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User Reviews for: The Circle

CONTAINS SPOILERS6/10  5 years ago
Kind of literally OK. What I would say straight off the bat is that if you've been drawn to this film because it stars Ross Noble, just be aware that (and this isn't really too much of a spoiler) his character doesn't stick around much beyond the opening credits, sadly.

This film was clearly made on a limited budget but the polish was pretty high considering. I liked the twist in the ending although [spoiler]it did seemingly make the rest of the preceding film redundant - unless you read the slightly malevolent smirk on the harbour-master at the end as a sign that it actually _did_ happen[/spoiler].

The mythology of the storyline was quite good, but the setup of the core group of people (the professor and students) didn't seem like a believable collection to be going on an archeology trip together. The writers tried to tick the American teen stereotypes (the jock, the nerd, the slut) but with a British take, however they didn't really work and felt generally one-dimensional - not to mention that their characterisation was a little inconsistent at times, especially the dynamic between "the jock" and "the slut".

That said, overall, it was an enjoyable enough 90 minutes, even if the acting was occasionally a bit hit-and-miss. Somehow _The Circle_ managed to be greater than the sum of its parts, with a pretty satisfying ending.
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