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User Reviews for: Bohemian Rhapsody

9/10  6 years ago
Rami Maleks acting is perfect, mimics, moves... you can see that he was into Mercury element! But also L. Bonyton played great as Mary, G. Lee as Brian and B. Hardy as Roger. So for acting cast has 10 from me! However since this is biopic there were slight changes in timeline (when Mercury found he has AIDS). Also if you ask me since we saw a lots of movies whit duration of 3 hours, since Bohemian Rhapsody song was 6 minutes long and since they skiped a lot of interesting points as during their tour in USA Brian collapsed as he was diagnosed with hepatitis (in movie other members are presented as polite guys and only Mercury was freak - but hepatitis did not came by itself), or their famous free concert in Hyde park London where 150.000 people listen them, or album Jazz and Don't stop me now song from that album that showed great vocal posibillities of all band members, or Game tour in Argentina where they had audience of 300.000 fans or Live in Rio, and what about collaborations... 1st time with Bowie in Under Pressure or Caballe in Barcelona... and what about the end and The show must go on...
So 45 minutes are missing... I do not care about Mercury's sex life as critics would like to see. If you ask me I enjoyed go to movie with my kids and show them what kind of music their parents were listening... as there is no band as Queen and probably will not be for a long time in future! For missing some important scenes from Queens great life I give 8. So all toghether it is great movie that I enjoyed watching and afer I came home ofcourse I tourned youtube and watched once again Queen at Wembley at Live Aid!
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