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North & South: Book 1, North & South


Streaming Episode Guide

Book III | Book II | Book I
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Book III  
The Civil War has just ended, but things in the country aren't much better, especially in the south.
Spring 1866 - Summer 1866
Episode 3 - 3-02-1994
When George Hazard learns that it's his sister-in-law who owns the majority shares in the mining operation at Mont Royal, he turns to his brother Stanley, who again does the right thing. George returns to Mont Royal with Madeline and as the new owner of the mine, makes his first act shuttering the company store. He and Madeline soon fall in love. When George learns that Bent has kidnapped Charlie's young son, he sets off to find him. He and Charlie track Bent down for a final confrontation. Back in South Carolina, George and Madeline prepare for an attack from the Klan. Ashton returns to find what remains of her beloved Mont Royal.
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Spring 1866  Summer 1866
Autumn 1865 - Spring 1866
Episode 2 - 2-28-1994
With Madeline's school burned to the ground by the Klan, they decide to rebuild. Cooper Main has discovered phosphates on Mont Royal land and with Isabelle Hazard as an investor, begins a mining operation. The conditions of work are poor, however, and the former slaves who work there are forced into another kind of servitude when they are forced to use the company store to buy their supplies, kept in perpetual debt. In Pennsylvania, George Hazard is bereft over the loss of Constance and has become obsessed with finding Bent and exacting his revenge. He has Pinkerton's men tracking him, but they always seem to be one step behind. It takes a visit from Madeline to save him from himself. Ashton has given up prostitution and is now focusing on her new husband's piano business, obsessed with raising enough money to buy Mont Royal. Charlie Main meanwhile refuses to settle down with Willa and continues to roam the West, now as an army scout searching for Scar, who killed his friends.
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Autumn 1865  Spring 1866
Summer 1865 - Autumn 1865
Episode 1 - 2-27-1994
With the war having come to an end, Orry and Madeline are living in Richmond until Mont Royal can be rebuilt, where Bent and Ashton pay them a visit. Ashton thinks it's to get money out of Orry, but Bent has revenge in mind. Ashton pushes Bent into the river and when he awakens, he can't remember who he is. Madeline relocates to South Carolina, intent on rebuilding their former home. With the help of Prudence, she also wants to build a school. George Hazard visits Madeline with a business proposition. After his visit, Madeline gets a night time visit by the Ku Klux Klan. Just as he arrives home in Lehigh Station, Pennsylvania George finds that Bent has already been there.
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Summer 1865  Autumn 1865
Book II  
The story of two friends and their families on opposite sides of the American Civil War.
March 1865 - April 1865
Episode 6 - 5-11-1986
The fighting ends with a Northern victory. Orry and George fight against each other (although not directly) in the last major battle at Petersburg; Orry is knocked out and captured...
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March 1865  April 1865
December 1864 - February 1865
Episode 5 - 5-08-1986
Charles and Orry set out to rescue George Hazard, who is being held at Libby Prison in Richmond. They make sure he gets back to Union lines and he makes it home for Christmas. As he recovers, however, he learns that a warrant has been issued for his arrest for selling faulty cannons to the Army. He goes after Morgan, the black marketeer, and his brother Stanley does the right thing. At Mont Royal, Brett has an unfortunate encounter with Salem Jones. Madeline has been continuing her good works in Charleston, helping those living in the shanty town and gets Rafe Baudeen's help when a group of young boys are taken to dig rifle pits for the army. Bent continues to dream of taking control of the Confederacy and gets Ashton to sleep with a contributor. Bent has a large stash of ammo and powder but Orry is soon onto him. An exhausted Charles visits Augusta Barclay.
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December 1864  February 1865
May 1864 - Late Autumn 1864
Episode 4 - 5-07-1986
Ulysses S. Grant is made commander of the Northern Armies, having an immediate effect but at very high costs in casualties. George Hazard, now himself a brigadier general, receives a field assignment but is taken prisoner and transported to Libby Prison in Richmond. Having been admonished to treat all soldiers with equal care regardless of what side they are on, Virgilia finds herself in trouble after one of them dies and she is charged with murder. She again turns to Congressman Sam Greene for help and is now ready to pay the price he demands of her. Now living under a false name, Madeline makes the acquaintance of a handsome rogue. Orry meanwhile has hired a Pinkerton's detective to try and track her down. With state's rights advocates continuing their battle with President Davis over his ever-growing authority, Bent sees himself as the future President of the Confederacy and recruits James Hontoon to be his Vice President.
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May 1864  Late Autumn 1864
September 17, 1862 - Spring 1864
Episode 3 - 5-06-1986
By September 1862, the South appears to be on the verge of victory. President Lincoln wants to emancipate all slaves but recognizes he needs a victory on the battlefield before he can do so. Dissatisfied with his current commander, he sends George Hazard to sound out Gen. Ulysses S. Grant on whether he would take on overall command of the Northern forces. After the disgruntled former overseer kills a runaway slave from Mont Royal, the family decides to offer safe passage to any of their slaves who wish to leave. Soon after, Ashton arrives and is shocked to find Brett and Madeline working in the fields. She also reveals to Madeline that she knows her great secret, which she will make public unless she leaves. Virgilia is now working in a Union field hospital and is admonished by the chief nurse, Mrs. Neal, to treat all soldiers the same. Charles and Billy come face-to-face on the battlefield.
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September 17 1862  Spring 1864
July 1861 - Summer 1862
Episode 2 - 5-05-1986
The ebb and flow of war has begun with victories and defeats on both sides. Brett and Semiramis make it safely back to Mont Royal, after a dangerous encounter with Northern troops. When Orry hears that Justin has abducted Madeline from Mont Royal, he rescues her and they are soon married. Virgilia meets Dorothy Dix who accepts her as a nurse on the basis of Congressman Sam Greene's recommendation. Orry needs to stop the blockade runners and is almost captured by a Northern patrol. By the purest luck, he meets George on the trail. Bent has ambitions of megalomaniacal proportions and has every intention of gaining power in the South, fully expecting his new lover, Ashton, to be at his side. His scorned former paramour puts him out of business for a while. Charles is wounded and makes his way to Augusta Barclay's farm where he recuperates. At Lehigh Station, Stanley Hazard, egged on by his ever ambitious wife and against his better judgment, gets involved in shady deals.
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July 1861  Summer 1862
June 1861 - July 21, 1861
Episode 1 - 5-04-1986
Orry and Charles, now officers in the Confederate Army, leave the Main family plantation for the war in Virginia. Orry, despite having been against secession, accepts a commission to brigadier general and begins to serve as military aide to Confederate President Jefferson Davis in Richmond. Meanwhile, George and Billy are in Washington, D.C., where they are officers in the U.S. Army. Billy joins the U.S. Sharpshooters regiment, while George also accepts a commission, though only to colonel, and becomes a military aide to U.S. President Abraham Lincoln.
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June 1861  July 21 1861
Book I  
Two friends, one northern and one southern, struggle to maintain their friendship as events build towards the American Civil War.
November 6, 1860 - April 12, 1861
Episode 6 - 11-10-1985
1h 34m
Lincoln is elected President, and George pays a surprise visit to Orry to apologize for what his fanatical sister said on their last visit and they resolve their differences, with Orry finally consenting to Brett marrying Billy. Ashton is still out for revenge and arranges for Billy to be attacked on the street, though it's not successful. She then turns to her lover Forbes LaMotte, Justin's nephew, to get the deed done, and Billy and Brett's wedding seems to be just the right day. Madeline overhears the plot and rushes to tell Orry, who tells her she will stay at Mont Royal and never return to Justin. Bent plots to run any blockade imposed on Southern ports. Orry travels to Pennsylvania to finish repaying George his investment in the cotton mill and realizes the full extent of the hatred that now exists. Confederate forces attack Fort Sumter and war is declared, forcing George and Orry say farewell, not knowing what the future may hold for their families or their friendship.
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November 6 1860  April 12 1861
Spring 1857 - November 1860
Episode 5 - 11-09-1985
1h 33m
With Madeline locked in her room and nearly starving to death, Justin convinces the doctor to prescribes a daily dose of laudanum despite its addictive qualities. Madeline is soon a very different woman: submissive and with few words to say, having little memory of her love affair with Orry and their decision to run off together. Orry and Brett travel to Philadelphia where he wants to give his good friend George Hazard his share of the profits from their joint cotton mill. Unfortunately while there, Virgilia has a confrontation with Orry over slavery. Orry and Brett leave and it will be some time before before he and George see one another. On the trip home, they are stopped by a group led by abolitionist John Brown. Ashton, now married to James Hontoon, still spends a good deal of her time in bed with her other lovers. The secession movement quickly gains ground and war is seen as inevitable should Abraham Lincoln win the forthcoming elections.
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Spring 1857  November 1860
Summer 1854 - Autumn 1856
Episode 4 - 11-07-1985
1h 34m
When the Hazards visit Mont Royal, Billy loses interest in Ashton when he sees her with another man, turning his interests to Brett. Virgilia meets James Hontoon's coachman Grady and forms an instant attraction to him. After spending the night together, she helps him run away to the North, which leads to a confrontation with Huntoon. Orry feels he has little choice but to ask the Hazards to leave. Virgilia and Grady are soon living together as husband and wife but that makes even some of the most ardent supporters of abolition uncomfortable. Billy and Charles graduate from West Point with Billy assigned to go to Washington, D.C. and Charles sent to Texas under the command of Robert E. Lee. Billy proposes to Brett, but Orry will not allow him to court her. Ashton continues to scheme her way through society and turns to Madeline when she gets into trouble. Meanwhile, Madeline's father is on his deathbed and shocks her by revealing a hidden family secret.
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Summer 1854  Autumn 1856
Spring 1848 - Summer 1854
Episode 3 - 11-06-1985
1h 33m
George and Orry's friendship is severely tested when one of the Mains' slaves escapes. Orry still travels to Pennsylvania for George and Constance's wedding, but when he hears a speech given by Virgilia Hazard at an abolitionist rally, he realizes the depth of their divisions. George's mother decides that he should assume full control at the family iron works, much to his older brother Stanley's dismay. Orry's father dies, and his first act as owner of the plantation is to fire the cruel slave overseer. Orry's cousin Charles finds himself challenged to a duel and Orry acts as his second. Orry's sister Ashton is something of a flirt and being pursued by lawyer James Huntoon. The Mains visit the Hazards for the summer, where Charles and George's younger brother Billy, who are both West Point-bound, become close friends. Orry's younger sister, Brett, takes an interest in Billy but he seems to prefer Ashton. Madeline's marriage to Justin continues to decline after he beats and whips her.
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Spring 1848  Summer 1854
Autumn 1844 - Spring 1848
Episode 2 - 11-05-1985
1h 33m
George distracts Orry, whose brooding about Madeline wrecks his West Point performance. Bent bluffs his way out of a court-martial but its president eventually bullies him out of West Point. At a party hosted by Tillet Main, Justin scolds Madeline for disagreeing with separatism and arranges for a slave to give public offense so the overseer is allowed to punish him with branding. Bent trades on his status as the bastard son of Ohio's U.S. Senator to get commissioned as an infantry captain in the Mexican-American War. In command once again of lieutenants Orry and George, he sends them on a suicide mission. Both survive but Orry is crippled for life. Constance, the daughter of the colonel who saves Orry from dying from his wounds, becomes George's true love. When George's father dies, he resigns his commission and returns home. The branded slave runs away and even reclusive Orry joins the manhunt, reuniting him with reluctant Madeline and starting their secret affair.
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Autumn 1844  Spring 1848
Summer 1842 - Summer 1844
Episode 1 - 11-03-1985
1h 33m
1842: Orry Main leaves the cotton plantation near Charleston that he's heir to on his way to West Point for two years of officer's training. On the way, he meets and falls in love with Madeline Fabray, who agrees to write to him. However, her father needs her to wed Orry's rude neighbor, rich plantation owner Justin LaMotte. Orry's letters to Madeline become intercepted by her father so she becomes susceptible to Justin's generous courting. At West Point, Orry meets fellow cadet George Hazard, son of a Pennsylvania manufacturer. The hazing lives up to its reputation, not least due to drill master Elkanah Bent, who takes particular pleasure in humbling the cadets at sword-practice, but is humiliatingly defeated by Orry. George introduces Orry to his Pennsylvania family and their iron factory. After graduating and returning home, Orry stops an overseer from happily whipping a slave, but his father, Tillet, refuses to sack the sadist.
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Summer 1842  Summer 1844
Book I  
Top 5 Episodes
Top 5 Highest Rated Episodes
November 6, 1860 - April 12, 1861
Episode 6 - 11-10-1985
1h 34m
Lincoln is elected President, and George pays a surprise visit to Orry to apologize for what his fanatical sister said on their last visit and they resolve their differences, with Orry finally consenting to Brett marrying Billy. Ashton is still out for revenge and arranges for Billy to be attacked on the street, though it's not successful. She then turns to her lover Forbes LaMotte, Justin's nephew, to get the deed done, and Billy and Brett's wedding seems to be just the right day. Madeline overhears the plot and rushes to tell Orry, who tells her she will stay at Mont Royal and never return to Justin. Bent plots to run any blockade imposed on Southern ports. Orry travels to Pennsylvania to finish repaying George his investment in the cotton mill and realizes the full extent of the hatred that now exists. Confederate forces attack Fort Sumter and war is declared, forcing George and Orry say farewell, not knowing what the future may hold for their families or their friendship.
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November 6 1860  April 12 1861
Summer 1842 - Summer 1844
Episode 1 - 11-03-1985
1h 33m
1842: Orry Main leaves the cotton plantation near Charleston that he's heir to on his way to West Point for two years of officer's training. On the way, he meets and falls in love with Madeline Fabray, who agrees to write to him. However, her father needs her to wed Orry's rude neighbor, rich plantation owner Justin LaMotte. Orry's letters to Madeline become intercepted by her father so she becomes susceptible to Justin's generous courting. At West Point, Orry meets fellow cadet George Hazard, son of a Pennsylvania manufacturer. The hazing lives up to its reputation, not least due to drill master Elkanah Bent, who takes particular pleasure in humbling the cadets at sword-practice, but is humiliatingly defeated by Orry. George introduces Orry to his Pennsylvania family and their iron factory. After graduating and returning home, Orry stops an overseer from happily whipping a slave, but his father, Tillet, refuses to sack the sadist.
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Summer 1842  Summer 1844
Autumn 1844 - Spring 1848
Episode 2 - 11-05-1985
1h 33m
George distracts Orry, whose brooding about Madeline wrecks his West Point performance. Bent bluffs his way out of a court-martial but its president eventually bullies him out of West Point. At a party hosted by Tillet Main, Justin scolds Madeline for disagreeing with separatism and arranges for a slave to give public offense so the overseer is allowed to punish him with branding. Bent trades on his status as the bastard son of Ohio's U.S. Senator to get commissioned as an infantry captain in the Mexican-American War. In command once again of lieutenants Orry and George, he sends them on a suicide mission. Both survive but Orry is crippled for life. Constance, the daughter of the colonel who saves Orry from dying from his wounds, becomes George's true love. When George's father dies, he resigns his commission and returns home. The branded slave runs away and even reclusive Orry joins the manhunt, reuniting him with reluctant Madeline and starting their secret affair.
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Autumn 1844  Spring 1848
Spring 1848 - Summer 1854
Episode 3 - 11-06-1985
1h 33m
George and Orry's friendship is severely tested when one of the Mains' slaves escapes. Orry still travels to Pennsylvania for George and Constance's wedding, but when he hears a speech given by Virgilia Hazard at an abolitionist rally, he realizes the depth of their divisions. George's mother decides that he should assume full control at the family iron works, much to his older brother Stanley's dismay. Orry's father dies, and his first act as owner of the plantation is to fire the cruel slave overseer. Orry's cousin Charles finds himself challenged to a duel and Orry acts as his second. Orry's sister Ashton is something of a flirt and being pursued by lawyer James Huntoon. The Mains visit the Hazards for the summer, where Charles and George's younger brother Billy, who are both West Point-bound, become close friends. Orry's younger sister, Brett, takes an interest in Billy but he seems to prefer Ashton. Madeline's marriage to Justin continues to decline after he beats and whips her.
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Spring 1848  Summer 1854
Spring 1857 - November 1860
Episode 5 - 11-09-1985
1h 33m
With Madeline locked in her room and nearly starving to death, Justin convinces the doctor to prescribes a daily dose of laudanum despite its addictive qualities. Madeline is soon a very different woman: submissive and with few words to say, having little memory of her love affair with Orry and their decision to run off together. Orry and Brett travel to Philadelphia where he wants to give his good friend George Hazard his share of the profits from their joint cotton mill. Unfortunately while there, Virgilia has a confrontation with Orry over slavery. Orry and Brett leave and it will be some time before before he and George see one another. On the trip home, they are stopped by a group led by abolitionist John Brown. Ashton, now married to James Hontoon, still spends a good deal of her time in bed with her other lovers. The secession movement quickly gains ground and war is seen as inevitable should Abraham Lincoln win the forthcoming elections.
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Spring 1857  November 1860
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