 - 1-26-2019
The second episode of the new edition of "Per Un Pugno di Libri" sees the Liceo Classico "Rinaldo Corso" of Correggio and the Liceo Classico "Pilo Albertelli" of Rome compete this Saturday. To commemorate the Day of Remembrance, the classes were asked to read "Lessico famigliare" by the Italian writer Natalia Ginsburg. Written in 1963 and winner of the Strega Prize, "Lessico famigliare" has as its main theme the memory that has always characterized Ginsburg's narrative. Memories as a heritage of shared bonds and passions. But alongside private memory and family relationships, the writer does not forget the dramatic history of those years: fascism, racial persecution, the war, the post-war period.
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Lessico famigliare di Natalia Ginsburg
Fahrenheit 451 (di Ray Bradbury)
Episode 1 - 1-19-2019
In this first episode, the two competing are the Liceo Scientifico "N. Copernico" of Verona and the Liceo Scientifico "V. De Capraris" of Atripalda (AV). The text they will be competing on is a true classic of the so-called dystopian science fiction genre: Fahrenheit 451 by the American writer Ray Bradbury. Published in 1953, Fahrenheit 451 is a still current reflection on the role of reading and mass media and on the freedom of the individual in contemporary society. Leading the game is Geppi Cucciari with Professor Piero Dorfles, who recommends, in this episode, "Furland" by Tullio Avoledo (Chiarelettere, 2018) and "Mrs. Caliban" by Rachel Ingalls (Narrativa Nottetempo, 2018).
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Fahrenheit 451 di Ray Bradbury
Season 21  
Riccardo III (di William Shakespeare)
Episode 12 - 4-07-2018
In this last episode of the eighteenth edition of "Per Un Pugno di Libri", the winners of the "endgame" are the fifth B of the Liceo Classico Statale "Giosuè Carducci" of Milan and the fifth H of the Liceo Scientifico Statale "Galileo Galilei" of Palermo. The classes challenge each other on one of William Shakespeare's theatrical masterpieces: "Richard III". Leading the game is Geppi Cucciari with professor Piero Dorfles, who recommends, in this episode, "Racconti del mistero di Charles Dickens" by Nero Dickens (Marsilio, 2016) and "Dieci lezioni sui classici" by Piero Boitani (Il Mulino, 2017).
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Riccardo III di William Shakespeare
Lo straniero (di Albert Camus)
Episode 11 - 3-31-2018
This episode of "Per Un Pugno di Libri" sees the "Virgilio" High School of Rome (international-French) and the "Volta" Scientific High School of Caltanissetta (international major) compete. The book on which the two classes compete is the famous novel "The Stranger" by Albert Camus, published in 1942 by the publisher Gallimard. Leading the game is Geppi Cucciari with Professor Piero Dorfles, who recommends, in this episode, "Bora. Istria, the Wind of Exile" by Anna Maria Mori and Nelide Milani (Marsilio, 2018) and "The Lost Friend" by Hella Haasse (Iperborea, 2017).
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Lo straniero di Albert Camus
La cerimonia del massaggio (di Alan Bennett)
Episode 10 - 3-24-2018
The most famous book game in Italy in this episode sees the Liceo Scientifico "Marco Gerolamo Vida" of Cremona and the Istituto Tecnico Industriale "Enrico Fermi" of Modena compete. The book on which the two classes compete is the short novel La Cerimonia del Massaggio, written in 2002 by the contemporary British writer Alan Bennett. Leading the game is Geppi Cucciari with Professor Piero Dorfles, who recommends, in this episode, "An English Crime", by Cyril Hare (Sellerio, 2017) and "Tutti i banchi sono uguali", by Christian Raimo (Einaudi 2017).
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
La cerimonia del massaggio di Alan Bennett
Nati due volte (di Giuseppe Pontiggia)
Episode 9 - 3-17-2018
This episode sees the Liceo Classico "Giuseppe Mazzini" of Genoa and the Liceo Classico "Galileo Galilei" of Macomer (SS) compete on the latest novel by the Lombard writer Giuseppe Pontiggia "Nati due volte", published in 2000 and winner of the Campiello Prize the following year. The game is led by Geppi Cucciari with the professor Piero Dorfles, who recommends, in this episode, "Un ragazzo d'oro" by Eli Gottlieb (Minimum Fax, 2018) and "La lente di Svevo" by Giuseppe Pontiggia (EDB, 2017).
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Nati due volte di Giuseppe Pontiggia
Il profumo (di Patrick Suskind)
Episode 8 - 3-10-2018
This episode of "Per Un Pugno di libri" sees the "Leonardo da Vinci" Linguistic High School of Civitanova Marche (MC) and the "Luigi Siciliani" Scientific High School of Catanzaro compete. The bestseller "Il profumo" by the German writer Patrick Suskind, published in 1985, is the book on which the two classes compete. Leading the game is Geppi Cucciari with Professor Piero Dorfles, who recommends, in this episode, "L'invidia degli dei" by Stefano Jacini (Bompiani, 2017) and "Stella o croce" by Gian Mauro Costa (Sellerio, 2018).
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Il profumo di Patrick Suskind
Bouvard e Pécuchet (di Gustave Flaubert)
Episode 7 - 3-03-2018
This seventh episode of "Per un pugno di libri", the most famous book game in Italy, sees the "Aldo Capitini" Technical Economic Institute of Agliana (PT) and the Majorana Institute of Avola (SR) compete. The two classes are competing against each other on Gustave Flaubert's unfinished novel "Bouvard and Pécuchet", published posthumously in 1881. Leading the game is Geppi Cucciari with Professor Piero Dorfles, who recommends, in this episode, "Deledda, Una vita come un romanzo" by Luciano Marrocu (Donzelli, 2016) and "Isola" by Siri Ranva Hjelm Jacobsen (Iperborea, 2018).
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Bouvard e Pcuchet di Gustave Flaubert
Cosima (di Grazia Deledda)
Episode 6 - 2-24-2018
In this episode, the Liceo Classico "Dante" of Trieste and the Liceo Classico "Nevio" of Santa Maria Capua Vetere (Caserta) compete. The book featured in the episode is "Cosima" by Nobel Prize winner Grazia Deledda (1871-1936), the work on which the two high school classes will compete. Leading the game is Geppi Cucciari with Professor Piero Dorfles, who recommends, in this episode, "Deledda, Una vita come un romanzo" by Luciano Marrocu (Donzelli, 2016) and "Isola" by Siri Ranva Hjelm Jacobsen (Iperborea, 2018).
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Cosima di Grazia Deledda
La metamorfosi (di Franz Kafka)
Episode 5 - 2-17-2018
In the historic studios of Corso Sempione in Milan, the Liceo Classico "Jacopo Sannazaro" of Naples and the Liceo Classico "Giosuè Carducci" of Milan compete. In this fifth episode, "The Metamorphosis" by Franz Kafka (1883-1924) is the work on which the two high school classes will compete. The prize, as always, is not money, but works of genius (i.e. many books) and the possibility of accessing the final between the two classes ranked best during the program. Leading the game is Geppi Cucciari with professor Piero Dorfles, who recommends in this episode: "Vite straordinarie di uomini volante" by Errico Buonanno (Sellerio 2018) and "La cattivo" by Tammy Cohen (Astoria 2017).
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
La metamorfosi di Franz Kafka
Cronaca di una morte annunciata (di Gabriel Garcia Marquez)
Episode 4 - 2-10-2018
The fourth episode of the most famous book game in Italy sees the Liceo Scientifico "Galileo Galilei" of Palermo and the Liceo Scientifico "Euclide" of Cagliari compete this Saturday on one of the most famous novels by Nobel Prize winner Gabriel Garcia Marquez: "Chronicle of a Death Foretold". Published for the first time in Italy in 1982, in this novel Marquez confronts the inevitability of fate by reconstructing the last hours of Santiago Nasar's life, victim, as the title itself says, of a crime foretold that the whole country knows about, but that no one can avoid. From this novel, in 1987, Francesco Rosi, with the collaboration of Tonino Guerra, made a film adaptation. The game is hosted by Geppi Cucciari with professor Piero Dorfles, who recommends, in this episode, "Selfie" by Jussi Adler-Olsen (Marsilio 2018) and "Nel Più Bel Sogno" by Marco Vichi (Guanda 2017).
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Cronaca di una morte annunciata di Gabriel Garcia Marquez
I Viceré (di Federico De Roberto)
Episode 3 - 2-03-2018
The eighteenth edition of the most famous book game in Italy continues unstoppably, with this episode pitting the "Oscar Romero" Linguistic High School of Albino (BG) against the "Orazio Flacco" Classical High School of Bari on Federico De Roberto's masterpiece "I Viceré". Published in 1894, the novel is a great portrait of a noble Sicilian family of Spanish origin, the Uzeda, between the Risorgimento and the Unification of Italy. Leading the game is Geppi Cucciari with Professor Piero Dorfles, who recommends, in this episode, "Borgo Vecchio" by Giosuè Calaciura (Sellerio 2017) and "Questo Nostra Italia" by Corrado Augias (Einaudi 2017).
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
I Vicer di Federico De Roberto
Diario (di Anne Frank)
Episode 2 - 1-27-2018
The second episode of "Per un pugno di libri", the most famous book game in Italy, sees the "Galileo Ferraris" Scientific High School of Turin and the "Pellegrino Rossi" Classical High School of Massa Carrara compete. To commemorate Holocaust Remembrance Day, the classes were asked to read Anne Frank's "Diary". Published in Italy in 1954 with a preface by Natalia Ginsburg, the "Diary" was written by Frank between June 1942 and August 1, 1944. It is considered one of the most lucid and touching historical testimonies of the clandestine life of a Jewish family during the Second World War and of the tragedy of the Shoah in the Nazi extermination camps. The prize at "Per un pugno di libri", as always, is not money, but works of genius (i.e. many books) and the possibility of accessing the final between the two classes that ranked best during the program.
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Diario di Anne Frank
Il giovane Holden (di J.D.Salinger)
Episode 1 - 1-20-2018
In this first episode of the new edition, the classes of the Liceo Classico "Tito Livio" of Padua and the Liceo Classico "Galileo Galilei" of Florence will compete. The text on which they will compete is a true "coming-of-age novel" of twentieth-century literature that has marked generations of readers: "The Catcher in the Rye" by the American writer J.D.Salinger. The books presented by Piero Dorfles are: "Bambinate", by Piergiorgio Paterlini (Einaudi 2017) and "Maria Accanto" by Matteo B. Bianchi (Fandango 2017).
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Il giovane Holden di JDSalinger
Season 20  
Il giorno della civetta (di Leonardo Sciascia)
Episode 12 - 4-22-2017
The theme of this episode is "The Day of the Owl" by Leonardo Sciascia, the book on which the two high school classes are comparing notes. The game is hosted by Geppi Cucciari and Professor Piero Dorfles, who recommends, in this episode, "A futura memoria" by Leonardo Sciascia (Adelphi), and "Presunto terrorista" by Leif GW Persson (Marsilio).
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Il giorno della civetta di Leonardo Sciascia
Il dottor Zivago (di Boris Pasternak)
Episode 11 - 4-15-2017
The theme of this episode is "Doctor Zhivago" by Boris Pasternak, the book on which the two high school classes compete. The challengers are the 5th G of the Filolao scientific high school in Crotone and the Vanini linguistic high school in Casarano. The game is hosted by Geppi Cucciari and Professor Piero Dorfles, who recommends, in this episode, "The recipe of Dr. Wasser" by Lars Gustafsson (Iperborea) and "Mr. Bovary & other characters" by Alberto Manguel (Pagine d'Arte).
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Il dottor Zivago di Boris Pasternak
Il giro del mondo in 80 giorni (di Jules Verne)
Episode 10 - 4-08-2017
The theme of this episode is "Around the World in 80 Days" by Jules Verne, the book on which the two high school classes compete. The two high school classes are competing: the "Domenico Azuni" classical high school from Sassari and the "Luigi Pietrobono" classical high school from Alatri. The game is hosted by Geppi Cucciari and Professor Piero Dorfles, who recommends, in this episode, "The Great Tale of Ulysses" by Piero Boitani (Il Mulino) and "Guide to the World Tour" by Nanni Delbecchi (Bompiani).
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Haven't Seen
Il giro del mondo in 80 giorni di Jules Verne
Lo scrittore fantasma (di Philip Roth)
Episode 9 - 4-01-2017
The theme of this episode is "The Ghost Writer" by Philip Roth, the book on which the two high school classes are competing. The challengers are the 5°B of the "Vasco-Beccaria-Govone" high school of human sciences in Mondovì (CN) and the 5°C/L of the "Lombardo Radice" linguistic high school in Rome. The game is hosted by Geppi Cucciari and Professor Piero Dorfles, who recommends, in this episode, "The Museum of the Penultimate Things" by Massimiliano Boni (66th and 2nd) and "The Present Is Not Enough (La lezione del latino)" by Ivano Dionigi (Mondadori).
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Lo scrittore fantasma di Philip Roth
Taras Bul'ba (di Nikolaj Gogol')
Episode 8 - 3-18-2017
The theme of this episode is "Taras Bulba" by Nikolaj Gogol', the book on which the two high school classes compete. The challengers are the 5th A of the Giordano Bruno classical high school in Albenga and the 3rd A of the Vitruvio Pollione classical high school in Formia. The game is hosted by Geppi Cucciari and Professor Piero Dorfles, who recommends, in this episode, "Duel in the Ghetto" by Maurizio Molinari and Amedeo Osti Guerrazzi (Rizzoli) and "Scuola di classe" by Roberto Contessi (Laterza).
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Haven't Seen
Taras Bulba di Nikolaj Gogol
Opinioni di un clown (di Heinrich Boll)
Episode 7 - 3-11-2017
The theme of this episode is "Opinions of a Clown" by Heinrich Boll, the book on which the two high school classes are comparing notes. The challengers are the 5th A liceo classico scientifico Ariosto Spallanzani of Reggio Emilia and the 5th D liceo classico Amedeo di Savoia of Tivoli. The game is hosted by Geppi Cucciari and Professor Piero Dorfles, who recommends, in this episode, "La casa dei Krull" by Georges Simenon (Biblioteca Adelphi).
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Haven't Seen
Opinioni di un clown di Heinrich Boll
Il centravanti è stato assassinato verso sera (di Manuel Velasquez Montalban)
Episode 6 - 3-04-2017
The sixth episode of "Per un pugno di libri", the most famous book game in Italy, sees the "Massimo D'Azeglio" Classical High School of Turin and the "Leonardo da Vinci" Scientific High School of Milan compete on the novel "The Center Forward Was Murdered Towards Evening" by the Spanish writer Manuel Velasquez Montalban. The game is hosted by Geppi Cucciari and Professor Piero Dorfles, who recommends, in this episode, "The Road in the Woods" by Colin Dexter (Sellerio) and "Like Wild Dogs" by Ian Rankin (Longanesi).
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Haven't Seen
Il centravanti  stato assassinato verso sera di Manuel Velasquez Montalban
Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore (di Luigi Pirandello)
Episode 5 - 2-25-2017
The theme of this episode is "Six Characters in Search of an Author" by Luigi Pirandello, the book on which the two high school classes compete. The two classes competing are the Augusto Righi scientific high school of Bologna and the 5th A class of the Leonardo Da Vinci scientific high school of Jesi. The game is hosted by Geppi Cucciari and Professor Piero Dorfles, who recommends, in this episode, "Carne mia" by Roberto Alajmo (Sellerio) and "Prima di perderti" by Tommaso Giagni (Stile libero Einaudi).
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Sei personaggi in cerca dautore di Luigi Pirandello
Cent'anni di solitudine (di Gabriel Garcìa Márquez)
Episode 4 - 2-18-2017
The theme of this episode is "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by Gabriel Garcìa Márquez, the book on which the two high school classes are competing. The challengers are 5°A from the Foscarini high school in Venice and 5°B from the Vincenzo Monti classical high school in Cesena. The game is hosted by Geppi Cucciari and Professor Piero Dorfles, who recommends, in this episode, "The Merry Men" by Robert Louis Stevenson (Nutrimenti) and "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck (Bompiani).
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Haven't Seen
Centanni di solitudine di Gabriel Garca Mrquez
Scorrete lacrime, disse il poliziotto (di Philip K. Dick)
Episode 3 - 2-11-2017
The theme of this episode is "Let the tears flow, the policeman said" by Philip K. Dick, the book on which the two high school classes compete. The challengers are the 3B of the "Carlo Lorenzini" linguistic high school in Pescia and the students of the "Lorenzo Respighi" scientific high school in Piacenza. The game is hosted by Geppi Cucciari and Professor Piero Dorfles, who recommends, in this episode, "Vertigo" by Boileau-Narcejac (Adelphi), "The Dress of Books" by Jhumpa Lahiri (Guanda) and "The Scorn" by Alessandro Zaccuri (Marsilio).
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Scorrete lacrime disse il poliziotto di Philip K Dick
Se una notte d'inverno un viaggiatore (di Italo Calvino)
Episode 2 - 2-04-2017
The theme of this episode is "If on a winter's night a traveler" (by Italo Calvino), the book on which the two high school classes compete. The challengers are 3 A/C of the Convitto Nazionale Maria Luigia of Parma and the students of the Piero Calamandrei classical high school of Naples. The game is hosted by Geppi Cucciari and Professor Piero Dorfles, who recommends, in this episode, "Dentro la sera. Conversazioni sull'scrivere" by Giuseppe Pontiggia (Belleville Editore) and "E poi libri, e ancora libri" by Federico Garcia Lorca (Edizioni Lindau).
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Se una notte dinverno un viaggiatore di Italo Calvino
La fattoria degli animali (di George Orwell)
Episode 1 - 1-28-2017
The theme of this episode is the famous novel by the British writer George Orwell, "Animal Farm", the book on which the two high school classes compete. The challengers are the 5 F of the "Antonio Roiti" scientific high school in Ferrara and the 5 L of the "A. Pieralli" linguistic high school in Perugia. The game is hosted by Geppi Cucciari and Professor Piero Dorfles, who in this episode recommends "Another part of the world" by Massimo Cirri (Feltrinelli) and "Nella valle senza nome" by Antonio Leotti (Laterza).
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Haven't Seen
La fattoria degli animali di George Orwell
Season 19  
Inferno (di Dante Alighieri)
Episode 12 - 4-09-2016
The theme of this episode is "Inferno" by Dante Alighieri, the book on which the two high school classes compete. The challengers are class 3°D of the Nicola Spedalieri classical high school in Catania and class 5°A of the Cicerone-Pollione linguistic high school in Formia. The game is hosted by Geppi Cucciari and Professor Piero Dorfles.
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Haven't Seen
Inferno di Dante Alighieri
Macbeth (di William Shakespeare)
Episode 11 - 4-02-2016
The theme of this episode is "Macbeth", by William Shakespeare, the book on which the two high school classes compete. The challengers are the 5°E class of the Michelangelo Grigoletti scientific high school in Pordenone and the 5°A class of the Cicerone-Pollione linguistic high school in Formia. The game is hosted by Geppi Cucciari and Professor Piero Dorfles.
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Haven't Seen
Macbeth di William Shakespeare
La stagione della caccia (di Andrea Camilleri)
Episode 10 - 3-26-2016
The theme of this episode is "The Hunting Season" by Andrea Camilleri, the book on which the two high school classes compete. The challengers are the 5°B/R class of the Giacomo Leopardi classical high school in Macerata and the 5°D class of the Ascanio Landi scientific high school in Velletri. The game is hosted by Geppi Cucciari and Professor Piero Dorfles.
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Haven't Seen
La stagione della caccia di Andrea Camilleri
Febbre a 90° (di Nick Hornby)
Episode 9 - 3-19-2016
The theme of this episode is "Fever Pitch" by Nick Hornby, the book on which the two high school classes compete. The challengers are class 3°D of the Nicola Spedalieri classical high school in Catania and class 5°L/B of the Raffaello classical high school in Urbino. The game is hosted by Geppi Cucciari and Professor Piero Dorfles.
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Haven't Seen
Febbre a 90 di Nick Hornby
Il morto di Maigret (di Georges Simenon)
Episode 8 - 3-12-2016
The theme of this episode is "Maigret's Dead Man", by Georges Simenon, the book on which the two high school classes compete. The challengers are class 5°B/L of the Torricelli-Ballardini linguistic high school in Faenza and class 3°F of the Mariotti classical high school in Perugia. The game is hosted by Geppi Cucciari and Professor Piero Dorfles.
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Haven't Seen
Il morto di Maigret di Georges Simenon
Il buio oltre la siepe (di Harper Lee)
Episode 7 - 3-05-2016
The theme of this episode is "To Kill a Mockingbird", by Harper Lee, the book on which the two high school classes compete. The challengers are class 5A of the Sandro Pertini scientific high school in Ladispoli and class 5H of the Guido Dorso industrial technical institute in Avellino. The game is hosted by Geppi Cucciari and Professor Piero Dorfles.
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Haven't Seen
Il buio oltre la siepe di Harper Lee
Il sosia (di Fëdor Dostoevskij)
Episode 6 - 2-27-2016
The theme of this episode is "The Double" by Fyodor Dostoevsky, the book on which the two high school classes compete. The challengers are class 5°F of the liceo classico Michelangelo in Florence and class 5°A of the liceo classico Dante Alighieri in Rome. The game is hosted by Geppi Cucciari and Professor Piero Dorfles.
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Haven't Seen
Il sosia di Fdor Dostoevskij
Misery (di Stephen King)
Episode 5 - 2-20-2016
The theme of this episode is "Misery", by Stephen King, the book on which the two high school classes compete. The challengers are the 5°D class of the liceo classico Europeo Convitto Nazionale Umberto I in Turin and the 3°B class of liceo classico Muratori in Modena. The game is hosted by Geppi Cucciari and Professor Piero Dorfles.
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Haven't Seen
Misery di Stephen King
Il cavaliere inesistente (di Italo Calvino)
Episode 4 - 2-13-2016
The theme of this episode is "The Nonexistent Knight", by Italo Calvino, the book on which the two high school classes compete. The challengers are class 3°F of the Carducci classical high school in Nola and class 5°B of the Vincenzo Lilla classical high school in Francavilla Fontana. The game is hosted by Geppi Cucciari and Professor Piero Dorfles.
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Haven't Seen
Il cavaliere inesistente di Italo Calvino
Casa Howard (di Edward Morgan Forster)
Episode 3 - 2-06-2016
The theme of this episode is "Howard's End", by Edward Morgan Forster, the book on which the two high school classes compete. The challengers are class 5°B of the Gian Domenico Cassini classical high school in Sanremo and class 5°A/L of the Colombo linguistic high school in Marigliano. The game is hosted by Geppi Cucciari and Professor Piero Dorfles.
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Haven't Seen
Casa Howard di Edward Morgan Forster
Se non ora, quando? (di Primo Levi)
Episode 2 - 1-30-2016
The theme of this episode is "If Not Now, When?", by Primo Levi, the book on which the two high school classes compete. The challengers are the 5° B class of the Leonardo da Vinci scientific high school in Jesi and the 3° B class of the Mario Pagano classical high school in Campobasso. The game is hosted by Geppi Cucciari and Professor Piero Dorfles.
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Haven't Seen
Se non ora quando di Primo Levi
Don Chisciotte (di Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra)
Episode 1 - 1-23-2016
The theme of this episode is "Don Quixote", by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, the book on which the two high school classes compete. The challengers are class 3A of the Gualtiero classical high school in Orvieto and class 5A of the Euclide classical and scientific high school in Cagliari. The game is hosted by Geppi Cucciari and Professor Piero Dorfles.
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Haven't Seen
Don Chisciotte di Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
Season 18  
Un anno sull'Altipiano (di Emilio Lussu)
Episode 11 - 4-18-2015
Who will be the 2015 champion of "Per un pugno di libri"? Who will win the final challenge between class 5A of the Amedeo di Savoia classical high school in Tivoli (Rome) and class 5C/R of the Giacomo Leopardi classical high school in Macerata? Those of Tivoli and Macerata are the two classes that ranked best in the preliminary competitions that this year saw students from all over Italy take part. The comparison between the finalist classes takes place on a book that has become topical again to coincide with the centenary of the First World War.
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Haven't Seen
Un anno sullAltipiano di Emilio Lussu
Il nostro agente all'Avana (di Graham Greene)
Episode 10 - 4-11-2015
Pretending to be something you are not: exactly what the protagonist of "Our Man in Havana", a novel by Graham Greene, does. This work is a comparison between the students of class 5A of the Gaetano Salvemini scientific high school in Sorrento and the students of class 5E of the Francesco Vivona classical high school in Rome.
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Haven't Seen
Il nostro agente allAvana di Graham Greene
L'opera da tre soldi (di Bertolt Brecht)
Episode 9 - 4-04-2015
The great twentieth-century theater on stage. The students of class 5B of the Gandhi classical high school in Casoria (Naples) and class 5D of the Isaac Newton scientific high school in Rome are confronted with "The Threepenny Opera" by Bertolt Brecht, a theatrical text with music by Kurt Weill.
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Haven't Seen
Lopera da tre soldi di Bertolt Brecht
Franny e Zooey (di Jerome D. Salinger)
Episode 8 - 3-28-2015
Franny and Zooey, the pair of siblings invented by Jerome D. Salinger, in a fascinating and disturbing family portrait divided into two stories. It is with the problematic adolescence of the young girl Franny and with the existential and religious crisis of Zooey, a handsome and famous actor, that the boys of the 3°C of the classical high school Vincenzo Gioberti of Turin and the 5°S of the high school Antonio Cascino of Piazza Armerina (Enna) have to deal.
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Haven't Seen
Franny e Zooey di Jerome D Salinger
Il giocatore (di Fëdor Dostoevskij)
Episode 7 - 3-21-2015
"The Gambler" is one of the most fascinating novels by Fyodor Dostoevsky. And it is with it that the boys of the 5°B of the scientific high school Augusto Righi of Bologna and of the 5°E of the scientific high school of San Giovanni in Fiore (Cosenza) play.
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Haven't Seen
Il giocatore di Fdor Dostoevskij
Il ballo (di Irene Nemirovsky)
Episode 6 - 3-14-2015
Adolescence with its turmoil, frustrations and cruelty in the novel "Il ballo" by Irene Némirovsky. In this episode, the class 5°C/R of the liceo classico Giacomo Leopardi of Macerata and the liceo classico Adolfo Pansini of Naples compete.
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Haven't Seen
Il ballo di Irene Nemirovsky
Sostiene Pereira (di Antonio Tabucchi)
Episode 5 - 3-07-2015
Can a small man now on the twilight of his life change, give meaning to his life? Can a simple reporter rediscover the meaning of his work, of his role in society? These are the questions at the heart of "Sostiene Pereira", the famous novel by Antonio Tabucchi. And it is with this book that the students of a class from the scientific high school "Immanuel Kant" of Melito (Naples) and the classical high school "Amedeo di Savoia" of Tivoli (Rome) will confront each other on Saturday 7 March at 6 pm on Raitre.
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Haven't Seen
Sostiene Pereira di Antonio Tabucchi
Giulio Cesare (di William Shakespeare)
Episode 4 - 2-28-2015
Julius Caesar is a masterpiece by the Bard that, by telling us a story of ancient Rome, becomes a very current metaphor of power. Shakespeare declines this metaphor by making us understand the ruthlessness of those who, out of ambition, pursue maximum power. Ruthlessness that leads to betrayal and even Brutus' parricide of Caesar. Both the murdered father and the murderous son are the losers, while Mark Antony and Octavian are triumphant and take advantage of the bloodbath to affirm the supremacy of political power. The challengers are the 5th E of the Romita scientific high school in Campobasso and the 5th B of the Claudio Cavalleri scientific high school in Castano Primo.
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Haven't Seen
Giulio Cesare di William Shakespeare
Amsterdam (di Ian McEwan)
Episode 3 - 2-21-2015
The theme of this episode is "Amsterdam" by Ian McEwan, the book on which the two high school classes compete. The challengers are class 5°C of the Virgilio linguistic high school in Empoli and class 5°E of the De Santis classical high school in Salerno. The game is led by Geppi Cucciari and Professor Piero Dorfles.
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Haven't Seen
Amsterdam di Ian McEwan
La bolla di componenda (di Andrea Camilleri)
Episode 2 - 2-14-2015
The theme of this episode is "La bolla di componenda" by Andrea Camilleri, the book on which the two high school classes compete. The challengers are the 3°F of the Nicola Spedalieri classical high school in Catania and the 5°C of the Mattioli scientific high school in Vasto. The game is hosted by Geppi Cucciari and Professor Piero Dorfles.
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
La bolla di componenda di Andrea Camilleri
Il postino di Neruda (di Antonio Skármeta)
Episode 1 - 2-07-2015
In the first episode of the new season, the 5°F class of the "G. Galilei" Classical High School in Florence is competing with the 5°G class of the "Vincenzo Cuoco" Linguistic-Scientific High School in Naples. The text they are competing on is a very well-known book, if only for the film that was made from it. It is in fact Il postino di Neruda, the novel by the Chilean writer Antonio Skármeta, linked to the name of Massimo Troisi. It is an opportunity to also talk metaphorically about poetry, its relevance, the feelings that can only be expressed in verse. Let's see the relationship that the kids have with poetry, let's discover which poets are their favorites and which are their least favorites. Let's also try to go further, to understand that poetry is above all a look, the ability to see things in their most intimate meaning, in the resonance that they arouse in us.
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Haven't Seen
Il postino di Neruda di Antonio Skrmeta
Season 17  
Le avventure di Pinocchio (di Carlo Collodi)
Episode 12 - 4-26-2014
Last episode of "Per un pugno di libri": we will finally know which team is the winner of this edition. In fact, competing for the title of champions are the two classes that during the tournament qualified with the highest score: the 3°B of the Massimo D'Azeglio classical high school in Turin and the 5°A/S of the Iris Versari scientific high school in Cesano Maderno. At the center of the episode and the various tests is a classic of Italian literature, "The Adventures of Pinocchio", by Collodi, a book loved by generations of readers young and old but which today is perhaps more famous than read. It's an opportunity to pick it up again. Leading the game, as always, is Geppi Cucciari with Professor Piero Dorfles.
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Haven't Seen
Le avventure di Pinocchio di Carlo Collodi
Il naso (di Nikolaj Gogol)
Episode 11 - 4-19-2014
The book in play is the funny long story by Nikolaj Gogol "The Nose": can you suddenly lose your nose, then find it walking down the street and finally get it back? That's what happens to Gogol's protagonist against whom the two competing classes must compete. They are the 5°B of the Carolina Poerio high school of human sciences in Foggia, and the 5°F of the Giovanni Verga high school of linguistic sciences in Adrano (Catania). Up for grabs are many books and above all the chance to access the final next week that will be played between the classes that have ranked best during the season of "Per un pugno di libri".
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Haven't Seen
Il naso di Nikolaj Gogol
In viaggio con la zia (di Graham Greene)
Episode 10 - 4-12-2014
The tenth episode of "For a Fistful of Books" is an invitation to a crazy adventure. At the center of the game, in fact, is "Traveling with Aunt", the novel written by Graham Greene "for the pleasure of writing" and read by those who love the pleasure of reading. Spies, adventurers, drugs, sex, illicit trafficking, are the explosive mixture that the protagonist of the book comes across, overwhelmed by an eccentric and nonconformist aunt whose existence he was unaware of. Competing on the fun book are the 5°M class of the Giuseppe Cevolani classical high school in Cento (Ferrara) and the 3°A/B class of the Angelico Aprosio classical high school in Ventimiglia (Imperia). Leading the game, as always, is Geppi Cucciari with Professor Piero Dorfles.
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
In viaggio con la zia di Graham Greene
La scomparsa di Patò (di Andrea Camilleri)
Episode 9 - 4-05-2014
At the center of the episode of "Per un pugno di libri" is a manhunt. "La scomparsa di Patò" by Andrea Camilleri is the book on which the two competing classes must compete. Where has Patò gone, the gentle accountant who played Judas during the "Mortorio", the sacred representation of Good Friday? Was he killed? Did he escape? Was he perhaps involved in shady business? The 3°C of the Ernesto Cairoli classical high school in Varese and the 5°A of the Francesco Filelfo scientific high school in Tolentino (Macerata) unravel the tangle of newspaper articles, police reports and anonymous letters that make up the novel. Leading the game, as always, is Geppi Cucciari with Professor Piero Dorfles.
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
La scomparsa di Pat di Andrea Camilleri
La sovrana lettrice (di Alan Bennett)
Episode 8 - 3-29-2014
The theme of this episode is "The sovereign reader" by Alan Bennett, the book on which the two high school classes compete. The challengers are class 5°B of the scientific high school Rinaldo D'Aquino of Montella and class 5°G of the scientific high school Enrico Fermi of Gaeta. The game is hosted by Geppi Cucciari and Professor Piero Dorfles.
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
La sovrana lettrice di Alan Bennett
La cripta dei Cappuccini (di Joseph Roth)
Episode 7 - 3-22-2014
The episode of "Per un pugno di libri" focuses on the end of a world, the Austro-Hungarian Empire. This is in fact the theme of "La cripta dei Cappuccini", the novel by Joseph Roth. For the book's protagonist - and perhaps also for its author - the end of a world was also the end of the world. For the competing classes, it is an opportunity to read and engage with a masterpiece of twentieth-century literature. The 5th D of the Albert Einstein scientific high school in Milan and the 5th C of the Ruggero Settimo linguistic high school in Caltanissetta are competing in the episode. Leading the game, as always, is Geppi Cucciari with Professor Piero Dorfles.
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
La cripta dei Cappuccini di Joseph Roth
I cani e i lupi (di Irène Némirovsky)
Episode 6 - 3-15-2014
Ben, Harry and Ada: they are the protagonists of "I cani e i lupi", the beautiful latest novel by Irène Némirovsky, at the center of the episode. The two classes in play are: the 3°G of the classical high school Romagnosi of Parma and the 5°B of the scientific high school Giovanni Paolo I of Agnone, Isernia. Up for grabs are many books and the possibility of accessing the final between the two classes that have ranked best during the season of Per un pugno di libri. Leading the game, as always, is Geppi Cucciari with Professor Piero Dorfles.
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
I cani e i lupi di Irne Nmirovsky
Il sistema periodico (di Primo Levi)
Episode 5 - 3-08-2014
Thanks to "The Periodic Table" by Primo Levi, to "For a Fistful of Books", with Geppi Cucciari and Piero Dorfles, we play with literature and with... chemistry. In fact, the stories in Levi's book, indicated as the best science book ever written, each bear the scientific name of a chemical element. Primo Levi, in addition to being a great writer, was also a chemist, and had studied at the Massimo D'Azeglio Classical High School in Turin, where the 3°B class comes from to play in the program. Against them is another 3°B: that of the Goffredo Mameli Classical High School in Rome. Leading the game, as always, is Geppi Cucciari with Professor Piero Dorfles.
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Il sistema periodico di Primo Levi
Shining (di Stephen King)
Episode 4 - 3-01-2014
"The Shining" by Stephen King is the focus of the fourth episode of "A Fistful of Books". It is the most famous novel by the king of thrillers, thanks also to the film that Stanley Kubrick made from it. The two classes that as always challenge each other, must deal with the protagonists of the terrifying story: the failed writer Jack Torrance, his wife Wendy and the little Danny endowed with special powers. The competition is the 3°E of the Nicola Spedalieri classical high school in Catania and the 5°H of the Piero Calamandrei scientific high school in Naples. Leading the game, as always, is Geppi Cucciari with professor Piero Dorfles.
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Shining di Stephen King
L'amante di Lady Chatterley (di David H. Lawrence)
Episode 3 - 2-22-2014
At the center of the third episode of "Per un pugno di libri" is one of the most famous and controversial novels of the twentieth century: "Lady Chatterley's Lover" by David H. Lawrence. Accused of obscenity, tried and finally acquitted in 1960, after more than forty years from its publication, today the work of the English writer appears as one of the cornerstones of the twentieth century for the courage and intensity with which amorous passion was expressed. Two classes challenge each other in the usual games around Lawrence's novel: the Raffaello technical tourist institute of Urbino and the Iris Versari scientific high school of Cesano Maderno (Monza). Leading the game, as always, is Geppi Cucciari with Piero Dorfles.
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Lamante di Lady Chatterley di David H Lawrence
Un borghese piccolo piccolo (di Vincenzo Cerami)
Episode 2 - 2-08-2014
"Per un pugno di libri" pays homage to Vincenzo Cerami, the writer and screenwriter who recently passed away. The two classes, 5°A of the Romita scientific high school in Campobasso and 5°A of the Ricci Curbastro scientific high school in Lugo di Romagna, compete on "Un borghese piccolo piccolo", the successful debut novel transformed into a successful film by Mario Monicelli starring Alberto Sordi. The competition is hosted by Geppi Cucciari with the help of Professor Piero Dorfles.
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Un borghese piccolo piccolo di Vincenzo Cerami
Il pranzo di Babette (di Karen Blixen)
Episode 1 - 2-01-2014
In the first episode of the new season, the 5th A class of the scientific high school "S. Pertini" of Ladispoli and the 5th A class of the classical high school "G. Leopardi" of Macerata are competing. The text they are competing on is a short story by Karen Blixen, "Babette's Feast", which was made into a famous film. It is an opportunity to talk metaphorically about food, a very popular topic today. We see the relationship that kids have with food, discover their tastes and find a way to move from food to topics that have to do with current events.
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Haven't Seen
Il pranzo di Babette di Karen Blixen
Season 16  
Amleto - William Shakespeare
Episode 14 - 4-21-2013
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Amleto  William Shakespeare
Casa di bambola - Henrik Ibsen
Episode 13 - 4-14-2013
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Casa di bambola  Henrik Ibsen
Madame Bovary - Gustave Flaubert
Episode 12 - 4-07-2013
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Madame Bovary  Gustave Flaubert
Il grande Gatsby - Francis Scott Fitzgerald
Episode 11 - 3-31-2013
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Il grande Gatsby  Francis Scott Fitzgerald
Tanto amore per Glenda - Julio Cortazar
Episode 10 - 3-24-2013
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Tanto amore per Glenda  Julio Cortazar
Sconosciuti in treno - Patricia Highsmith
Episode 9 - 3-10-2013
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Sconosciuti in treno  Patricia Highsmith
Enrico IV - Luigi Pirandello
Episode 8 - 3-03-2013
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Enrico IV  Luigi Pirandello
Amok - Stefan Zweig
Episode 7 - 2-24-2013
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Amok  Stefan Zweig
Memorie dal sottosuolo - Fëdor Dostoevskij
Episode 6 - 2-17-2013
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Memorie dal sottosuolo  Fdor Dostoevskij
Le due zittelle - Tommaso Landolfi
Episode 5 - 2-10-2013
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Le due zittelle  Tommaso Landolfi
Il peso falso - Joseph Roth
Episode 4 - 2-03-2013
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Il peso falso  Joseph Roth
Il medico di campagna - Honoré de Balzac
Episode 3 - 1-27-2013
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Il medico di campagna  Honor de Balzac
Comma 22 - Joseph Heller
Episode 2 - 1-20-2013
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Comma 22  Joseph Heller
L'isola di Arturo - Elsa Morante
Episode 1 - 1-13-2013
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Lisola di Arturo  Elsa Morante
Season 15  
Il contesto - Leonardo Sciascia
Episode 15 - 4-15-2012
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Il contesto  Leonardo Sciascia
Il talento di mister Ripley - Patricia Highsmith
Episode 14 - 4-08-2012
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Il talento di mister Ripley  Patricia Highsmith
Il carteggio Aspern - Henry James
Episode 13 - 4-01-2012
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Il carteggio Aspern  Henry James
Alta fedeltà - Nick Hornby
Episode 12 - 3-25-2012
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Alta fedelt  Nick Hornby
Fuga senza fine - Joseph Roth
Episode 11 - 3-18-2012
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Fuga senza fine  Joseph Roth
La stanza del vescovo - Piero Chiara
Episode 10 - 3-11-2012
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La stanza del vescovo  Piero Chiara
L'eterno marito - Fëdor Dostoevskij
Episode 9 - 3-04-2012
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Leterno marito  Fdor Dostoevskij
La morte della Pizia - Friedrich Dürrenmatt
Episode 8 - 2-26-2012
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La morte della Pizia  Friedrich Drrenmatt
Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov
Episode 7 - 2-19-2012
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Lolita  Vladimir Nabokov
A che punto è la notte - Carlo Fruttero e Franco Lucentini
Episode 6 - 2-12-2012
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A che punto  la notte  Carlo Fruttero e Franco Lucentini
Bel ami - Guy de Maupassant
Episode 5 - 2-05-2012
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Bel ami  Guy de Maupassant
Furore - John Steinbeck
Episode 4 - 1-29-2012
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Furore  John Steinbeck
Il giardino dei Finzi Contini - Giorgio Bassani
Episode 3 - 1-22-2012
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Il giardino dei Finzi Contini  Giorgio Bassani
Mario e il mago - Thomas Mann
Episode 2 - 1-15-2012
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Mario e il mago  Thomas Mann
Orgoglio e pregiudizio - Jane Austen
Episode 1 - 1-08-2012
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Orgoglio e pregiudizio  Jane Austen
Season 14  
"Il garofano rosso" di Elio Vittorini
Episode 24 - 4-10-2011
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Il garofano rosso di Elio Vittorini
"Herzog" di Saul Bellow
Episode 23 - 4-03-2011
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Herzog di Saul Bellow
"Mattatoio n. 5" di Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
Episode 22 - 3-20-2011
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Mattatoio n 5 di Kurt Vonnegut Jr
"Discorso sopra lo stato presente dei costumi degli italiani" di Giacomo Leopardi
Episode 21 - 3-13-2011
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Discorso sopra lo stato presente dei costumi degli italiani di Giacomo Leopardi
"Un amore" di Dino Buzzati
Episode 20 - 3-06-2011
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Un amore di Dino Buzzati
"Don Giovanni" di Molière
Episode 19 - 2-27-2011
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Don Giovanni di Molire
"La città e i cani" di Mario Vargas Llosa
Episode 18 - 2-20-2011
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La citt e i cani di Mario Vargas Llosa
"America o il disperso" di Franz Kafka
Episode 17 - 2-13-2011
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America o il disperso di Franz Kafka
"Buio a mezzogiorno" di Arthur Koestler
Episode 16 - 2-06-2011
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Buio a mezzogiorno di Arthur Koestler
"Jane Eyre" di Charlotte Brontë
Episode 15 - 1-30-2011
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Jane Eyre di Charlotte Bront
"Se non ora, quando?" di Primo Levi
Episode 14 - 1-23-2011
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Se non ora quando di Primo Levi
"Il sospetto" di Friedrich Dürrenmatt
Episode 13 - 1-16-2011
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Il sospetto di Friedrich Drrenmatt
"Addio, mia amata" di Raymond Chandler
Episode 12 - 1-09-2011
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Addio mia amata di Raymond Chandler
"Nessuno scrive al colonnello" di Gabriel García Márquez
Episode 11 - 12-26-2010
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Nessuno scrive al colonnello di Gabriel Garca Mrquez
"Pnin" di Vladimir Nabokov
Episode 10 - 12-19-2010
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Pnin di Vladimir Nabokov
"Enigma in luogo di mare" di Carlo Fruttero e Franco Lucentini
Episode 9 - 12-12-2010
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Enigma in luogo di mare di Carlo Fruttero e Franco Lucentini
"Le notti bianche" di Fëdor Dostoevskij
Episode 8 - 12-05-2010
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Le notti bianche di Fdor Dostoevskij
"Fútbol" di Osvaldo Soriano
Episode 7 - 11-28-2010
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Ftbol di Osvaldo Soriano
"Il fattore umano" di Graham Greene
Episode 6 - 11-21-2010
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Il fattore umano di Graham Greene
"Le cosmicomiche" di Italo Calvino
Episode 5 - 11-14-2010
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Le cosmicomiche di Italo Calvino
"Novella degli scacchi" di Stefan Zweig
Episode 4 - 11-07-2010
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Novella degli scacchi di Stefan Zweig
"Le allegre comari di Windsor" di William Shakespeare
Episode 3 - 10-31-2010
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Le allegre comari di Windsor di William Shakespeare
"L'opera al nero" di Marguerite Yourcenar
Episode 2 - 10-24-2010
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Lopera al nero di Marguerite Yourcenar
"Il gattopardo" di Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa
Episode 1 - 10-17-2010
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Il gattopardo di Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa
Season 13  
Gomorra - Roberto Saviano
Episode 24 - 4-04-2010
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Gomorra  Roberto Saviano
Il mondo nuovo - Aldous Huxley
Episode 23 - 3-28-2010
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Il mondo nuovo  Aldous Huxley
Misery - Stephen King
Episode 22 - 3-21-2010
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Misery  Stephen King
Il parroco di Tours - Honoré de Balzac
Episode 21 - 3-14-2010
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Il parroco di Tours  Honor de Balzac
La mia Africa - Karen Blixen
Episode 20 - 3-07-2010
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La mia Africa  Karen Blixen
Il diario di Eva - Mark Twain
Episode 19 - 2-28-2010
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Il diario di Eva  Mark Twain
Vita di Galileo - Bertolt Brecht
Episode 18 - 2-21-2010
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Vita di Galileo  Bertolt Brecht
Il ragazzo rapito - Robert Louis Stevenson
Episode 17 - 2-14-2010
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Il ragazzo rapito  Robert Louis Stevenson
Bestiario - Julio Cortázar
Episode 16 - 2-07-2010
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Bestiario  Julio Cortzar
Una vita - Italo Svevo
Episode 15 - 1-31-2010
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Una vita  Italo Svevo
La peste - Albert Camus
Episode 14 - 1-24-2010
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La peste  Albert Camus
Cronache marziane - Ray Bradbury
Episode 13 - 1-17-2010
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Cronache marziane  Ray Bradbury
La signorina Else - Arthur Schnitzler
Episode 12 - 1-10-2010
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La signorina Else  Arthur Schnitzler
Una storia semplice - Leonardo Sciascia
Episode 11 - 1-03-2010
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Una storia semplice  Leonardo Sciascia
Il mercante di Venezia - William Shakespeare
Episode 10 - 12-27-2009
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Il mercante di Venezia  William Shakespeare
Jacques il fatalista e il suo padrone - Denis Diderot
Episode 9 - 12-20-2009
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Jacques il fatalista e il suo padrone  Denis Diderot
La morte di Ivan Il'ič - Lev Tolstoj
Episode 8 - 12-13-2009
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La morte di Ivan Ili  Lev Tolstoj
Il console onorario - Graham Greene
Episode 7 - 12-06-2009
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Il console onorario  Graham Greene
La visita della vecchia signora - Friedrich Durrenmatt
Episode 6 - 11-29-2009
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La visita della vecchia signora  Friedrich Durrenmatt
Sorelle Materassi - Aldo Palazzeschi
Episode 5 - 11-22-2009
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Sorelle Materassi  Aldo Palazzeschi
David Copperfield - Charles Dickens
Episode 4 - 11-08-2009
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David Copperfield  Charles Dickens
Bruciante segreto - Stefan Zweig
Episode 3 - 11-01-2009
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Bruciante segreto  Stefan Zweig
Chéri - Colette
Episode 2 - 10-25-2009
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Chri  Colette
Storia della colonna infame - Alessandro Manzoni
Episode 1 - 10-18-2009
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Storia della colonna infame  Alessandro Manzoni
Season 12  
Il conformista - Alberto Moravia
Episode 25 - 5-03-2009
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Il conformista  Alberto Moravia
Padri e figli - Ivan Turgenev
Episode 24 - 4-26-2009
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Padri e figli  Ivan Turgenev
Passaggio in India - Edward Morgan Forster
Episode 23 - 4-19-2009
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Passaggio in India  Edward Morgan Forster
Lessico famigliare - Natalia Ginzburg
Episode 22 - 4-12-2009
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Lessico famigliare  Natalia Ginzburg
L'autunno del patriarca - Gabriel García Márquez
Episode 21 - 4-05-2009
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Lautunno del patriarca  Gabriel Garca Mrquez
Giobbe. Romanzo di un uomo semplice - Joseph Roth
Episode 20 - 3-22-2009
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Giobbe Romanzo di un uomo semplice  Joseph Roth
Nove racconti - Jerome Salinger
Episode 19 - 3-15-2009
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Nove racconti  Jerome Salinger
Porte aperte - Leonardo Sciascia
Episode 18 - 3-01-2009
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Porte aperte  Leonardo Sciascia
I delitti della rue morgue - Edgar Allan Poe
Episode 17 - 2-22-2009
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I delitti della rue morgue  Edgar Allan Poe
Foto di gruppo con signora - Heinrich Böll
Episode 16 - 2-15-2009
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Foto di gruppo con signora  Heinrich Bll
Quaderni di Serafino Gubbio operatore - Luigi Pirandello
Episode 15 - 2-08-2009
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Quaderni di Serafino Gubbio operatore  Luigi Pirandello
La dodicesima notte - William Shakespeare
Episode 14 - 2-01-2009
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La dodicesima notte  William Shakespeare
La pelle di zigrino - Honoré de Balzac
Episode 13 - 1-25-2009
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La pelle di zigrino  Honor de Balzac
Martin Eden - Jack London
Episode 12 - 1-18-2009
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Martin Eden  Jack London
I piccoli maestri - Luigi Meneghello
Episode 11 - 1-11-2009
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I piccoli maestri  Luigi Meneghello
Canto di Natale - Charles Dickens
Episode 10 - 12-21-2008
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Canto di Natale  Charles Dickens
Lettera al mio giudice - Georges Simenon
Episode 9 - 12-14-2008
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Lettera al mio giudice  Georges Simenon
La panne. Una storia ancora possibile - Friedrich Dürrenmatt
Episode 8 - 12-07-2008
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La panne Una storia ancora possibile  Friedrich Drrenmatt
La giornata d'uno scrutatore - Italo Calvino
Episode 7 - 11-30-2008
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La giornata duno scrutatore  Italo Calvino
Daisy Miller - Henry James
Episode 6 - 11-23-2008
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Daisy Miller  Henry James
L'Aleph - Jorge Luis Borges
Episode 5 - 11-16-2008
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LAleph  Jorge Luis Borges
L'educazione sentimentale - Gustave Flaubert
Episode 4 - 11-09-2008
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Leducazione sentimentale  Gustave Flaubert
Gente di Dublino - James Joyce
Episode 3 - 11-02-2008
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Gente di Dublino  James Joyce
Il birraio di Preston - Andrea Camilleri
Episode 2 - 10-26-2008
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Il birraio di Preston  Andrea Camilleri
I fratelli Karamàzov - Fëdor Dostoevskij
Episode 1 - 10-19-2008
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I fratelli Karamzov  Fdor Dostoevskij
Season 11  
La coscienza di Zeno - Italo Svevo
Episode 27 - 5-11-2008
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La coscienza di Zeno  Italo Svevo
Puntata 26
Episode 26 - 5-04-2008
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Puntata 26
Uno studio in rosso - Arthur Conan Doyle
Episode 25 - 4-27-2008
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Uno studio in rosso  Arthur Conan Doyle
Conversazione in Sicilia - Elio Vittorini
Episode 24 - 4-20-2008
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Conversazione in Sicilia  Elio Vittorini
Puntata 23
Episode 23 - 4-13-2008
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Puntata 23
Il sergente nella neve - Mario Rigoni Stern
Episode 22 - 4-06-2008
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Il sergente nella neve  Mario Rigoni Stern
Tifone - Joseph Conrad
Episode 21 - 3-30-2008
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Tifone  Joseph Conrad
Minority Report - Philip K. Dick
Episode 20 - 3-16-2008
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Minority Report  Philip K Dick
La concessione del telefono - Andrea Camilleri
Episode 19 - 3-09-2008
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La concessione del telefono  Andrea Camilleri
Il giocatore - Fëdor Dostoevskij
Episode 18 - 3-02-2008
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Il giocatore  Fdor Dostoevskij
L'amante - Marguerite Duras
Episode 17 - 2-24-2008
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Lamante  Marguerite Duras
Le menzogne della notte - Gesualdo Bufalino
Episode 16 - 2-17-2008
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Le menzogne della notte  Gesualdo Bufalino
A sangue freddo - Truman Capote
Episode 15 - 2-10-2008
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A sangue freddo  Truman Capote
Le città invisibili - Italo Calvino
Episode 14 - 2-03-2008
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Le citt invisibili  Italo Calvino
Il porto delle nebbie - Georges Simenon
Episode 13 - 1-27-2008
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Il porto delle nebbie  Georges Simenon
La metamorfosi - Franz Kafka
Episode 12 - 1-20-2008
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La metamorfosi  Franz Kafka
Il misantropo - Molière
Episode 11 - 1-13-2008
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Il misantropo  Molire
Alice attraverso lo specchio - Lewis Carroll
Episode 10 - 12-23-2007
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Alice attraverso lo specchio  Lewis Carroll
La scomparsa di Majorana - Leonardo Sciascia
Episode 9 - 12-16-2007
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La scomparsa di Majorana  Leonardo Sciascia
Addio alle armi - Ernest Hemingway
Episode 8 - 12-09-2007
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Addio alle armi  Ernest Hemingway
Puntata 7
Episode 7 - 12-02-2007
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Puntata 7
Gli indifferenti - Alberto Moravia
Episode 6 - 11-25-2007
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Gli indifferenti  Alberto Moravia
Bouvard et Pécuchet - Gustave Flaubert
Episode 5 - 11-18-2007
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Bouvard et Pcuchet  Gustave Flaubert
Tonio Kroger - Thomas Mann
Episode 4 - 11-11-2007
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Tonio Kroger  Thomas Mann
Lettera a Berlino - Ian McEwan
Episode 3 - 11-04-2007
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Lettera a Berlino  Ian McEwan
I viceré - Federico De Roberto
Episode 2 - 10-28-2007
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I vicer  Federico De Roberto
Finzioni - Jorge Luis Borges
Episode 1 - 10-21-2007
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Finzioni  Jorge Luis Borges
Season 10  
1984 - George Orwell
Episode 27 - 5-06-2007
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1984  George Orwell
Il grande sonno - Raymond Chandler / Quer pasticciaccio brutto de via Merulana - Carlo Emilio Gadda
Episode 26 - 4-29-2007
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Il grande sonno  Raymond Chandler  Quer pasticciaccio brutto de via Merulana  Carlo Emilio Gadda
Cime tempestose - Emily Brontë / Sonata a Kreutzer - Lev Tolstoj
Episode 25 - 4-22-2007
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Cime tempestose  Emily Bront  Sonata a Kreutzer  Lev Tolstoj
Puntata 24
Episode 24 - 4-15-2007
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Puntata 24
Puntata 23
Episode 23 - 4-08-2007
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Puntata 23
Il corsaro nero - Emilio Salgari / L’isola del tesoro - Robert Louis Stevenson
Episode 22 - 4-01-2007
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Il corsaro nero  Emilio Salgari  Lisola del tesoro  Robert Louis Stevenson
Puntata 21
Episode 21 - 3-18-2007
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Puntata 21
Puntata 20
Episode 20 - 3-11-2007
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Puntata 20
Puntata 19
Episode 19 - 3-04-2007
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Puntata 19
Aspettando Godot - Samuel Beckett / Il deserto dei Tartari - Dino Buzzati
Episode 18 - 2-25-2007
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Aspettando Godot  Samuel Beckett  Il deserto dei Tartari  Dino Buzzati
Il ritratto di Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde / Il maestro e Margherita - Michail Bulgakov
Episode 17 - 2-18-2007
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Il ritratto di Dorian Gray  Oscar Wilde  Il maestro e Margherita  Michail Bulgakov
Le relazioni pericolose - Pierre Ambroise François Choderlos de Laclos / Doppio sogno - Arthur Schnitzler
Episode 16 - 2-11-2007
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Le relazioni pericolose  Pierre Ambroise Franois Choderlos de Laclos  Doppio sogno  Arthur Schnitzler
Puntata 15
Episode 15 - 2-04-2007
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Puntata 15
Moby Dick - Herman Melville / Linea d’ombra - Joseph Conrad
Episode 14 - 1-28-2007
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Moby Dick  Herman Melville  Linea dombra  Joseph Conrad
Puntata 13
Episode 13 - 1-21-2007
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Puntata 13
Puntata 12
Episode 12 - 1-14-2007
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Puntata 12
Lord Jim - Joseph Conrad / Pinocchio - Carlo Collodi
Episode 11 - 1-07-2007
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Lord Jim  Joseph Conrad  Pinocchio  Carlo Collodi
Puntata 10
Episode 10 - 12-24-2006
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Puntata 10
Cuore - Edmondo De Amicis / Arancia meccanica - Anthony Burgess
Episode 9 - 12-17-2006
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Cuore  Edmondo De Amicis  Arancia meccanica  Anthony Burgess
Puntata 8
Episode 8 - 12-10-2006
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Puntata 8
Puntata 7
Episode 7 - 12-03-2006
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Puntata 7
Robinson Crusoe - Daniel Defoe / Il signore delle mosche - William Golding
Episode 6 - 11-26-2006
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Robinson Crusoe  Daniel Defoe  Il signore delle mosche  William Golding
Il giovane Holden - J. D. Salinger / Siddharta - Herman Hesse
Episode 5 - 11-19-2006
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Il giovane Holden  J D Salinger  Siddharta  Herman Hesse
Frankenstein - Mary Shelley / Il più grande uomo scimmia del Pleistocene - Roy Lewis
Episode 4 - 11-12-2006
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Frankenstein  Mary Shelley  Il pi grande uomo scimmia del Pleistocene  Roy Lewis
Anna Karenina - Lev Tolstoj / Madame Bovary - Gustave Flaubert
Episode 3 - 11-05-2006
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Anna Karenina  Lev Tolstoj  Madame Bovary  Gustave Flaubert
Don Chisciotte - Miguel de Cervantes / Candido - Voltaire
Episode 2 - 10-29-2006
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Don Chisciotte  Miguel de Cervantes  Candido  Voltaire
I promessi sposi - Alessandro Manzoni / I peccati di Peyton Place - Grace Metalious
Episode 1 - 10-22-2006
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I promessi sposi  Alessandro Manzoni  I peccati di Peyton Place  Grace Metalious
Season 9  
La chiave a stella - Primo Levi
Episode 27 - 5-14-2006
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La chiave a stella  Primo Levi
Molto rumore per nulla - William Shakespeare
Episode 26 - 5-07-2006
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Molto rumore per nulla  William Shakespeare
Maigret ha paura - Georges Simenon
Episode 25 - 4-30-2006
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Maigret ha paura  Georges Simenon
Il castello - Franz Kafka
Episode 24 - 4-22-2006
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Il castello  Franz Kafka
La nube purpurea - Matthew Phipps Shiel
Episode 23 - 4-16-2006
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La nube purpurea  Matthew Phipps Shiel
Il bell'Antonio - Vitaliano Brancati
Episode 22 - 4-09-2006
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Il bellAntonio  Vitaliano Brancati
Triste, solitario y final - Osvaldo Soriano
Episode 21 - 4-02-2006
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Triste solitario y final  Osvaldo Soriano
Zio Vania - Anton Čechov
Episode 20 - 3-26-2006
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Zio Vania  Anton echov
La morte a Venezia - Thomas Mann
Episode 19 - 3-19-2006
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La morte a Venezia  Thomas Mann
Le palme selvagge - William Faulkner
Episode 18 - 3-12-2006
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Le palme selvagge  William Faulkner
C'era due volte il barone Lamberto - Gianni Rodari
Episode 17 - 3-05-2006
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Cera due volte il barone Lamberto  Gianni Rodari
Eugénie Grandet - Honoré de Balzac
Episode 16 - 2-26-2006
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Eugnie Grandet  Honor de Balzac
Billy Budd - Herman Melville
Episode 15 - 2-19-2006
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Billy Budd  Herman Melville
La vita agra - Luciano Bianciardi
Episode 14 - 2-12-2006
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La vita agra  Luciano Bianciardi
Un amore di Swann - Marcel Proust
Episode 13 - 2-05-2006
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Un amore di Swann  Marcel Proust
King Kong - Delos W. Lovelace
Episode 12 - 1-29-2006
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King Kong  Delos W Lovelace
Cronaca di una morte annunciata - Gabriel García Márquez
Episode 11 - 1-22-2006
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Cronaca di una morte annunciata  Gabriel Garca Mrquez
Agosto moglie mia non ti conosco - Achille Campanile
Episode 10 - 1-15-2006
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Agosto moglie mia non ti conosco  Achille Campanile
Ventimila leghe sotto i mari - Jules Verne
Episode 9 - 1-08-2006
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Ventimila leghe sotto i mari  Jules Verne
Colazione da Tiffany - Truman Capote
Episode 8 - 12-18-2005
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Colazione da Tiffany  Truman Capote
La dama di picche - Aleksandr Puškin
Episode 7 - 12-11-2005
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La dama di picche  Aleksandr Pukin
La promessa - Friedrich Dürrenmatt
Episode 6 - 12-04-2005
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La promessa  Friedrich Drrenmatt
Il valzer degli addii - Milan Kundera
Episode 5 - 11-13-2005
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Il valzer degli addii  Milan Kundera
Il ritorno di Casanova - Arthur Schnitzler
Episode 4 - 11-06-2005
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Il ritorno di Casanova  Arthur Schnitzler
Io, robot - Isaac Asimov
Episode 3 - 10-30-2005
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Io robot  Isaac Asimov
Emma - Jane Austen
Episode 2 - 10-23-2005
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Emma  Jane Austen
Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno - Italo Calvino
Episode 1 - 10-16-2005
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Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno  Italo Calvino
Season 8  
Circolo Pickwick - Charles Dickens
Episode 29 - 5-22-2005
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Circolo Pickwick  Charles Dickens
Ritratto di signora - Henry James
Episode 28 - 5-15-2005
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Ritratto di signora  Henry James
La figlia del capitano - Aleksandr Puškin
Episode 27 - 5-08-2005
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La figlia del capitano  Aleksandr Pukin
Assassinio sull'Orient Express - Agatha Christie
Episode 26 - 4-24-2005
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Assassinio sullOrient Express  Agatha Christie
Il codice di Perelà - Aldo Palazzeschi
Episode 25 - 4-17-2005
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Il codice di Perel  Aldo Palazzeschi
Peter Camenzind - Herman Hesse
Episode 24 - 4-10-2005
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Peter Camenzind  Herman Hesse
Tre uomini in barca - Jerome K. Jerome
Episode 23 - 3-27-2005
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Tre uomini in barca  Jerome K Jerome
I fiori blu - Raymond Queneau
Episode 22 - 3-20-2005
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I fiori blu  Raymond Queneau
La zia Julia e lo scribacchino - Mario Vargas Llosa
Episode 21 - 3-13-2005
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La zia Julia e lo scribacchino  Mario Vargas Llosa
La marcia di Radetzky - Joseph Roth
Episode 20 - 3-06-2005
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La marcia di Radetzky  Joseph Roth
Cristo si è fermato a Eboli - Carlo Levi
Episode 19 - 2-27-2005
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Cristo si  fermato a Eboli  Carlo Levi
Camera con vista - Edward Morgan Forster
Episode 18 - 2-20-2005
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Camera con vista  Edward Morgan Forster
Il malato immaginario - Molière
Episode 17 - 2-13-2005
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Il malato immaginario  Molire
Il vecchio e il mare - Ernest Hemingway
Episode 16 - 2-06-2005
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Il vecchio e il mare  Ernest Hemingway
Opinioni di un clown - Heinrich Böll
Episode 15 - 1-30-2005
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Opinioni di un clown  Heinrich Bll
Padri e figli - Ivan Turgenev
Episode 14 - 1-23-2005
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Padri e figli  Ivan Turgenev
I Malavoglia - Giovanni Verga
Episode 13 - 1-16-2005
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I Malavoglia  Giovanni Verga
L'amore ai tempi del colera - Gabriel García Márquez
Episode 12 - 1-09-2005
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Lamore ai tempi del colera  Gabriel Garca Mrquez
Le avventure di Tom Sawyer - Mark Twain
Episode 11 - 12-26-2004
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Le avventure di Tom Sawyer  Mark Twain
Una questione privata - Beppe Fenoglio
Episode 10 - 12-19-2004
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Una questione privata  Beppe Fenoglio
Il falco maltese - Dashiell Hammett
Episode 9 - 12-12-2004
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Il falco maltese  Dashiell Hammett
La signora delle camelie - Alexandre Dumas figlio
Episode 8 - 12-05-2004
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La signora delle camelie  Alexandre Dumas figlio
Il caro estinto - Evelyn Waugh
Episode 7 - 11-28-2004
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Il caro estinto  Evelyn Waugh
La vita è altrove - Milan Kundera
Episode 6 - 11-21-2004
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La vita  altrove  Milan Kundera
Senilità - Italo Svevo
Episode 5 - 11-14-2004
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Senilit  Italo Svevo
L'agente segreto - Joseph Conrad
Episode 4 - 11-06-2004
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Lagente segreto  Joseph Conrad
I viaggi di Gulliver - Jonathan Swift
Episode 3 - 10-31-2004
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I viaggi di Gulliver  Jonathan Swift
L'ispettore generale - Nikolaj Gogol'
Episode 2 - 10-24-2004
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Lispettore generale  Nikolaj Gogol
Tempo di uccidere - Ennio Flaiano
Episode 1 - 10-17-2004
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Tempo di uccidere  Ennio Flaiano
Season 7  
Il povero Piero - Achille Campanile
Episode 29 - 5-09-2004
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Il povero Piero  Achille Campanile
Marcovaldo ovvero le stagioni in città - Italo Calvino
Episode 28 - 5-02-2004
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Marcovaldo ovvero le stagioni in citt  Italo Calvino
Il prete bello - Goffredo Parise
Episode 27 - 4-25-2004
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Il prete bello  Goffredo Parise
L'urlo e il furore - William Faulkner
Episode 26 - 4-18-2004
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Lurlo e il furore  William Faulkner
Zazie nel metro - Raymond Queneau
Episode 25 - 4-11-2004
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Zazie nel metro  Raymond Queneau
I Buddenbrook: decadenza di una famiglia - Thomas Mann
Episode 24 - 4-04-2004
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I Buddenbrook decadenza di una famiglia  Thomas Mann
Oblomov - Ivan Gončarov
Episode 23 - 3-28-2004
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Oblomov  Ivan Gonarov
Memorie di una ragazza perbene - Simone de Beauvoir
Episode 22 - 3-21-2004
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Memorie di una ragazza perbene  Simone de Beauvoir
Oliver Twist - Charles Dickens
Episode 21 - 3-14-2004
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Oliver Twist  Charles Dickens
Chiedi alla polvere - John Fante
Episode 20 - 3-07-2004
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Chiedi alla polvere  John Fante
Nati due volte - Giuseppe Pontiggia
Episode 19 - 2-29-2004
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Nati due volte  Giuseppe Pontiggia
Memorie di Adriano - Marguerite Yourcenar
Episode 18 - 2-22-2004
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Memorie di Adriano  Marguerite Yourcenar
Il giardino dei ciliegi - Anton Čechov
Episode 17 - 2-15-2004
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Il giardino dei ciliegi  Anton echov
L'amico ritrovato - Fred Uhlman
Episode 16 - 2-08-2004
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Lamico ritrovato  Fred Uhlman
Le memorie di Barry Lyndon - William Makepeace Thackeray
Episode 15 - 2-01-2004
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Le memorie di Barry Lyndon  William Makepeace Thackeray
Uno, nessuno e centomila - Luigi Pirandello
Episode 14 - 1-25-2004
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Uno nessuno e centomila  Luigi Pirandello
Per chi suona la campana - Ernest Hemingway
Episode 13 - 1-18-2004
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Per chi suona la campana  Ernest Hemingway
Il giro del mondo in 80 giorni - Jules Verne
Episode 12 - 1-11-2004
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Il giro del mondo in 80 giorni  Jules Verne
La bella estate - Cesare Pavese
Episode 11 - 12-28-2003
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La bella estate  Cesare Pavese
L'inviato speciale - Evelyn Waugh
Episode 10 - 12-21-2003
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Linviato speciale  Evelyn Waugh
La passeggiata - Robert Walser
Episode 9 - 12-14-2003
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La passeggiata  Robert Walser
Assassinio al comitato centrale - Manuel Vázquez Montalbán
Episode 8 - 12-07-2003
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Assassinio al comitato centrale  Manuel Vzquez Montalbn
L'idiota - Fedor Dostoevskij
Episode 7 - 11-30-2003
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Lidiota  Fedor Dostoevskij
Nostromo - Joseph Conrad
Episode 6 - 11-23-2003
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Nostromo  Joseph Conrad
Auto da fé - Elias Canetti
Episode 5 - 11-16-2003
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Auto da f  Elias Canetti
Il consiglio d'Egitto - Leonardo Sciascia
Episode 4 - 11-09-2003
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Il consiglio dEgitto  Leonardo Sciascia
Gargantua e Pantagruel - François Rabelais
Episode 3 - 11-02-2003
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Gargantua e Pantagruel  Franois Rabelais
La paga del sabato - Beppe Fenoglio
Episode 2 - 10-26-2003
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La paga del sabato  Beppe Fenoglio
Don Chisciotte - Miguel de Cervantes
Episode 1 - 10-19-2003
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Don Chisciotte  Miguel de Cervantes
Season 6  
Iliade - Omero
Episode 27 - 5-04-2003
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Iliade  Omero
Il giorno della civetta - Leonardo Sciascia
Episode 26 - 4-27-2003
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Il giorno della civetta  Leonardo Sciascia
L'uomo che guardava passare i treni - Georges Simenon
Episode 25 - 4-20-2003
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Luomo che guardava passare i treni  Georges Simenon
La donna della domenica - Carlo Fruttero e Franco Lucentini
Episode 24 - 4-13-2003
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La donna della domenica  Carlo Fruttero e Franco Lucentini
Il signore di Ballantrae - Robert Louis Stevenson
Episode 23 - 4-06-2003
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Il signore di Ballantrae  Robert Louis Stevenson
Il giudice e il suo boia - Friedrich Dürrenmatt
Episode 22 - 3-30-2003
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Il giudice e il suo boia  Friedrich Drrenmatt
Bartleby lo scrivano - Herman Melville
Episode 21 - 3-23-2003
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Bartleby lo scrivano  Herman Melville
Il sosia - Fëdor Dostoevskij
Episode 20 - 3-16-2003
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Il sosia  Fdor Dostoevskij
Il richiamo della foresta - Jack London
Episode 19 - 3-09-2003
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Il richiamo della foresta  Jack London
La tregua - Primo Levi
Episode 18 - 3-02-2003
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La tregua  Primo Levi
La leggenda del santo bevitore - Joseph Roth
Episode 17 - 2-23-2003
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La leggenda del santo bevitore  Joseph Roth
L'importanza di chiamarsi Ernesto - Oscar Wilde
Episode 16 - 2-16-2003
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Limportanza di chiamarsi Ernesto  Oscar Wilde
Ultime lettere di Jacopo Ortis - Ugo Foscolo
Episode 15 - 2-09-2003
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Ultime lettere di Jacopo Ortis  Ugo Foscolo
Il mastino dei Baskerville - Arthur Conan Doyle
Episode 14 - 2-02-2003
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Il mastino dei Baskerville  Arthur Conan Doyle
Il giornalino di Gian Burrasca - Vamba
Episode 13 - 1-26-2003
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Il giornalino di Gian Burrasca  Vamba
Il grande Gatsby - Francis Scott Fitzgerald
Episode 12 - 1-19-2003
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Il grande Gatsby  Francis Scott Fitzgerald
Narciso e Boccadoro - Herman Hesse
Episode 11 - 1-12-2003
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Narciso e Boccadoro  Herman Hesse
Macbeth - William Shakespeare
Episode 10 - 12-22-2002
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Macbeth  William Shakespeare
Il generale Della Rovere - Indro Montanelli
Episode 9 - 12-15-2002
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Il generale Della Rovere  Indro Montanelli
Papà Goriot - Honoré de Balzac
Episode 8 - 12-08-2002
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Pap Goriot  Honor de Balzac
Il visconte dimezzato - Italo Calvino
Episode 7 - 12-01-2002
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Il visconte dimezzato  Italo Calvino
Il dottor Zivago - Boris Pasternak
Episode 6 - 11-24-2002
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Il dottor Zivago  Boris Pasternak
Il signore delle mosche - William Golding
Episode 5 - 11-17-2002
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Il signore delle mosche  William Golding
Uomini e no - Elio Vittorini
Episode 4 - 11-10-2002
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Uomini e no  Elio Vittorini
I duellanti - Joseph Conrad
Episode 3 - 11-03-2002
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I duellanti  Joseph Conrad
L'amante di lady Chatterley - David Herbert Lawrence
Episode 2 - 10-27-2002
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Lamante di lady Chatterley  David Herbert Lawrence
Quer pasticciaccio brutto de via Merulana - Carlo Emilio Gadda
Episode 1 - 10-20-2002
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Quer pasticciaccio brutto de via Merulana  Carlo Emilio Gadda
Season 5  
Anna Karenina - Lev Tolstoj
Episode 30 - 5-05-2002
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Anna Karenina  Lev Tolstoj
Il rosso e il nero - Stendhal
Episode 29 - 4-28-2002
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Il rosso e il nero  Stendhal
Furore - John Steinbeck
Episode 28 - 4-21-2002
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Furore  John Steinbeck
Lo straniero - Albert Camus
Episode 27 - 4-14-2002
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Lo straniero  Albert Camus
La luna e i falò - Cesare Pavese
Episode 26 - 3-31-2002
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La luna e i fal  Cesare Pavese
I turbamenti del giovane Törless - Robert Musil
Episode 25 - 3-24-2002
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I turbamenti del giovane Trless  Robert Musil
Il lungo addio - Raymond Chandler
Episode 24 - 3-17-2002
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Il lungo addio  Raymond Chandler
La compagnia dell'anello - J. R. R. Tolkien
Episode 23 - 3-10-2002
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La compagnia dellanello  J R R Tolkien
La cripta dei cappuccini - Joseph Roth
Episode 22 - 3-03-2002
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La cripta dei cappuccini  Joseph Roth
Storia di Arthur Gordon Pym - Edgar Allan Poe
Episode 21 - 2-24-2002
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Storia di Arthur Gordon Pym  Edgar Allan Poe
Le relazioni pericolose - Pierre Ambroise François Choderlos de Laclos
Episode 20 - 2-17-2002
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Le relazioni pericolose  Pierre Ambroise Franois Choderlos de Laclos
Metello - Vasco Pratolini
Episode 19 - 2-10-2002
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Metello  Vasco Pratolini
Il cacciatore di androidi - Philip K. Dick
Episode 18 - 2-03-2002
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Il cacciatore di androidi  Philip K Dick
Delitto e castigo - Fëdor Dostoevskij
Episode 17 - 1-27-2002
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Delitto e castigo  Fdor Dostoevskij
Dieci piccoli indiani - Agatha Christie
Episode 16 - 1-20-2002
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Dieci piccoli indiani  Agatha Christie
La certosa di Parma - Stendhal
Episode 15 - 1-13-2002
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La certosa di Parma  Stendhal
Harry Potter e la pietra filosofale - J. K. Rowling
Episode 14 - 1-06-2002
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Harry Potter e la pietra filosofale  J K Rowling
Il conformista - Alberto Moravia
Episode 13 - 12-30-2001
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Il conformista  Alberto Moravia
Zanna Bianca - Jack London
Episode 12 - 12-23-2001
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Zanna Bianca  Jack London
Arancia meccanica - Anthony Burgess
Episode 11 - 12-16-2001
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Arancia meccanica  Anthony Burgess
Todo modo - Leonardo Sciascia
Episode 10 - 12-09-2001
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Todo modo  Leonardo Sciascia
Benito Cereno - Herman Melville
Episode 9 - 12-02-2001
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Benito Cereno  Herman Melville
Altezza reale - Thomas Mann
Episode 8 - 11-25-2001
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Altezza reale  Thomas Mann
Lord Jim - Joseph Conrad
Episode 7 - 11-18-2001
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Lord Jim  Joseph Conrad
Il cavaliere inesistente - Italo Calvino
Episode 6 - 11-11-2001
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Il cavaliere inesistente  Italo Calvino
Grandi speranze - Charles Dickens
Episode 5 - 11-04-2001
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Grandi speranze  Charles Dickens
Il nostro agente all'Avana - Graham Greene
Episode 4 - 10-28-2001
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Il nostro agente allAvana  Graham Greene
Dona Flor e i suoi due mariti - Jorge Amado
Episode 3 - 10-21-2001
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Dona Flor e i suoi due mariti  Jorge Amado
Bel ami - Guy de Maupassant
Episode 2 - 10-14-2001
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Bel ami  Guy de Maupassant
Il giardino dei Finzi Contini - Giorgio Bassani
Episode 1 - 10-07-2001
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Il giardino dei Finzi Contini  Giorgio Bassani
Season 4  
Inferno (Divina commedia) - Dante Alighieri
Episode 30 - 5-13-2001
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Inferno Divina commedia  Dante Alighieri
Puntata 29
Episode 29 - 5-06-2001
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Puntata 29
Giulio Cesare - William Shakespeare
Episode 28 - 4-29-2001
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Giulio Cesare  William Shakespeare
L'isola di Arturo - Elsa Morante
Episode 27 - 4-22-2001
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Lisola di Arturo  Elsa Morante
Martin Eden - Jack London
Episode 26 - 4-15-2001
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Martin Eden  Jack London
Cuore di cane - Michail Bulgakov
Episode 25 - 4-08-2001
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Cuore di cane  Michail Bulgakov
Addio alle armi - Ernest Hemingway
Episode 24 - 4-01-2001
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Addio alle armi  Ernest Hemingway
Sonata a Kreutzer - Lev Tolstoj
Episode 23 - 3-25-2001
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Sonata a Kreutzer  Lev Tolstoj
Kim - Rudyard Kipling
Episode 22 - 3-18-2001
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Kim  Rudyard Kipling
Gli indifferenti - Alberto Moravia
Episode 21 - 3-11-2001
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Gli indifferenti  Alberto Moravia
Il giro di vite - Henry James
Episode 20 - 3-04-2001
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Il giro di vite  Henry James
Il fu Mattia Pascal - Luigi Pirandello
Episode 19 - 2-25-2001
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Il fu Mattia Pascal  Luigi Pirandello
Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury
Episode 18 - 2-18-2001
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Fahrenheit 451  Ray Bradbury
Le affinità elettive - Johann Wolfgang Goethe
Episode 17 - 2-11-2001
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Le affinit elettive  Johann Wolfgang Goethe
Racconto di un naufrago - Gabriel García Márquez
Episode 16 - 2-04-2001
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Racconto di un naufrago  Gabriel Garca Mrquez
Lessico famigliare - Natalia Ginzburg
Episode 15 - 1-28-2001
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Lessico famigliare  Natalia Ginzburg
Cime tempestose - Emily Bronte
Episode 14 - 1-21-2001
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Cime tempestose  Emily Bronte
Il corsaro nero - Emilio Salgari
Episode 13 - 1-14-2001
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Il corsaro nero  Emilio Salgari
Il giocatore - Fëdor Dostoevskij
Episode 12 - 1-07-2001
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Il giocatore  Fdor Dostoevskij
Natale in casa Cupiello - Eduardo De Filippo
Episode 11 - 12-24-2000
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Natale in casa Cupiello  Eduardo De Filippo
Il processo - Franz Kafka
Episode 10 - 12-17-2000
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Il processo  Franz Kafka
La tempesta - William Shakespeare
Episode 9 - 12-10-2000
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La tempesta  William Shakespeare
Cuore - Edmondo De Amicis
Episode 8 - 11-26-2000
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Cuore  Edmondo De Amicis
L'isola del tesoro - Robert Louis Stevenson
Episode 7 - 11-19-2000
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Lisola del tesoro  Robert Louis Stevenson
Il conte di Montecristo - Alexandre Dumas padre
Episode 6 - 11-12-2000
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Il conte di Montecristo  Alexandre Dumas padre
A ciascuno il suo - Leonardo Sciascia
Episode 5 - 11-05-2000
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A ciascuno il suo  Leonardo Sciascia
Cuore di tenebra - Joseph Conrad
Episode 4 - 10-29-2000
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Cuore di tenebra  Joseph Conrad
Il deserto dei Tartari - Dino Buzzati
Episode 3 - 10-22-2000
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Il deserto dei Tartari  Dino Buzzati
1984 - George Orwell
Episode 2 - 10-15-2000
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1984  George Orwell
Madame Bovary - Gustave Flaubert
Episode 1 - 10-08-2000
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Haven't Seen
Madame Bovary  Gustave Flaubert
Season 3  
I promessi sposi - Alessandro Manzoni
Episode 25 - 5-07-2000
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Haven't Seen
I promessi sposi  Alessandro Manzoni
Cent'anni di solitudine - Gabriel García Márquez
Episode 24 - 4-30-2000
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Haven't Seen
Centanni di solitudine  Gabriel Garca Mrquez
Orgoglio e pregiudizio - Jane Austen
Episode 23 - 4-23-2000
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Haven't Seen
Orgoglio e pregiudizio  Jane Austen
Il gattopardo - Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa
Episode 22 - 4-16-2000
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Haven't Seen
Il gattopardo  Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa
Pinocchio - Carlo Collodi
Episode 21 - 4-09-2000
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Haven't Seen
Pinocchio  Carlo Collodi
Amleto - William Shakespeare
Episode 20 - 4-02-2000
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Haven't Seen
Amleto  William Shakespeare
Candido - Voltaire
Episode 19 - 3-26-2000
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Haven't Seen
Candido  Voltaire
Il ritratto di Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
Episode 18 - 3-19-2000
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Haven't Seen
Il ritratto di Dorian Gray  Oscar Wilde
La coscienza di Zeno - Italo Svevo
Episode 17 - 3-05-2000
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Haven't Seen
La coscienza di Zeno  Italo Svevo
Frankenstein - Mary Shelley
Episode 16 - 2-27-2000
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Frankenstein  Mary Shelley
Puntata 15
Episode 15 - 2-20-2000
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Haven't Seen
Puntata 15
Puntata 14
Episode 14 - 2-13-2000
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Haven't Seen
Puntata 14
Robinson Crusoe - Daniel Defoe
Episode 13 - 2-06-2000
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Haven't Seen
Robinson Crusoe  Daniel Defoe
Il partigiano Johnny - Beppe Fenoglio
Episode 12 - 1-30-2000
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Haven't Seen
Il partigiano Johnny  Beppe Fenoglio
Siddharta - Hermann Hesse
Episode 11 - 1-23-2000
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Haven't Seen
Siddharta  Hermann Hesse
I dolori del giovane Werther - Johann Wolfgang Goethe
Episode 10 - 1-16-2000
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Haven't Seen
I dolori del giovane Werther  Johann Wolfgang Goethe
Il giovane Holden - Jerome David Salinger
Episode 9 - 1-09-2000
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Haven't Seen
Il giovane Holden  Jerome David Salinger
I tre moschettieri - Alexandre Dumas padre
Episode 8 - 12-26-1999
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Haven't Seen
I tre moschettieri  Alexandre Dumas padre
Moby Dick - Herman Melville
Episode 7 - 12-19-1999
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Haven't Seen
Moby Dick  Herman Melville
Alice nel paese delle meraviglie - Lewis Carroll
Episode 6 - 12-12-1999
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Haven't Seen
Alice nel paese delle meraviglie  Lewis Carroll
Il barone rampante - Italo Calvino
Episode 5 - 12-05-1999
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Haven't Seen
Il barone rampante  Italo Calvino
Il maestro e Margherita - Michail Bulgakov
Episode 4 - 11-28-1999
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Haven't Seen
Il maestro e Margherita  Michail Bulgakov
La fattoria degli animali - George Orwell
Episode 3 - 11-21-1999
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Haven't Seen
La fattoria degli animali  George Orwell
Lo strano caso del dr. Jekyll e mr. Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson
Episode 2 - 11-14-1999
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Haven't Seen
Lo strano caso del dr Jekyll e mr Hyde  Robert Louis Stevenson
Romeo e Giulietta - William Shakespeare
Episode 1 - 11-07-1999
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Haven't Seen
Romeo e Giulietta  William Shakespeare
Season 2  
Puntata 13
Episode 13 - 2-25-1999
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Haven't Seen
Puntata 13
Cinema e Divismo
Episode 12 - 2-11-1999
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Haven't Seen
Cinema e Divismo
Puntata 11
Episode 11 - 2-04-1999
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Haven't Seen
Puntata 11
Puntata 10
Episode 10 - 1-28-1999
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Haven't Seen
Puntata 10
Galeotto fu il libro...
Episode 9 - 1-21-1999
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Haven't Seen
Galeotto fu il libro
La donzelletta vien dalla campagna
Episode 8 - 1-14-1999
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Haven't Seen
La donzelletta vien dalla campagna
Renne o strenne
Episode 7 - 12-22-1998
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Haven't Seen
Renne o strenne
La cultura e' un quiz?
Episode 6 - 12-15-1998
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Haven't Seen
La cultura e un quiz
I libri tengono a galla?
Episode 5 - 12-08-1998
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Haven't Seen
I libri tengono a galla
Puntata 4
Episode 4 - 12-01-1998
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Haven't Seen
Puntata 4
Puntata 3
Episode 3 - 11-24-1998
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Haven't Seen
Puntata 3
Puntata 2
Episode 2 - 11-17-1998
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Haven't Seen
Puntata 2
Chi ha ucciso il libro?
Episode 1 - 11-10-1998
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Haven't Seen
Chi ha ucciso il libro
Season 1  
Puntata 8
Episode 8 - 5-18-1998
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Haven't Seen
Puntata 8
Puntata 7
Episode 7 - 5-17-1998
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Haven't Seen
Puntata 7
Puntata 6
Episode 6 - 5-16-1998
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Haven't Seen
Puntata 6
Puntata 5
Episode 5 - 5-15-1998
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Haven't Seen
Puntata 5
Puntata 4
Episode 4 - 5-14-1998
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Haven't Seen
Puntata 4
Puntata 3
Episode 3 - 5-13-1998
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Haven't Seen
Puntata 3
Puntata 2
Episode 2 - 5-12-1998
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Haven't Seen
Puntata 2
Puntata 1
Episode 1 - 5-11-1998
Italian book game
Set Title Status
Haven't Seen
Puntata 1
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