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User Reviews for: Night of the Living Dead

3/10  3 years ago
I've watched the original black-and-white version from 1968 and found it barely "spooky"…certainly not "scary" by today's standards. Somehow for the past 32 years, I've managed to miss this 1990 remake and could have easily gone at least another 32 years without watching this vile load of tripe. But nooooooooooo... with George A. Romero and Tom Savini's name headlining it, I fired this baby up preparing to be blown away by fast-moving zombies, extreme gore, and a truckload of gut-munching grotesqueries. I could not have been more wrong. What should have been a simple reboot of the original turned into a joke, a laughingstock, a steaming pile of whale dung that deserves the scathing reviews it has evoked over time. The plot holes were big enough to pilot a C141 cargo transport through, the acting was absolutely atrocious - even Tony Todd blew chunks here - and the zombies looked like cookie-cutter clones. I was absolutely amazed at (1) how refreshingly live and unscathed these "back from the dead" looked…I guess most of these undead either managed to walk that _"200 miles from the nearest place to get a beer"_ or they were buried in the nearby cemetary in their bib overalls, jogging shorts, Levi jeans, housedress, or whatever else they happened to keel over in. I think I saw two of the "undead" that were actually in what appeared to be burial clothes (i.e. suit/tie or formal dress). It's just simple stuff like that that you notice when you watch enough movies...and in a case like this, that oversight was glaringly obvious. Although there was (obviously) a cemetary nearby - where "Barbara's" mother had obviously been buried - none of the zombies that were surrounding the place seemed to have come from there. Or else there had been some sort of plague and all of them had died suddenly within the past 36 hours because I didn't spot a single rotting corpse. As I mentioned, seeing Tom Savini's name at the top of the credits, I was expecting some of the absolute best in special effects and gruesome zombies but these looked like Walmart Nov. 1 half-price Halloween costume specials. Utterly ricidulous and very disappointing. As far as the story, the increased hostilities between "Ben" and "Cooper" did nothing except irritate you. In a situation like this, vying for power would have (in all likelihood) been the LEAST of anyone's concern, and the whole "I'm the boss up here, you're the boss down there" schtick was just beyond silly: it was downright STUPID. As a "gorror" fan and especially having an affinity for good zombie movies, I would strongly advise ANYONE to avoid this smelly carcass. It's not even "so bad it's funny"; it's just BAD. Rotten smelly stinking bad. What a humongous disappointment.
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