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User Reviews for: Devil's Island

/10  10 months ago
When Sheriff "Thompson" (Cliff Yates) visits a remote New York State island home, he discovers that the occupants have died. Three years later, their grand-daughter "Sam" (Elaine Alexander) decamps from her Las Vegas home to this windy and chilly house where she seems quite intent on living a solitary life. Well, luckily for us watching, it's not quite as dull a paint drying - but it's not a great deal more animated. The first twenty minutes recycle themselves a bit too frequently - lots of nice pottering around the lakes, the stormy weather, the wildlife - just no Sir David Attenborough to augment with some detail. Things do get a touch more interesting though when she espies a boat that seems to be spying on her? A peeing Tom? A disgruntled neighbour thinks the sheriff. She knows nobody though so whom could she have annoyed? "Michael" (Kristjan Sokoli) is one of her few contacts locally, but he has an habit of appearing to "check in" unannounced so might he be the suspect? Is he up to something? As we proceed this supposedly idyllic environment develops into a home for creeps and weirdos that would make better for the set of an Hammer movie. The denouement is rushed, incomplete and the whole thing seems like it's missing about twenty minutes of plot/character development and a fair slew of context for this increasingly unfulfilling scenario. It's an attempt at an horror mystery that falls flat at just about every juncture and really isn't much worth watching, sorry.
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