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User Reviews for: Dangerous Lies

CONTAINS SPOILERS6/10  5 years ago
Kind of obvious but still entertaining. Mediocre plot from start to finish. Like a lot of movies in this genre, there was more potential but they went for a pretty obvious route.
[spoiler] The minute Hayden showed up it became clear to me that it was him behind everything. They tried to throw in a twist with the 'Adam could've known the guy who robbed the diner' arc, couldn't sway me from my own suspicions. A plus in this story was that the female detective knew that Katie was innocent and tried to offer her a lifeline.
The ending was awful. Up until that shoot out between Adam and Hayden they had the suspense, I feel like they wrapped it up way to fast and why would Hayden want to drag this out? He could've killed Leonard, searched the house top to bottom and left. He didn't need to show his face over and over to Katie. The diamonds weren't THAT hard to find. Katie stumbled upon them.
Also, in four months time (at the end) we see Katie - now pregnant - working in her garden because she stayed in the murder house but whatever, and it hasn't rained in that entire time and she hasn't used the sprinklers or watered the flowers in any other form for four entire months thus not exposing the diamonds that are LITERALLY right THERE?! It's details like this that make or break a movie for me. [/spoiler]
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