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User Reviews for: Macabre

/10  5 years ago
Macabre is a constantly flowing, dialog-free short with a very interesting art style and an underrated plot.

Without diving too much into the plot to avoid spoilers, this dark and heavy, animated short is all about endurance, transformation, and maybe even escape. Even just for the visuals alone, it's worth the twenty minutes it takes from your day.

The lack of dialog really puts the focus on the actions of the film, and every minor detail stands out because there is no dialog to trick you into thinking you can look away for a moment, not that you'd want to.

While I can't say this is the easiest short to follow, which is likely by design and is basically just not slapping the viewer in the face with the story as some dialog-free shorts tend to do, it's short and fun enough to to be viewed a few times over.
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