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User Comments for: The Tomorrow War

Magenof says...
4 years ago
Started off as a half decent action movie till the truly horrible third act.

Why would the government not help kill them under the ice, they were quick enough to believe 'the future people'? Just so you can have your small group of outcasts save the world? Why go through more than half of the movie to help 'the future people' and then barely use what you fought for, the toxin? Terrible writing.
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Reply by Paladin5150
4 years ago
@magenof - Sorry the plot was too complicated for you to comprehend. She discovered the toxin, but, it would have been nearly impossible to kill all of them in the future, as by then they had proliferated throughout the ENTIRE earth and had decimated it. Her plan ALL ALONG was for her Father to take the toxin back and stop the entire war from ever occurring by killing them all at the source, which it turns out, was a crashed space ship buried under a Russian glacier. They started' injecting them one by one, but the entire nest woke up, thus necessitating the cancer merc detonating the entire ship, killing all but the few who got out, (taken care of by Pops), and the Queen. Though they were unable to put her down conventionally, eventually, he was able to hand deliver the coup de grace, by shoving a vial straight down her throat. Buckwheats for her, boat drinks all around for everyone else. Government didn't want to help because, like with Vietnam, the populous had become fed up with the whole affair, and the optics weren't particularly good for a covert mission into hostile Russian territory on an unproven hunch. But, he "knew a guy", that could get them there, and the stranded mercs from the future were down to finish their mission, which they did with aplomb. Hope this helped clarify your confusion. Glad to help.
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Reply by Magenof
4 years ago
@paladin5150 Thanks for taking your time to write a synopsis of the stupid third act so people know what I'm talking about.
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Reply by Paladin5150
4 years ago
@magenof - No problem! It's what I do.....
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Reply by cwintermeyer
4 years ago
Absolutely spot on. I couldn’t have said it better myself.
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Reply by ner0p
4 years ago
@paladin5150 _Her plan ALL ALONG was for her Father to take the toxin back and stop the entire war from ever occurring by killing them all at the source, which it turns out, was a crashed space ship buried under a Russian glacier._<br /> Except nobody knew the crash site and they discovered that by chance, so she didn't really have any plan - or maybe she just forgot to tell her dad, maybe. <br /> <br /> When put into writing, the movie does really seem a lot more stupid than on film, apparently Chris Pratt was either out of options or doing a favor to someone at the studio.
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Reply by Paladin5150
4 years ago
@ner0p - Yes, future daughter didn't know where the origin point was, nor even that it was a CRASH site. She simply figured that her father could take back the toxin, have it mass produced, and then hit them when and where they first emerged, which they knew was SOMEWHERE in the artic region of of Russia. But even in the future, they had never been able to pinpoint it. Wifey deduced that, if they had never spotted a LANDING site, then they must be looking in the wrong time frame, and that maybe they had been on earth MUCH LONGER than they thought. This led the father back to cancer merc, who had the claw around his neck. When the chubby biology guy examined it under a microscope, he discovered Chinese volcanic ash, which led them to high school volcano nerd, who pinpointed the ONLY eruption that could have deposited Chinese volcanic ash in Russia, which led them to the Russian glacier. Magnetic anomalies with their snowmobile LCD readouts parked them on top of the buried spaceship, which they explosively excavated (yes, very silly) and upon entering it they THEN discovered the non monster aliens who had been transporting the creatures for unknown reasons, but had CRASHED on earth. (maybe not even their original target). So maybe not a cogent "plan" on her part, but as she stated, basically a timey whimey hail Mary.<br /> <br /> Don't MOST sci-fi movies seem more stupid ( I prefer SILLY) on paper than the end visual product? That's why it's called "science-FICTION". Suspend disbelief and just let the Chris Pratt vibes flow through you........
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Reply by ant9090
4 years ago
@magenof lol, you must be one of those people who believe the government is a confident, entity that is there to protect us not protect itself. It’s more realistic, that while the world governments are collapsing and the threat of global nuclear war is present, they would be operating in a way such as this and do the least efficient thing possible.
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Reply by ner0p
4 years ago
@ant9090 "realistic" lol<br /> That's probably one adjective that you should refrain from using when describing *anything* about this movie.
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Reply by fd8s0
4 years ago
@magenof because, if you pay attention to the scenes the entire movie you can see how they try to save on budget, scenes with entire armies cost money, earlier when they first land you can see a very funny part where they film the creatures and the humans being chased but they are never both in the same shot up to a very short scene at the end... in any case, I thought a lot of the story was set up badly but in the end it makes more sense than most, and to your point of why the government not help... because at that point "there is time" and they prioritise their international politics since the urgency of the issue is decreased, think climate change and how much the governments are actually helping when we know the future is screwed but other things always seem more urgent to the short term government at the helm
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Reply by balazs955
4 years ago
@magenof Seeing that we "fight" climate change for 20 years now, I'd say the writers hit the nail right on the head with that one.
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