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User Reviews for: Bully

6/10  12 years ago
This is an important documentary but I keep watching these 'worthy' types of films and coming away frustrated. There always seems to be so much more that they could and should cover. No idea how its mark is so high here or on imdb.

I was amazed that the film completely brushed over the on-line aspect of bullying, which is surely far more harrowing than the 'school bus journey' that they agonised over for so long

There was very little detail or insight as to the truly vicious nature of some of the bullying - weak kid getting pushed into a locker is nothing new, nor is gay people being called 'fags' etc. Yes it's wrong, but it's always happened and always will.

Where was the insight into the mindset of those doing the bullying, and the analysis of the new techniques they employ to ensure the victim suffers not just at school, but at home too - something which has surely led to the increase in teen suicides? I got the feeling the film was trying to stir emotions by making us feel sorry for the victims, but I already feel sorry for them, I don't need 90+ minutes of by the numbers documentary making to accomplish that. I also suspect the makers either were scared to actually make any kids look bad, or failed in their attempts to get even one to open up. Either way it is disappointing. Is it just me that thinks putting a camera man on a bus will automatically mean anything that happens from that point on will be altered to the point of irrelevance?

Bully offers very little insight and even less substance in relation to potential solutions and methods of dealing with both the act and its effects. The wishy washy school teacher roaming the halls wringing her hands didn't cut it.

I've seen this called the most important documentary of the year - it should have been, but clearly isn't. It's a film that should have had the power to change a bully's mindset should they see it, as it stands I suspect it's more likely to send them to sleep.

Even Family Guy's treatment of the issue was far more effective and thought provoking (as in http://familyguy.wikia.com/wiki/Randy_Fulcher), and that's a pretty damning indictment.
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