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User Reviews for: Fudget's Budget

/10  5 months ago
"Dedicated to all those people who manage to live within a family budget". Set against a background of graph paper, we meet "George" and "Irene Fudget". He works and she keeps house - including paying all the bills and keeping their family on an even keel. Is it all so simple, though? "Irene" had one passion - and that is hats. "George" likes his golf, to walk off his paunch. Should they economise? If so - what to cut out? Where do they stop? Luckily, he gets a promotion and quickly their spending starts to match their new income - a new television, dancing, trips, a new car. Storm clouds are gathering though and what happens when things start to go wrong? The children grow; the house needs some attention and soon, well where's the "Fudget Budget" now? Loans? Sinking ships? Gambling? No more hats...? It's quite good fun, this - it demonstrates just how precarious even the most meticulous of planning can be when the unexpected happens and though the quick-fired rhyming narrative annoys a bit at times, it does make you think.
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