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User Reviews for: Something in the Woods

/10  6 years ago
This is some sort of Christian Bigfoot movie. Not something you see every day, I know. It's about a rural family in the late 1960s who have a Bigfoot on their property. The father is determined to defend the homestead, the mother wants to move, and the younger of the two sons wants to make friends with the furry guy. Eventually it becomes clear that either the Bigfoot or the family has to go.

The plot is not bad. The creature itself looks surprisingly good, and the movie does a good job of showing you enough of it throughout but saving its face for the last few minutes.The dialogue, for the most part, is not bad.

But there is one, terrible problem with this movie: The acting. Every single actor - and I use that term loosely - in the cast is positively dreadful. I don't know who these people are or where they came from, but you would probably find more acting talent in your local high school drama club than among this cast.

The production values aren't bad. Nothing is really bad about this movie, except the acting, which is so bad I can only give the film 1-1/2 stars. It gets an astonishing amount of very high reviews and ratings, which are usually followed by accusations of those reviews having been paid for. If you like Bigfoot movies, or Christian movies, or are just curious to see any movie that has a peculiar mix of 1 star and 10 star reviews, then see this. Otherwise - don't.
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