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User Reviews for: A Wrinkle in Time

5/10  6 years ago
My god... Does Ava DuVernay know that you can actually zoom out a camera? I've never seen so many "closeup" face shots in a single movie in my entire life. I'll never be able to get Oprah's giant-sized face out of my mind...

As for the movie itself, It's a bit all over the place. Some parts and themes are very well-done, such as Meg's journey to accept herself, while others are really half-baked (especially the relationships between Meg & Charles Wallace, Meg & Calvin, etc). Too many things just get thrown together or just suddenly happen by sheer "coincidence" without a solid lead-in or development. This could have definitely used some additional scenes and runtime to flesh characters and their relationships between each other out a bit more. Reese Witherspoon's character is actually my favorite of the 3 "Mrs."'s. Oprah and Mindy Kaling's characters definitely did not hit home.

Visuals were pretty stunning for the most part, but sometimes went a bit too overboard. Don't even get me started again on the cinematography and editing... This movie definitely had potential and I was excited to watch it, but it just misses out on some major points. It was enjoyable overall for the visual fest and seeing the world of **A Wrinkle in Time**, but other than that it is just an average film. I'd temper my expectations for sure. 5/10 as it is just an average movie...

Apparently this is just the third $100+ million budget movie directed by a woman. I'm not sure that Ava DuVernay's movie is going to help buck that trend...
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CONTAINS SPOILERS3/10  6 years ago

This is movie is pretty much an excuse for Oprah to be bigger than everyone else in the film.

No, really.

The casting director on this should be shot. All performances felt so, very, incredibly fake. The only believable character was played by Chris Pine. EVERYONE else we come across is just awful. It could be the writing, the directing, etc, but the actors seem to be at fault here. It seemed so important to them to have a diversified racial palate of actors, that maybe they were just looking for a race, as opposed to an actual performance. I am not being racist, just look at the film and you will see what I mean.

The visuals were ok, but clearly very CGI. They didn't even try to get the lighting right on many parts, and that disgusts me for what this movie (original story from the book) could have been.

There is no development. You are thrown into these weird, unexplained characters, with a moody, but yet expressionless character (Meg). Then all of a sudden, they are on another planet, with some random dude joining them (Calvin), then suddenly the mothers (whatever the shit you call the big 3) disappear. Like. Why are they even in the movie? Idk.

I want my time back.
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Nancy L Draper
2/10  6 years ago
They had an exceptional multifaceted diamond and they replicated a rhinestone Happy Meal toy - glitzy today, forgotten tomorrow. I couldn't be more disappointed with the producers, director and screenwriter of this movie. Full disclosure, my life has been enriched by the world of Madeleine L'Engle. I discovered her writings in college and quickly devoured as many of her novels as I could find. Even reading WRINKLE again, 35 years later in anticipation of the film, I was totally captivated by her world view, philosophy, theology, scientific brilliance and her grasp of the struggles of childhood, and, indeed the world. All that was sublime about her writings was stripped away in this production and replaced with mundane imitations. The quotes of Mrs. Who, drawn from the great minds of time, were replaced by post-modern or contemporary banality. The awesomeness of Mrs. Which was reduced to a Disney fairy godmother. The excentric muddle that was Mrs. Whatsit was stripped of her very essence. And, the exceptionalness of Charles Wallace and his special connection to his sister were totally lost in this film (and what possessed them to make him adopted?). Whole plot lines were abandoned and the story was transformed to something unrecognizable. The themes of character, right, perseverance, courage, faithfulness, faith and wisdom were cast aside for a weak new age drivel about self exceptance, which missed L'Engles point entirely about self-worth being built on finding our strengths in our weakness. That said (Ok, that ranted) you can't fault the actors. They gave good performances of what they were given. Storm Reid is an absolute jewel and I look forward to seeing more of her. Special effect were laudable, but the variety of worlds was lost. Few time have I given a film a worse rating - I give this a 2 (terrible) out of 10. Do your kids a favour - DON'T take them to this movie and ruin the experience of L'Engle's wolds. Instead, buy them the book(s), or better yet, read the book to them at bedtimes. That was how L'Engle wrote it, each chapter a bedtime read for her kids, aged 7, 10 and 12. [Family Adventure SciFi]
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/10  5 years ago
Let me start by discussing my history with this story, both in book and celluloid form: I was recommended the original novel in second grade, but couldn't get into it; I was too enthralled by computer games and television for it to interest me. In sixth grade, my homeroom teacher made it required reading; I was a bit hesitant to try it, but, when I did, I enjoyed it so much that I read the sequels later on in middle school, even though it wasn't required. To this day, that's the only book that was required reading for my entire class--at **any** point in school--that I actually liked. When the ABC telefilm came on, I started to watch it...but, then it got too late, and I had school the next morning, so, I taped the rest...and never watched it. Later on, I got the DVD from the library, but, it took multiple attempts to finish it. As an adult, I read/listened to the entire _Time Quintet_ again, and it still held up, even though I wasn't too enthused by L'Engle's other works, especially _A Ring of Endless Light_, which I didn't care for even in DCOM form. When I heard that _Wrinkle_ was getting the big screen treatment, I was curious what the House of Mouse would do with it; would they bring new life to it like they did the Muppets, or would they butcher it like they did _Star Wars_ with _The Last Jedi_?

Unfortunately, I have to say that this falls into the latter category. To me, the best thing about this film was seeing Rowan Blanchard (_Girl Meets World_) in a role that was very different from Riley Matthews. If only she had gotten more screen time. The rest of the movie falls flat. Oprah Winfrey's performance was awful; while Reese Witherspoon and Mindy Kaling were attractive, they also were just awkward here. The flick also takes too much liberty with the novel; so much so, I'd hate to see Ms. L'Engle's reaction to this if she were still alive. As it is, she probably was turning in her grave at this movie's release. Not only was the story butchered, but the Christian elements were removed as well. Fans of the books who are also part of the Way will likely be disappointed by that. Yes, the special effects were good, but, you can get that pretty much anywhere these days.

In short: Go read--or listen to--the book and its sequels; don't even bother with this mess.
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/10  5 years ago
Oh man, if I'd at any point ever had any faith at all in _A Wrinkle in Time_? I would have been **sorely** disappointed. Which is a shame on both counts, because it would be great if a film targeted at young people with both complex ideas **and** multiple women of colour in lead roles could have been like... Good.

_Final rating:★½: - Boring/disappointing. Avoid where possible._
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