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User Comments for: Undercover Punch and Gun

Saint Pauly says...
8 months ago
Like a typesetting kit: lots of characters but no real story.

This Hong Kong production feels like a low budget, made-for-TV effort with poor directing, cheap sets and a needlessly overpopulated cast to furnish a ridiculously underexplored scenario.

An undercover cop has to fight to make this movie look believable and no plot hole is too big that he can't throw disposable characters through it whenever they become inconvenient.

Things I learned watching UCP&G:
1. If you tase somebody in the back with a hand taser, they will be in a coma for 36 hours, minimum.
2. Metal in a microwave is like TNT.
3. Real snipers close their eyes and feel the distance before pulling the trigger.
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