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User Comments for: Friday the 13th Part III

iVcente says...
5 years ago
This film deserves most of its credit due being the one responsible for giving us the iconic look of Jason, what a great idea. Congrats to whoever had this insight, made him the most famous and recognizable horror icon in pop culture. I liked the kills and the variation from one to another. Other than that, the movie is just bad. The daylight scenes are really boring and the dialog lines are questionable. The pacing is kinda slow. This movie has its charming and deserves to be watched, I just liked the previous ones more. Also, don't go inside that shed, it's a death sentence.

Not only that, you have actors pointing out objects to the screen for no particular reason other than trying to accomplish several 3D effects to sell more tickets at the time I believe, or they were trying to bring something new to the genre which did not really work. I don't know. It's bad and annoying but it does provoke some laughs.

The soundtrack is amazing! I never would have thought in this choice of music for a horror movie, but I liked, so funky.
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