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User Reviews for: Dead Man Walking

9/10  11 years ago
I am for watching this film for so long, I'm glad that I finally did it!

Dead Man Walking is about a man on the death row and a nun that tries to help him find a way to salvation but contrary to what we might think this film is not focused only on religion. This story is above all about two people who create a friendship through the most unlikable way and also about finding redemption.

The subject matter of this film is maybe one of the most controversial and sensible themes that can be addressed ever. Are you in favor of death penalty? Are you against death penalty? This story will make you think about this two questions throughout the whole film.

The events are announced step by step and the two sides of the story are presented to us without taking any particular side. It makes you take your own conclusions, never pushing you into any of the sides and that's what I loved more about this film! You are free to believe and judge whatever you want the way you want.

Susan Sarandon give an absolutely intense and amazing performance as Sean Penn. Some of their scenes together are so powerful, specially some of the last scenes, will be hard to make you contain some tears.

Tim Robbins did a fantastic job directing this powerful film!
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