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User Reviews for: My Girl

CONTAINS SPOILERS8/10  4 years ago
> You'll be blessed.....Bbasya!!!

I finally managed to muster the courage to watch one of the legendary path-breaking K-Drama , another Hong Sisters drama, that has broken the stereotype with a female lead introduced as comedic-relief.

I don't know what it was exactly about this drama that really grabbed me, but when it did, I was hooked. I usually hate extreme silliness or angst, and but for a few moments, this drama did these elements perfectly. In addition, even the secondary characters' storylines were interesting and captivating. I often find myself skipping through these plot lines, but, here, even the second male lead seemed more than just an instrument of conflict.


I loved that the writers let the protagonist's relationship really develop until anything actually happens between them. It really made their attachment believable and it really caught my heart.

What really made My Girl for me, though, were the two lead actors. Lee Da Hae and Lee Dong Wook both have a fantastic sense of comic timing [spoiler] just wait until the hospital scene where Gong Chan/LDW freaks out [/spoiler], and they're both so expressive and have such diverse facial expressions that they can make an already funny scene even funnier. They're amazing at comedy, and really, just amazing actors, period. Even when the drama starts turning more serious and high-stakes, they're able to deliver comedic, serious, sweet, touching, and tearful moments as required, often going rapidly back and forth between the funny and the serious. Together, they're even better. They play off of each other incredibly well, and their chemistry, too, is one of the things that really made this drama what it is. I'd say that their chemistry rivals that of many often-praised kdrama couples: think the sizzling sexual tension from Secret Garden, mixed with the overwhelming cuteness of My Princess, and you have Seol Gong Chan and Joo Yoo Rin in My Girl.


Lee Dong Wook and Lee Da Hae really impressed me with their acting skills. Lee Dong Wok was amazing in this role and he didn't play the character as too cold and arrogant, but just right.
Lee Da Hae has done her role in a perfect way; I haven't noticed any mistakes in her performance although her character fell into the usual dumb lead Korean female in some point but I really liked the way she lied; it was very believable and super hilarious. I often find the childishness of the leading women in Kdramas annoying, as I feel it makes them look downright stupid, not cute. Yet Lee Da Hae's portrayal of Yoo Rin was unexpectedly endearing and funny. The only other character that reminds me of is Cha-Young from Vincenzo almost 2 decades later.

The only OST is also a bit on the cheesy side but that didn't stop me from singing along with it. Really, it's contagious! XD . Though it might not make my personal playlist as some drama OSTs do .. I do remember it being used in other shows around the same time.VERDICT

This drama was very well done from beginning to end. It fell into the typical drama cliches at times, but had several twists to keep you going. Again, there were some of the dreaded angsty episodes toward the end where everyone just cries a lot, but overall it exceeded my expectations. The overall plot was very creative, creating a beautifully done forbidden love (**Not so forbidden in certain parts of the world where cousins ...actual cross-cousins marry** ).

My only main complaint with this drama is the shallow, poorly written second female lead (a common feature of Hong Sisters dramas/kdramas in general, unfortunately- think You're Beautiful, just for starters), and the poor acting with which said poorly written character was executed. Aside from this, I loved My Girl, and Lee Dong Wook and Lee Da Hae alone make this worth watching again and again.

Overall, this is a hilarious drama, well worth watching for its simplicity, clever humour and well developed romance. Some scenes will stay in my mind forever like the orchard scene, the moving elevators or the romantic farts of Mrs In-Sun. I really recommend this drama! .
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