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User Comments for: The Red Pill

xovertheyearsx-deleted-1536604376 says...
8 years ago
I wasn't sure if I wanted to watch this at first. A film about gender politics and the Mens Rights Activist group going head-to-head with Feminism seemed, well, boring and bad. I was so wrong. This film digs deep and peels away at the hidden, and highly misunderstood, layers of how not only women and men both view each other, but the societal impact it has had and the problems it continues to propel. I was left in this sense of heart broken awe that I've never experienced before. This is NOT a film about the MRA. This is a film about Gender Politics and the problems that have arisen because of those political debates. This needs to be shared and watched with as a many people as possible. We have so many issues to work though in this world, and if we can't even learn how to work together in the most basic and fundamental ways, then I feel that we are ultimately doomed as a species and as a whole.
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