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User Comments for: Camp Harlow

ithinkdifferent says...
8 years ago
This one was interesting. The main character starts off as a mean girl, [spoiler]but becomes a Christian and renounces her sinful ways[/spoiler] after a week at Camp Harlow. [spoiler]Too many movies (_Facing the Giants_, _Grace Unplugged_) feature a protagonist who finds God, and all of a sudden he/she has the perfect life. Not so with Alex; her father is mad at her for becoming a Christian, and her friends leave her. However, she does end up with a significant other, which kind of undoes that.[/spoiler] While it's definitely not the best Christian movie I've seen, trust me when I say I've seen a lot worse: _C Me Dance_, _Hollow_, etc.

Content Concerns: I won't do my usual listing; the only thing I'll mention is that the young women in this movie, including the Christians, have a penchant for wearing short shorts. While modesty seems to be encouraged at the camp--[spoiler]Alex is prohibited from wearing a bikini[/spoiler]--it still may be inappropriate eye candy for some male viewers.

Score: 3.5/5
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