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3000 Leagues in Search of Mother


Streaming Episode Guide

Season 1
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Season 1  
Back to Genoa with Mama
Episode 52 - 12-26-1976
After the recovery, Marco's mother can resume normal life. The Mequinez family, out of gratitude, gives the ticket to Genoa to both of them, with the promise of returning to Argentina.
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Back to Genoa with Mama
Mama's Smile
Episode 51 - 12-19-1976
The long journey is over. The residence of the Mequinez is now visible and Marco reaches his mother.
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Mamas Smile
Run, Marco, Run!
Episode 50 - 12-12-1976
Exhausted and under the snow, Marco is collected by a young man on horseback. On the way, a local elder has his nephew take him to Tucuman.
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Run Marco Run
Mama is Calling Me
Episode 49 - 12-05-1976
Having lost his donkey, Marco has to walk on foot.
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Mama is Calling Me
Don't Die, My Burro
Episode 48 - 11-28-1976
The journey to the village of Tucuman proves to be more hard than expected.
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Dont Die My Burro
Mama Lives at the Foot of the Mountain
Episode 47 - 11-21-1976
After traveling for days, Marco leaves the group of herdsmen to get to Tucuman.
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Mama Lives at the Foot of the Mountain
The Trip on the Oxcart
Episode 46 - 11-14-1976
During the journey, Marco falls ill for a few days and the herdsmen who take him with them must take care of his recovery.
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The Trip on the Oxcart
Going North
Episode 45 - 11-07-1976
The train attendants find Marco during an inspection and the boy ends up going down thirty kilometers from the destination.
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Going North
Helping Fuana
Episode 44 - 10-31-1976
The house is not inhabited by the person Marco is looking for, but by an architect. The man, who appreciates the efforts of the little traveler, also offers him the money to travel to Tucuman.
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Helping Fuana
Somewhere in This Town
Episode 43 - 10-24-1976
To raise some money, Pablo looks for work in the fields. Unfortunately, the period is the wrong one and so he tries his luck fishing.
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Somewhere in This Town
A New Friend, Pablo
Episode 42 - 10-17-1976
Mequinez had moved long before Marco's arrival in Córdoba. In the town, Marco meets a boy named Pablo and develops a strange relationship with him.
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A New Friend Pablo
If I Could Go Home with Mother...
Episode 41 - 10-10-1976
Marco strengthens his resolve to find his mother after his chance meeting with a woman and her children during the train ride to Córdoba.
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If I Could Go Home with Mother
La Estrella de Italia
Episode 40 - 10-03-1976
Marco gets turned away at the door at the mansion in Rosario. Federico scrounges up enough money to cover Marco's train fare to Córdoba.
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La Estrella de Italia
Rosy Dawn in Rosario
Episode 39 - 9-26-1976
The captain becomes angry about Marco getting a free ride to Rosario, but changes his attitude upon discovering that Marco is a fellow Genoese.
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Rosy Dawn in Rosario
Mama's Hardship
Episode 38 - 9-19-1976
Marco learns the deep extent of his mother's patience when he meets her cruel former employer before setting out to sail once again.
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Mamas Hardship
Endless Journey
Episode 37 - 9-12-1976
Marco arrives in Buenos Aires, only to discover that his mother had already moved on to Córdoba.
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Endless Journey
Farewell, Bahia Blanca
Episode 36 - 9-05-1976
The news of his mother brings Marco's time with Fiorina closer toward its end. Marco starts working at a coal mine to cover his travel expenses.
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Farewell Bahia Blanca
Mama's Handwriting
Episode 35 - 8-29-1976
Marco meets a vagrant in town. After hearing his story, the man gives Marco a letter from his mother as well as new information on her whereabouts.
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Haven't Seen
Mamas Handwriting
I Want to Go Back to Genoa
Episode 34 - 8-22-1976
Peppino's words have no effect on Marco. When Fiorina expresses her concern, Marco breaks down crying that his mother is probably already dead.
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I Want to Go Back to Genoa
Mama is Not Here
Episode 33 - 8-15-1976
Marco visits Mr. Moretti soon after arriving in Bahía Blanca, but he provides no information on his mother or uncle's whereabouts.
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Mama is Not Here
Saying Good-bye
Episode 32 - 8-08-1976
An Italian immigrant family suggests paying Mr. Moretti a visit for possible information on Marco's mother.
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Saying Goodbye
A Long Night
Episode 31 - 8-01-1976
Peppino and his troop stay the night in an abandoned place with a caved-in roof. Marco and Peppino decide to keep quiet about a harrowing encounter.
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A Long Night
Old Gaucho Carlos
Episode 30 - 7-25-1976
Marco and his friends are able to make their way to an inn after Carlos repairs their carriage.
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Old Gaucho Carlos
Snow Falls
Episode 29 - 7-18-1976
Marco and his friends finally find shelter after running out of water. Gaucho Carlos revitalizes the group with hot food and wonderful music.
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Snow Falls
The Barbossa Ranch
Episode 28 - 7-11-1976
Fiorina's heart breaks further as Peppino decides to write the death of Marco's mother into the puppet play to elicit more emotion.
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The Barbossa Ranch
Fiorina's Tears
Episode 27 - 7-04-1976
Peppino has an idea to start a show based on Marco's life. Fiorina breaks down and cries for the real Marco during practice for her role as Marco.
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Fiorinas Tears
To the Pampas
Episode 26 - 6-27-1976
The day has come to leave for Bahía Blanca.
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To the Pampas
The Peppino Troupe Makes a Big Hit
Episode 25 - 6-20-1976
Peppino and his family decide to accompany Marco to Bahía Blanca.
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The Peppino Troupe Makes a Big Hit
Fiorina is Waiting
Episode 24 - 6-13-1976
After being left with absolutely no information on his mother's whereabouts, Marco hears a rumor about a familiar puppet show in the area.
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Haven't Seen
Fiorina is Waiting
Another Mother
Episode 23 - 6-06-1976
Marco is at his wit's after losing all his money. Then he hears about a woman named Anna who has been taken to the hospital, and rushes to see her.
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Haven't Seen
Another Mother
The Town Where Mother Is
Episode 22 - 5-30-1976
The ship finally arrives in Buenos Aires. The person who knows Anna's whereabouts has run away, and Marco loses all his money to a pickpocket.
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The Town Where Mother Is
Rio de La Plata
Episode 21 - 5-23-1976
Marco begs for the ship to go faster after waking from a terrifying nightmare.
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Rio de La Plata
The Stormy Night
Episode 20 - 5-16-1976
Six days after leaving Rio, the ship sustains heavy damage due to violent weather.
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The Stormy Night
The Shining Stars of the Southern Cross
Episode 19 - 5-09-1976
The ship Marco boards in Rio is full of sick people and the meals are dismal. Marco meets a lost little boy named Nino aboard the crowded ship.
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The Shining Stars of the Southern Cross
The Immigrant Ship to Rio
Episode 18 - 5-02-1976
The ship arrives in Rio de Janeiro. Marco's friends help him look for another ship headed to Buenos Aires.
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The Immigrant Ship to Rio
Neptune's Revel
Episode 17 - 4-25-1976
Marco grows fond of his new life aboard the ship.
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Neptunes Revel
The Young Cook
Episode 16 - 4-18-1976
The head cook is touched by Marco's love for his mother and takes him under his wing.
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The Young Cook
The Forgole
Episode 15 - 4-11-1976
Marco is discovered by Leonardo, but the ship's head cook is impressed by his persistence. Pietro learns the extent of his son's determination.
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The Forgole
Marco's Decision
Episode 14 - 4-04-1976
When Marco reveals that he'd meant to be on the ship to Argentina, Pietro begins laying the groundwork to go himself.
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Marcos Decision
Good-bye, Fiorina
Episode 13 - 3-28-1976
Joy over the group trip to Argentina is cut short when Renato goes back on his word. Marco gives Amedeo a letter for Anna and entrusts him to Peppino.
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Goodbye Fiorina
The Airship
Episode 12 - 3-21-1976
Marco once again considers going to Argentina. Emilio asks Renato to help Marco get to Argentina after having huge success with his ice cream sales.
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Haven't Seen
The Airship
A Letter from Mama
Episode 11 - 3-14-1976
Fiorina must put on a show alone because everyone else is ill. Just as she gets safely through it with Marco's help, bad news arrives about Anna.
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Haven't Seen
A Letter from Mama
Mama is in Buenos Aires
Episode 10 - 3-07-1976
Concetta goes out on the streets despite having a cold. Her symptoms worsen, but the family can't afford a doctor. Marco goes to the clinic for help.
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Haven't Seen
Mama is in Buenos Aires
I'm Sorry, Papa
Episode 9 - 2-29-1976
When Marco shows Pietro's friend the way to the hospital, he is touched to discover his father testing a new treatment on himself to save a patient.
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Im Sorry Papa
The Peppino Puppet Troupe
Episode 8 - 2-22-1976
Marco's monkey delights onlookers by dancing in the puppet show. Peppino the puppet master invites Marco to dinner to show his gratitude.
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The Peppino Puppet Troupe
Watching the Ocean from the Roof
Episode 7 - 2-15-1976
Poor Marco can barely see the ocean from his new place. He goes from roof to roof to find a better view and meets Fiorina the puppeteer along the way.
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Watching the Ocean from the Roof
Marco's Payday
Episode 6 - 2-08-1976
Marco has an ominous dream about his mother, and he worries when there is no new letter from her.
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Marcos Payday
My Good Friend, Emilio
Episode 5 - 2-01-1976
Emilio helps Marco get a job washing bottles after school. Marco's father Pietro buys him a world map and the two bond for the first time in a while.
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My Good Friend Emilio
I Hate You, Papa
Episode 4 - 1-25-1976
Marco wants to work to help his mother come home sooner, but his father won't listen.
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I Hate You Papa
Sunday at the Harbor
Episode 3 - 1-18-1976
Marco sets out on his first job to deliver an urgent letter for Gina. A fun day at the beach begins when he finally returns in the afternoon.
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Sunday at the Harbor
Marco, a Boy from Genoa
Episode 2 - 1-11-1976
A year has passed since Anna left. Marco thinks about becoming a postman after receiving a letter from her on the day his older brother visits home.
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Haven't Seen
Marco a Boy from Genoa
Mama, Don't Go
Episode 1 - 1-04-1976
Nine-year-old Marco is thrilled to go on a family picnic, not knowing that it will be the last one before his mother Anna leaves Italy to work abroad.
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Mama Dont Go
Top 5 Episodes
Top 5 Highest Rated Episodes
Old Gaucho Carlos
Episode 30 - 7-25-1976
Marco and his friends are able to make their way to an inn after Carlos repairs their carriage.
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Haven't Seen
Old Gaucho Carlos
Another Mother
Episode 23 - 6-06-1976
Marco is at his wit's after losing all his money. Then he hears about a woman named Anna who has been taken to the hospital, and rushes to see her.
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Haven't Seen
Another Mother
Mama Lives at the Foot of the Mountain
Episode 47 - 11-21-1976
After traveling for days, Marco leaves the group of herdsmen to get to Tucuman.
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Haven't Seen
Mama Lives at the Foot of the Mountain
My Good Friend, Emilio
Episode 5 - 2-01-1976
Emilio helps Marco get a job washing bottles after school. Marco's father Pietro buys him a world map and the two bond for the first time in a while.
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My Good Friend Emilio
The Forgole
Episode 15 - 4-11-1976
Marco is discovered by Leonardo, but the ship's head cook is impressed by his persistence. Pietro learns the extent of his son's determination.
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The Forgole
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