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User Comments for: L7: Pretend We're Dead

Bronson87 says...
2 years ago
Let's start with the fact that this is an official documentary about L7, and not a cheap "fan-made" pile of shit. It's crazy to think that this didn't come out in the '90s; this means L7 was just sitting on all of this footage for years.
What do we get? Loads of road hijinks, live footage, television appearances, old interviews, guest spots from peers, the works!
I was a fresh teen during the grunge era, and I liked L7 - especially hits like "Shitlist," and "Pretend We're Dead" - but I was never a big fan. That being said, people who are into L7 are absolutely going to love this.
An odd detail about this is there is no new footage of the band members from the time this was released, instead we have narration that feels more like a commentary track. In a way I liked that, however it left me with a weird detached feeling.
At one point, Donita - I think - describes L7's career as rags to riches to rags, and that's the melancholy truth. Look, the documentary is pretty sad toward the end, but that's just part of the journey, I suppose.
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