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User Reviews for: The House at the Edge of the Galaxy

/10  6 years ago
Ever wonder what is at the edge of the galaxy? Well, there is this house there with a lonely boy inside. There is no record of how long he’s lived there and spends most of his time waiting, for what is not certain. In The House at the Edge of the Galaxy we not only get to observe this solitary existence, but he gets a special visitor. This local short, written and directed by Gleb Osatinski, takes us to this enigmatic world that leaves open interpretation for the audience.

The whole piece feels very dream-like. There are certain points when the camera creeps around the house, which can give one the feeling that they are disembodied and observing the little boy. It also establishes how big and empty the house is that he is living in, which adds to the feeling of solidarity. The astronaut even felt something out of a dream and the lesson he gives the little boy is something that we can all relate to or take away from.

It is a very beautiful short that seems very simple on the surface and gives the audience something to personally ponder on afterward. As alone as the boy was, the last shot shows neither he or anyone else

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