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User Reviews for: The King's Man

CONTAINS SPOILERS7/10  3 years ago
The origin story itself is interesting. But for a very long beginning, the pacing is weird. Just a succession of short scenes with varying time lapse in between. Until the Rasputin fight that just feels endless as it is such a radical change of pace. After that it's more or less normal.

More serious than the previous ones, which is ok. Golden circle was really wtf. Only the villain association is a parody, that almost looks out of place. Is it because of Brexit that England hates Scotland so much that they'd make a scottish caricature villain the way US used to do with Russia ? And even make him responsible for World War. A bit sad that you can guess who the villain is as he is basically [spoiler]the only other named character in the movie[/spoiler].

Plot is a bit long to start, until they really get into the action. Afterwards it's classic spy half comedy stuff.

The villains are interesting, with a huge part being Rasputin. The Rasputin fight is really good. Ralph Fiennes does a good job but the character is not the most interesting. Thankfully the supporting characters makes up for it. Mostly Shola and Polly but even Conrad has an interesting arc at war (otherwise meh, mostly stupid).

A rather surprising end for [spoiler]Conrad[/spoiler]. Didn't see that coming and that's always a huge plus in a movie.

The final attack on the rock is a bit long and less interesting, but still ok.

It does a good job as entertainment, and at setting up potential sequels. Could have been a tad bit shorter.

A bit weird that the Kingsman founding team, an agency supposed to be avoiding politicians, includes the king himself. And also a random soldier that only ended up there because he was the same clothes size as Conrad...
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