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User Reviews for: Underworld: Awakening

5/10  a month ago
> "I heal INSTANTLY"


==Takeaway== The dialogue and action is sometimes unintentionally funny or outright hilarious, and the film should absolutely not be watched straight, but as a B-movie with great visuals. The first time I watched it, on Netflix way back, I was disappointed but not terribly surprised, otherwise I would have watched it in the theater at leat once, but this watch was a lot of fun.

It's really clear what you're getting into as soon as you watch the setup for this one, directly following a series recap. This is a big budget version of a straight-to-video sequel that got a theater release.

==The Good==

It really does feel like a bunch of video game cinematics, but that also works as praise for just how pleasing the general aesthetic of the film is, as all the Underworld films do take after the original at least in production design, costuming, and general set design elements. This one actually has what I think is the coolest looking "evil laboratory" setting, and the CGI and matte paintings are really nice, with great texture work where most people probably didn't notice it was composite work. (I only noticed because I know what to expect from production design, and the fact that digital composite set dressing, when done well, can look _too_ good, like some of Guy Ruchie's stuff, which I actually like the look of compared to real life).

The crypto chamber shots with Kate are especially noteworthy, and the surreal, hyperrealistic sheen and tone of the shot—the way her skin just kind of subtly glows—surrounded by digital effects, just looks super cool. The camerawork shines during these kind of shots, and during the action, which, while often ridiculous, is easy to follow, and the film doesn't cheat with lots of fast closeups.

I won't put on airs—Kate Beckinsale is still absolutely stunning in that catsuit, even with a wig and a bad makeup artist. And the number of shots of her lying on the ground with one leg pulled up, or where she's crawling on all fours in that shiny latex suit are glorious.

I still maintain that Kate is the master of natural-looking stuntwork, both in how she clearly is an expert (I did not notice a single shot where it even hinted at a stunt double, so also credit to the action director et al.), and how she takes the expected pose and expression for the manoever she just executed, down to the subtlest detail. It's not like she's a Shonen anime protagonist, trying to look cool and completely unperturbed no matter what happens. When she twirls for cover, she looks wary. When she lands, you feel the impact. When it's an easy jump, she lands in a prissy, ladylike stance and smoothly transitions into a strut. It's marvelous.

The rest of the stuntwork was also pretty great.

Um. Bear-Gorilla Lycan? Is that a good thing. I mean, it's not a spoiler, because that's not actually what it was, but it sure did look like it. Lycan hand was also really stupid, and thus really funny.

The practical effects (gore, mutilation, blood) and CGI transitions are excellent, and the Lycans were actually quite good. The street chase with the ferals had impressive motion and connection to the objects interacted with. It wasn't perfect, but getting from 90% to 100% is magnitudinally more difficult, especially with that amount of action and interaction.

==The Bad==

Unlike _Rise of the Lycans_, which was surprisingly great, and dramatically satisfying, this one—while being remarkably coherent, free from plot holes AFAI can tell, and easy to follow—is awkwardly directed, with most of the dramatic moments coming off like a first take amateur production, despite the raw acting chops of the actors involved, and the editing during these scenes doesn't help.

The wirework is often pretty hinkey and really obvious. There are some CGI objects that the animators don't seem to realize that objects being thrown through the air don't accelerate, amusingly, like the wire work. There are some gratuitous use of effects mostly CGI) that don't really work, and come off as cheap.
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CONTAINS SPOILERS3/10  5 years ago
Le vagyok döbbenve.
Én azt vártam, hogy ennyi év után - én még többet is kihagytam, mint mások, akik rögtön megnézték, amikor kijött -, hogy majd olyan jó lesz visszatérni ebbe a világba... Jó kis vérfarkas-vámpír öldöklés, Selene badass-sége, egy jó alapsztori.
Erre kaptam ezt... ezt a nem is tudom mit. Komolyan nem is tudom mit mondjak. Annyira szeretem az első filmeket... Mint mondtam bármikor megtudnám nézni őket újra, mert olyan jó kis kellemes "klasszikusok". De ez... nem tudom.
Ezzel az új 'emberek irtják a "fertőzötteket"' téma nekem valahogy nem jött be. Nem is értem miért kellett belehozni ezt... bár az elején logikusnak gondoltam, mert ugye [spoiler]a második rész végén megölik Alexander Corvinust, aki eddig végig takarított a fiai és annak leszármazottai után, úgyhogy nagyon nem volt az embereknek mit felfedezniük, és így, hogy ő meghal, már senki nem csinálja ezt[/spoiler]. De ez végülis így nem lett megemlítve egyszer sem, és ahogy a film végére értem már kételkedtem, hogy a készítők egyáltalán ezen okból kifolyólag irányították a történetet erre, vagy csak azért mert... menő. Vagy nem tudom, tényleg... Ez a vírusos dolog, meg a gének keverése.
Mindesetre Selene még mindig badass, és nagyon bírtam, de most azt hiszem még jobban irritált a Michaelhöz-való ragaszkodása, még ha egy bizonyos ponton meg is értem.
Theo James egy üde folt volt ezen a... nem-tudom-min. Ezen kívül a nyomozót is egészen csíptem, de a többi új szereplő nem adott hozzá semmit, hogy élvezni lehessen. Maga az egész történet vezetés kuszának tűnt, és össze-visszatákoltnak és a végén csak ülsz és arra gondolsz, hogy ennek semmi értelme nem volt.
A harci jelenetek nem voltak olyan rosszak.
Ennek ellenére szeretnék erre a részre úgy gondolni, mintha meg sem történt volna.

_U.i.: Úgy néz ki, hogy ezzel a készítők is egyetértenek, legalábbis amennyire kitudtam ezt venni az új film trailereiből. Ami miatt nem mellesleg nagyon izgatott vagyok és már alig várom! *.* Fűzök hozzá reményeket._
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Reply by Mr. Sackamano
5 years ago
@bluenadine I don't know what that says but I like it :smiley:
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4/10  2 years ago
Well this sucked
What the Hella.
This franchise has officially gone to Hell in a hand-basket. They were never really all that to begin with not 20 odd years later anyway but Kate has kept these watchable and the last one evolution was pretty darn cool and exciting.
This however was actually piss poor and the cgi was terrible, how in the blue Hella can it be so bad when they nailed the vfx with the last installment.
This was such a nosedive from the rest of the franchise and the production value looked straight
to dvd funding.
What a rubbish boring story, the hole well everything is just crap and the way now humans are the death dealers and all other species are basically fcuked, yeah now that's where my suspended disbelief ends,
Vamps and Lycans would wipe the humans out if it came down to us and them.
They would mass turn humans on a grand scale and
the humans wound not stand a chance.
These Hybrids are so not all that when they literally should be unstoppable and no single species should be able to stand against them. Viktor was over powering Lycans with one hand and taking them apart like they were new born puppies, he even took Michael as a Hybrid down with somewhat ease and Selene has great difficulty in dropping normal Lycans,
Absolute BS.
And how they've now made the hole plot about her finding Michael is utter bollocks, her just running around thirsting for Michael is laughable at best and total Garbage at worst. She's literally got every species on the planet trying to take her out and all she's focused on is Oh Michael I'm so in love with you, absolute Trash story arc. Oh and when they got their asses handed to them at the Coven I knew it was Lycans not humans I could bleeding hear them growling and stomping about, but everyone else, Vamps at that insisted it was humans.".really..really"
I think not, what a load of rubbish.
By the way as if that Daddy Lycan can't regenerate 2 fingers back, not much of an upgrade.
The end was slightly watchable barely but it doesn't save how Garbage this movie is.

Jesus they've dropped the ball with this one and I am so glad they stopped with the next one which happens to be the best of the franchise. They definitely stopped when they needed to because this franchise is officially dead and buried after this piss poor installment.

When the well has run dry you have to know when it's time to say....

"Enough is Enough"
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Andres Gomez
/10  6 years ago
Repetitive script for a very badly done mass up of FX. In addition, the cut of the movie is not properly done with scenes that seems to be unrelated one after another.

They should have left it after the first, good movie.
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John Chard
/10  6 years ago
I dreamt of the day we would meet. Like a silly little girl. You're as cold as one already dead.

Popcorn bonanza as the Underworld series passes by in a whirl of effects driven action. Kate Beckinsale returns as super sexy - latex wearing - vampire Selene, after having skipped the third movie, here added into the mix is that Selene is searching for her hybrid daughter, while the pesky humans are intent on wiping out all vampires and lycans.

Cue carnage. The story is very slight, the script equally so, where pretty much all roads lead to another action scene. So Selene leaps about a lot amongst blood, brains and beasties, the later of which fronted by a new giganticus hulkus werewolf. No actor in the film is asked to stretch their acting chops, but for fans of the series and action junkies in general, this is undeniably a good fun movie. 6/10
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