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User Comments for: Words on Bathroom Walls

jmg999 says...
2 years ago
I found this to be only a somewhat accurate depiction of living life w/ [spoiler]schizophrenia[/spoiler]. I wish that the script had focused more on the side-effects of the drugs used to treat it, b/c this is why many people stop taking them. The side-effects can cause a state akin to losing all sense of self and feeling, and one of the more prominent drugs used to treat this condition actually has a nickname for this state, b/c it's so prevalent. When Adam [spoiler]stops taking his meds, the script indicates that he does so due to the fact that he was unable to properly taste his culinary cuisines. Yet, that would've been a lesser effect than the actual state that he was in. The other thing was, when he began taking the meds, he seemed to perk up, become almost happy, which is not the effect these drugs have. They simply keep the visual and auditory hallucinations at bay[/spoiler]. I really wish that the film had focused more on the actual nature of the disorder rather than the dramatization that was portrayed.
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