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User Reviews for: In the Heights

5/10  4 years ago
In the Heights isn't perfect. Lin Manuel Miranda's self indulgence is well on display. It's not enough for him to cameo and get a number, he has to meaningfully pop up next to Usnavi's loved ones as part of his motivation for his big choice, is randomly there for Anthony Ramos to stare lovingly up at for a strangely long time in Carnival del Bario, and gets the _post credits scene_. Every time he was on screen I winced. Can he just chill for five seconds? Where was I?

Oh, yeah. His other flaws show too. www.theroot.com/lets-talk-about-in-the-heights-and-the-erasure-of-dark-1847064126 This article and interview sums up the inexcusable erasure of darker skinned black Latine in a movie about a community filled with them. And his actions in Puerto Rico cast a shadow over the film's progressive aims, the liberalism of talking a good talk but walking the other way.

But the joy of this film still rises above. From the choreography and visuals (96,000 is a standout) to a charming cast led by Anthony Ramos, there's still a sense of unbridled passion to it all. A passion for the Heights, a passion for the musical and musical film. I can't lie and say there wasn't a giant grin on my face through the ending. And I personally think many of the story changes enhanced the story and kept it fresh, giving extra depth to characters like Sonny and Vanessa. Just because we critique and interrogate something doesn't mean we can't feel seen by it, and I think many Latine people will do both. There's worth in that.

But the responses of many black and Afro-Latine people show the limits of LMM’s approach. They even cut out the subplot of Nina’s dad not approving of Benny because he’s black, as if afraid to touch the issue of colorism that infects the film. The gay rep is just sad, and notably despite Sonny and Graffiti Pete being originally written as gay, LMM did not take this opportunity to finally show that. This film, as joyful as it wants to be, is a shining example of how we do need more than the Crazy Rich Asians and the In The Heights. We should demand more.

You know what screw this bumping it down to two and a half stars, it’s just inexcusable.
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