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User Reviews for: An Uncommon Woman

/10  2 years ago
'An Uncommon Woman' is forgettable.

It's actually more amusing in (sparse) moments than I would've anticipated, though overall this 2009 film isn't anything that's worth viewing unfortunately. I was interested enough for the first hour, though the final 40 or so minutes really do drag - and there's no pay-off for it either, as the flick ends with a serious whimper.

Of the cast, Georgette Paré and Serge Henry do well - both are positives. The rest of them don't have all that much to work with as Paré and Henry are the leads, though relatively speaking Bamba Bakary manages to standout out behind 'em. All in all, the acting talent is satisfactory - the script et al. is what lets them down, to be honest.
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