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User Comments for: New Nightmare

Acoucalancha says...
one year ago
Freddy goes meta!

The draft version of *Scream*? The first indication being the "alone in a house with a stranger calling" scene playing out just like a *Scream* movie at the beginning. Then we get a bunch of meta stuff and it starts to resemble *Scream 3* with the Stab stuff in Hollywood. It doesn't commit to the metaness enough though, even abandons it at times and ends up feeling half-baked. I do appreciate the different approach from the other movies in the franchise, it's just bad execution.

If you stop comparing it to *Scream* it's still an incredibly generic horror movie. Filled with horror clichés that are used in the most obvious ways. Horrible design for Freddy, his face looks like The Creeper (*Jeepers Creepers*). There's one scene I really liked and it's the cemetary one. Terrible third act. A similar third act that worked wonderfully is [spoiler]*Child's Play 2*[/spoiler]. This one was absolute crap!
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