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User Comments for: Lost

Jaykerr8 says...
11 years ago
As someone who's been a major fan of many TV shows for years and years, and someone who only got into Lost a few months ago: Lost is the greatest thing to ever have been televised. Seriously. Nothing has ever been so immersive, atmospheric and ambitious as this show. It had me gripped from start to finish, and I was genuinely satisfied by the ending (it's incredibly misunderstood). There has never been a TV series as big as Lost, and there may never be again.
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Reply by Bassieh
9 years ago
Totally agreed with those words!
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Reply by micksack
7 years ago
@jaykerr8 imagine wasting 7 yrs on that show only to find out [spoiler]they were all dead all along. How great is it then[/spoiler]
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Reply by buddhalou
7 years ago
@jaykerr8 It's definitely up there among some of the greats. Don't think it would be at the very top of my list, but pretty close, especially back when it was originally broadcast and even when you first posted this in 2014, maybe. What really makes it stand out is that this show was on a broadcast network and not cable, which is where most of the really quality series are these days. Speaking of which, if you liked this, check out The Leftovers if you haven't. I'm just going to assume you've watched Westworld. If I'm wrong, it's damn fine, as well.
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Reply by Jaykerr8
7 years ago
@micksack My belief that the journey is more important than the destination aside, they weren't dead the whole time. Really. [spoiler] The 'flash-sideways' in season 6 was a sort of limbo, but everything in S1-5 plus the island sections of S6 really happened to the very alive survivors. [/spoiler]
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Reply by Jaykerr8
7 years ago
@buddhalou I was on a Lost high when I wrote my initial comment, which is probably obvious. Though after watching it for a second time recently, it's still fantastic. There are a few shows I hold closer to my heart, but Lost is in another realm completely. I watched The Leftovers recently and completely adore that, too. Its writing has Lindelof written all over it - an ambigious, interpretive narrative with human nature at its core. Haven't got around to Westworld yet, though it's on my radar!
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Reply by -Parzival-
6 years ago
@jaykerr8 out of more than 120 shows it's still at #3 in my personal ranking. Loved it to death. The end is absolutely brilliant and completely misunderstood. Especially when you consider that it was written at the end of Season 1. And it still fitted so perfectly. And I rarely get so involved and emotional like I did with Lost.
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Reply by MrSuehtam-deleted-1603481590
5 years ago
@micksack [spoiler] They were not dead. Everything that happened in the series really happened. The plane crashed in the first episode, at the end of the fourth season some of them leave the island, then return. In the last episode some of them escape on the plane while Jack dies. It all happened.[/spoiler]<br /> <br /> [spoiler]Those flashes (alternate reality) from sixth season is actually their "life after death". Some kind of paradise, or a transition place for to test them, to see if they were ready for heaven, or something like that.[/spoiler]<br /> <br /> [spoiler]They are just dead in those flashes. Because at that moment, everyone has died. Basically the flashes of the sixth season are flashforwards. Because it all happens in a future where they have already died. Jack already dies in the last episode, Kate and those who escape in the end, may have lived a long life in their homes and died very old. But the moment they are in the church, they are dead.[/spoiler]<br /> <br /> [spoiler]Then, no. They are not dead the entire series. Only in the flashes of last season.[/spoiler]
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Reply by 1RV34
one year ago
you should give Person of Interest a shot too then :)
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Reply by Morbiusthe3rd
one year ago
@micksack They weren't though<br /> https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/1io09v/eli5_what_is_the_the_ending_to_the_tv_show_lost/
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