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User Reviews for: Fantastic Four

CONTAINS SPOILERS4/10  10 years ago
Here is the main reason Ultimate Fantastic Four was not a good basis for the new move "Reed's abilities allow him to stretch his brain in order to accommodate and solve almost any problem thus making him effectively a human computer."

WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even if that was possible why would stretching your brain make you smarter?

Replacing FF's Origin with Quantum Teleportation is as bad as when TMNT were going to be Aliens. Also "It's clobbering time" holy crap this is used for no reason by Ben's "brother"/ fellow orphan. The Teacher/Judge is a joke of a character; how is a machine that makes something disappear and reappear not science? He is just there to (in a badly executed way) put Reed down to have Dr. Storm finally bring him up. Victor von Doom is already evil/anarchistic maybe? Johnny totals his car (that he built from scratch; does he mean modded) and dad wont give it back (maybe pay to have it fixed). Horrible premise to have Johnny join the project. So their first organic test is chimpanzees? Polarized sunglasses to block the high intensity flash? Both of those seem totally legit. For how futuristic they made it they have 1950 style space suits? They try to explain their mutations with fire, brown rocks (but he turns orange) , blue light/radiation and Reed stretches right after being exposed (maybe that did it). They are in the middle of New York and no one else is effected so apparently only they were exposed to enough radiation? They get taken to one of those secure facilities that people can easily escape from (that are all over movies and TV). Reed was bouncing old emails accounts off satellites!?!?!?!?!?! What are the emails for? Reed made a high-grade suit that helps control his abilities in a Jungle workshop? Johnny said listening to Dr. Storm caused him to become what he is now but, that is wrong, It all happened after listening to Victor (unless he is blaming being part of the project as why he became the Human Torch). Why did they send non exposed people (maybe this is Dr. Allen trying to get more powered people)? They do not give any basis for Doom's flawed sense of Justice; he just says Dr. Allen shouldn't have the power (this is right for the original character but he is only shown as a jerk in the movie). So did he create a black whole or a portal beam thing (I say it is a gravity well). Where and why (in this story) does he get the cloak? So basically Reed, Sue and Johnny can't control their powers without the suits until they finally need to defeat Doom. Movie assumption based on movie assumption; he made the portal thing and they are linked so he needs to be defeated before it will close? "It's Clobbering time" used in a different context and no real basis why Ben would say it. Also base at the end is an FU to Marvel's Avenger Base and New York's Baxter Building.

The wiki describes 35 minutes of the movie in 2 sentences and that includes everything interesting that happens (what would normally be a 5 minute or less montage). AND THEN the origin story actually starts and takes 30 more minutes till the second act starts. They just tag on Sue having force field powers (maybe invisibility and force fields are both supposed to be psionic?)

multiple continuity errors. Sue almost puts earbud back in then decides to keep talking and doesn't; a few seconds later it is in her ear between cuts.

Hopefully the sequel goes the way of Green Lantern 2 or Amazing Spiderman 3.
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