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User Comments for: Grizzly Man

Matthew Brady-deleted-1534855046 says...
7 years ago
"If I show weakness, I'm dead. They will take me out, they will decapitate me, they will chop me up into bits and pieces I'm dead. So far, I persevere. I persevere".

Timothy Treadwell - How foolish he may seem, but at heart, a great and lovable man. I admire his courage, even if it was recklessness. The tragic death of Treadwell and his girlfriend still makes me sad thinking about it.

This documentary is perfect for someone like Werner Herzog, who's on the same wavelength as Treadwell. Herzog different outlook on life which many people find strange, but daring.

There's a part in the documentary where you see Werner listening to audio recording of the fatal bear attack, while the cap on the camera is still on. You don't hear the actual audio, but his reaction alone was so effective and haunting, even imagining what he heard gives me chills.

I recommend checking it, however not an easy watch, so beware.
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